Cyber Monday Hawaii Deals:

Hawaii Retains Indoor Mandate As Airline Mask Rules Uncertain

Ige says masks stay on for now. Flight attendants too want masks to remain. But what do consumers say?

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62 thoughts on “Hawaii Retains Indoor Mandate As Airline Mask Rules Uncertain”

  1. Thanks for the updates! I am 69 years old and have found masking to be easy and good for me…no drama, no politics, no colds, flu nor Covid for two years. I will continue to mask up indoors (like grocery stores) probably forever. If others don’t want to, that is fine with me. Please just don’t give me a hard time and go forward with respect for everyone.

  2. I don’t really understand why Gov. Ige would retain the mask mandate with so few cases, and when all other states will have abandoned it. If cases rose, I suspect that people would start masking up on their own, or he could reinstate it.

    1. It’s a small island chain 2800 miles away from anything that’s why. People coming from all over the world. It’s not Idaho

    2. Lee,
      Open google earth. Google your location, then google any of the hawaiian islands and you will quickly realize Why. Millions come from All over the world to Hawaii. Its not like Texas, Idaho, or even washington. Its a set of islands in the middle of the pacific ocean 2800 miles from the nearest land or US state.

  3. You have to wonder how there are different restrictions if Ige is following “the science”. I hate that phrase, but as a physicist, I understand it.

    But with so much data saying that taking masks off are okay, why Ige continues to mandate them is beyond me.

    I’ve said before that he’ll be termed out so he’s gone soon, but a recall could not happen soon enough.

  4. Who knew that once Governor’s implemented covid emergency powers that they’d continue to exercise those powers when there’s no longer an emergency.


    1. A least one person knew 73 years ago.

      “We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.”
      – George Orwell, 1984 (Published 1949)

  5. The majority of us in Texas have been mask-less for almost 2 years. How long are you willing to accept the restrictions based on lies?

    1. Hawaii is Not the open plains of texas that has states all around it. FFS people its an island chain in the middle of the pacific ocean. I dont get why yall dont get that.

      1. “The open plains of Texas” really? 7 million packed into Houston area alone (and three other large metro centers) not to mention the pouring in of untested immigrants on a daily..and a huge hub for international travel and energy. If any State should react to an impact from COVID, it would be Texas, yet they recognized early on this whole thing is a political sham. Ige needs to step off his throne and get back to reality, people on the islands are sick of this! Stop the nonsense. Aloha.

  6. Perhaps we might commend to the good Governor a suggestion from world recognized author Isaac Asimov.

    “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.”

  7. If masks work, why aren’t masks working?

    You can smell cigarettes thru them… if they worked, covid would have been stopped in May 2020. 🤷‍♀️

    Florida again it is. Even California is a better choice. 🤦‍♀️ Sad!!!

    1. We went to French Polynesia this year and May never go back to Hawaii. Tahitian culture actually like Americans and made us feel very welcome! Maruuru!

  8. I hope and pray that they drop the mass mandate ASAP. Please follow the CDC guidelines and not fear.

  9. I’m a Texas High School teacher. We’ve had in-person classes last year and this year. We dropped mandatory masks about a year ago. We’ve never had to close due to Covid since returning in August of 2020.

    So… will I be wearing a mask if I don’t have to? Nope.

    I did the mask thing on a Hawaiian trip with my parents in February. I’m hoping to take my daughter, son-in-law, and young grandkids for Christmas. The trip will be a lot easier and more pleasant without masks.

    1. I live in Texas. During the recent Delta & Omicron variants, Texas hospitals were overrun with unvaccinated patients. The death rate was quite high.
      COVID isn’t over, approximately 1 billion people have been vaccinated; so we have 8 billion to go.

      1. Evan it was proven that the hospitals were not overrun with dying unvaccinated patients. If you have the Texas Department of Health report on your claim please post the link here. I forget links aren’t allowed. Just tell us what Texas authority gave you those statistics please. Thank you.

      2. Evan,
        I mean no offense at all with any of my comment below.
        I am sad that there are so many people in the hospitals and also the amount of deaths.
        I do not understand however, your comment about how many people left to get vaccinated.
        Do you believe that the vaccination is a cure or will prevent people from getting covid? All the vaccine does is lessen the severity of the symptoms if one should catch covid.
        Just wondering.
        Have a great day.

      3. Evan, please stop spreading this nonsense. I’m in Texas. My family works in the medical field and this was all propaganda by the media. Now that we have a new crisis in the news, Covid will slowly drift away as it should have 2 years ago.

      4. Texas, USA?
        Because hospitals were never overrun here.
        Please don’t make things up – it confuses the discussion.


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