Hawaii: Safe Haven Has New Rules As Omicron Brews

Hawaii: Safe Haven Has New Rules As Omicron Brews

Hawaii began rebounding once again on November 1 and it has been very busy here in the islands. Plus there are new rules starting tomorrow. But now with the Omicron variant brewing, all bets are off as to what’s next. And just where does Hawaii stand?

International travel seems set to return to a hold status; Hawaii looks better and busier.

It is not clear what is going to happen next in Hawaii if worries about the new variant continue to proliferate. Previously, we were anticipating some slowdown in Hawaii travel when international travel resumed, especially starting in spring, 2022. Plans for a fast rebound of international travel, however, now look grim.

Travelers and the airline industry appear ready to retrench and move their focus from international back to domestic leisure travel. In a word, Hawaii.

Hawaii is America’s safe haven. 

Here in Hawaii, domestic travel has already nearly recovered to pre-COVID levels. That has been aided by the November 1 governor’s edict telling visitors to resume Hawaii vacations and by tomorrow’s upcoming relaxation of COVID rules statewide. As of December 1, many statewide regulations have been dropped, and each island is free to establish its own rules. Governor Ige said, “while we are moving forward with updated emergency measures, we must remain vigilant.”

Regarding Omicron in Hawaii, Ige said, “Hawaii has a robust surveillance system. Our State Laboratories Division has the capacity to conduct whole genomic sequencing to detect variants. We have not seen the omicron variant here in Hawaii as of this morning, but we are closely monitoring the situation and will identify the variant as early as possible should it show up here.”

Hawaii travel remains relatively easy and predictable in spite of the somewhat cumbersome Safe Travels rules. Those provide an exemption to quarantine with either vaccination or 72-hour testing, per strict requirements.

Throughout COVID, Hawaii has had among the lowest rates in the nation, according to the CDC.

New rules start December 1 but seem certain to remain in flux.

Statewide restrictions on bars and restaurants will end tonight, as the governor repeals his executive order that sets restrictions. In Honolulu, there will be no capacity restrictions on businesses. Maui’s mayor is still reviewing restriction changes. And today, Kauai announced new rules.

Kauai rules starting December. 

Beginning December 1, events and social gatherings can grow in size. These will now be permitted up to 100 persons outdoors or 40 persons indoors before special testing or vaccination requirements. Larger events will need to have an event coordinator to verify vaccination or testing within 24-hours. The county will no longer monitor those events.

Since each island can make its own rules, you can check the Oahu rules found here, Maui rules found here, and Big Island rules found here.

Safe Travels and mask mandates remain.

While many Hawaii COVID restrictions are being eased, the state has no plans to eliminate either the Safe Travels program or the all-island indoor mask mandate.

Hawaii cruises remain on hold too.

As we’ve mentioned previously, the state is not prepared to welcome the return of cruise ships to Hawaii ports for the time being. They could return early in 2022, although that is not certain. The Safe Travels program has never been adapted to cruise passengers, as will be required before ships can return.


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28 thoughts on “Hawaii: Safe Haven Has New Rules As Omicron Brews”

  1. So if on 12/01, Kauai is relaxing it’s rules, do you anticipate Kauai will not go back to pre-arrival testing – the bane of my existence!

    1. Hi Barbara.

      It is our sense that “if” pre-travel testing resumes, it won’t be at a local level, but more likely at a national level. Who knows.


  2. It makes no sense to not test the vaccinated that fly in. Everybody should be tested. The Vaccine does not stop the spread it only helps prevent serious symptoms. Those vaccinated may not get symptoms but still carry the virus and pass it on. The only way to not get it is to not have it. Test test test if you test negative you can’t spread it. Wake up.

    1. JF… Agree BUT it depends on how you define “testing”. For instance, testing within 72 hours of flight by a “Trusted Partner” is the bane of my existence as there isn’t a single Trust Partner in our state that does Rapid Results. We have to drive 7 hours to get Rapid Results! If they would just back off on the damn Trusted Partner thing, we have dozens or more places we can test that would be accepted by Hawaii.

  3. its inevitable that omicron will get there due to the short-sighetd policy that doesnt test vaccinated people

    same as australia

      1. I agree … to keep everyone safe, ALL travelers (vaccinated or not), should be tested prior to entering Hawaii because the omicron variant was first detected among fully vaccinated travelers in Africa.

  4. Is this is our life now? Every sore throat, cough or sniffle is going to require lockdowns and/or surveillance? It’s already been stated many, many times this Omicron (not to be confused with the 1963 movie Omnicron) is very mild. I don’t understand why after 245 years of America’s existence that we now have to run and hide whenever a virus is detected. There must be some clandestine reason, because I know it’s not for our health. Do I sound frustrated? I would hope so, after almost 2 years.

    1. “Omnicron) is very mild.”

      You don’t know that. The variant was just detected in South Africa, where the world’s best surveillance labs are housed. Every reputable source says that it will take at least two weeks to measure severity, transmissiblity, and effectiveness of vaccines. Meanwhile I am sure that you remain unvaccinated, so what exactly is your dog in this hunt?

      I’m quite sure that those in the 1920’s wish that science had advanced enough to know what germs and viruses actually are

      1. The president of the South African Medical Association and one of the discoverers of the omicron variant of the coronavirus, Dr. Angelique Coetzee, has asked not to spread “unnecessary panic” about this new modality, whose symptoms are, according to the data that she shuffles in these moments, “very weak.” “What we are seeing in South Africa and, remember, I am at the epicenter, it is very weak. For us they are mild cases, “she told the BBC network.

      2. No, it appears Omicron been around since the beginning of November but not identified. Since Africa’s vaccination rate is around 20%, most of their citizens achieved herd immunity through natural infection and was able to overcome it. The first cases were detected in fully vaccinated travelers.

    2. “Omicron is very mild”. Did you make that up? Every reputable, scientific source says that it’s too early to tell. CV-19 has already demonstrated that it is quite different than “every cough sore throat or sniffle”. Are 750K dead fellow citizens enough of a demonstration?

      Unless you are now vaccinated, what dog exactly do you have in this hunt?

      Wake up. We are blessed that we live in the tail end of those 245 years where science knows what a virus is and has produced protection.

      1. As the World Health Organization warns nations of the new COVID-19 variant, Omicron, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has stated all 44 confirmed cases of the variant discovered in Europe are “asymptomatic or people with mild symptoms”.

      2. Hi JAMES B

        A few points if I may.

        I question what the relevance of KIMBERLY’s vaccination status is to her standing to express a viewpoint. Have we arrived where only the vaccinated may hold a viewpoint?

        She is a human being subject to the virus. I believe that is enough “dog” for one to be in this hunt.

        The dead are not a demonstration; they are a human tragedy.

        Lastly, I suggest we are better served with questions without answers than with answers that cannot be questioned.

        1. I responded to her statement supposedly of fact – “symptoms are mild” as an entreatment to once again categorize this pandemic as nothing more than the common cold or flu. Her lack of seriousness once again needed correction. Opinions are one thing. Stating unproven suppositions are another.

          Since you are a fan of using other’s words to support your opinion, I’ll leave you with my fave:

          “No one ever died poor underestimating the intelligence of the American public”

      3. Dr. Angelique Coetzee, president of the South African Medical Association and one of the discoverers of the omicron variant of the coronavirus first noticed strange symptoms earlier last month and informed the South African vaccine advisory committee on November 13 …

    3. Hello KIMBERLY

      I think you pose excellent questions worthy of serious attention.

      As to your first question and statements, I would offer the words of Brom, from the THE CHILD THIEF:

      “Men who fear demons see demons everywhere.”

      As to some clandestine reason for some of the responses to it? Who might say? Perhaps George Orwell once considered a similar situation. He wrote of it:

      “We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.”

  5. I have to question why omicron is regarded a variant of concern (when no one knows anything about it except the symptoms appear to be mild) and lambda (which has killed a large number of Peruvians) is still considered a variant of interest?

    1. The probable reason for concern is the apparent rapid transmissability. Look at any variant map, and you will see that it has already spread to most regions in the world. Personally, I think Biden nailed it. Be concerned, but don’t freak out until more data can be collected and analyzed.

    2. Probably due to its swift transmission. Look at a world map already. You don’t, nor does science, know whether it produces only mild symptoms nor its ability to defeat current vaccines.

      1. Dr. Angelique Coetzee said that patients who have been detected with the new coronavirus mutation have mild symptoms that disappear after two or five days. These consist of “tiredness, headache and itchy throat”, typical of a mild cold” and that do not coincide with those caused by the previous variant, the delta. All the patients “are doing very well and none have presented problems worthy of mention”. bbc.com/news/av/uk-59450988

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