Hawaii Snorkeling Unmasked After Recent Drownings

Snorkeling safety in Hawaii is back in the international news, with renewed attention on full-face snorkel masks and the possible risk of snorkeling after flying. We’re drawing from our own personal experiences, expert insights, and discussions within the Beat of Hawaii community.

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28 thoughts on “Hawaii Snorkeling Unmasked After Recent Drownings”

  1. Among some of us who really enjoy snorkeling and diving the full face masks have gained a reputation as “death” masks. They have more volume to clear, so there is going to be more re-breathed CO2 with each breath. That little tube is the snorkeler’s lifeline, so care needs to be taken when selecting and using snorkels.

    I don’t think the time relative to landing is a significant factor. On one trip back-in-the-day I drove from HNL directly to Hanauma Bay and went snorkeling. I was fine.

    Lastly, I looked up info about the reported deaths. I have snorkeled at that location multiple times, and consider it a beginner spot. That makes this more tragic, IMO, because no one should have died there.


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