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Hawaii Travel Bubble, Testing, & Tracking: Acceptable, Legal, Useful?

State officials and others are pushing on with a controversial concept for restarting Hawaii tourism.

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159 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel Bubble, Testing, & Tracking: Acceptable, Legal, Useful?”

  1. This issue seems to no longer be an issue of health, it is quickly becoming an issue of control and manipulation on the part of Hawaii’s governing body and real insight in to how the locals really feel about the visitors whose money puts food on their tables and a roof over their heads. In retrospect, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at the level of disdain the local Hawaiians have for mainlanders given the number of upside down flags we observed when we were there in Feb. If US citizens are not welcome then perhaps our federal officials should consider pulling all federal aid to the state. If they hate being part of the US so much, then perhaps we should consider giving them their wish. It is a sure thing that individual citizens can easily take their money elsewhere and will likely do so. It is my hope that all of the comments on this site are being communicated to the elected officials of Hawaii.

  2. My husband and I have an Anniversary trip planned for November to Maui. Could you please advise me as to what we will need to do to make this possible? I would appreciate any information you can give me. Thank you. Judy

    1. Hi Judy.

      We hope to have the answer to your question very shorty, so please stay tuned.


  3. [Quote] State Senator Donna Mercado Kim said, “U.S. citizens tend to not want to follow these rules” [/quote] Wow. That is so patently wrong and offensive. Every single friend and family member I have has diligently followed the stay at home order since its onset. And yes, as Kyle M stated, that comment is discriminating and prejudicial. I understand wanting to maintain the health of the citizens. I also understand wanting to safeguard the culture and beauty of our 50th state. But the antipathy toward vacationers that we are now hearing has been eye-opening and disappointing. Most people don’t want to spend their hard-earned money in a place they’re not wanted. Listen, I live in a widely vacationed location, and it gets pretty congested because we also have beautiful weather, plus we have beaches, Disney, Knotts, Universal, etc nearby. But I can honestly say I’ve never heard anyone wanting to shut out other US citizens, ever. There are certainly other beautiful vacation spots that are more convenient to access. Let’s face it, even the shortest flight to Hawaii is tedious at best and often more than a little uncomfortable. I do suspect that keeping continental US citizens away from Hawaii is going to have a huge ripple effect. As people travel to new locations, they are likely to return to those locations again and again, just as many had been returning to Hawaii year after year. In the many travel groups I’m a member of, this has been a serious topic of conversation for weeks now, and people are discussing plans to vacation at one of the many other lovely islands and beaches off the other coast. I’d hate to have the Hawaiians who depend on vacationers for their financial welfare devastated by the decisions of those in public office and in some of the more vocal local outlets. I really hope the Aloha doesn’t leave the islands — that to me is the most beautiful thing Hawaii has had to offer.

    1. Come on. I didnt like the GENERALIZATION either however you and I both know there are MANY ugly americans who feel entitled to do what ever the hell they want to do. I dont blame Hawaii at all Threaten all you like we are still going to go and see the great people of hawaii as soon as we are allowed to come! We wont miss you if you decide to go elsewhere it will just make it nicer for the rest of us

  4. Hmm? This is what Japan did…”How Japan tacked Coronavirus without a Lockdown”…article in businessinsider.

    I read on this blog how the healthcare system in Hawaii is inadequate for even the citizens of the state- Why is that? Who’s been running the state?

  5. Aloha, Amazing how misguided government can be. Keep in mind that Japan was supposed to have the Olympics this year . . .

    Common sense people.

    Mahalo for reporting all sides.

  6. I cant stop laughing about some of the crap Hawaii is coming up with, particularly the government. Travel bubble? Really?? Or is it hawaii is thought of as the center of the universe??? Was it not enough to ban tourism and tell visitors they arn’t welcome? So after that why not admit other countries visitors first. Anti usa all the way! Go hawaii. Yeah no i will be visiting usvi and the many other perfect destinations that welcome visitors!

  7. We normally visit Hawaii annually for three to four weeks. Though we have been unable to do so this year. If Hawaii allows foreign visitors before welcoming mainland tourists we will not return. Come on Hawaii, if you’re looking to loose your mainland support, you’re going in the right direction. We do have choices.

    1. I agree Brenda. If Hawaii turns away the citizens of their own country to allow Japan to visit first, I too will never set foot in Hawaii again. What a disgrace to treat the mainland that way! That decision would definitely make a statement! However I’m not even sure the President would allow for that.

      1. Good! I am sure they wont miss you because my family and friends will ALL take your place gladly

  8. Thank you for staying unbiased and allowing both sides of the debate to be heard. Enjoy reading others opinions and sharing ours.

    We have a trip booked for July 17. We are taking distancing very seriously. We are willing to be tested. We of course would not visit if the 14 day quarantine remains and are disheartened that the state would generalize and not accept us as vacationers but would accept others simply because they come from another country where generally speaking there is greater control? Why would we want to visit a place EVER that would think of us in this way. To me this is…

    discrimination…Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice

    This means that prejudices held by an individual towards a group are transferred onto a single individual without regards to his/her individual merits.

    These are troubling times. It is never too late to make the right decision. Let’s hope the state government reconsiders the message they are sending with these proposals and they never become reality.

    Thank you!

    1. Not everyone going to Hawaii are tourist. What about former locals that need to go home and check on their elderly parents? This is a slap on the face.

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