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Hawaii Travel Upended By Concerns And Cancellations Amid Latest COVID Surge

Hawaii vacation demand is strong. Yet big concerns remain about rules, health, safety, and lost travel dollars.

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144 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel Upended By Concerns And Cancellations Amid Latest COVID Surge”

  1. Is it at all possible for an unvaccinated not-high-risk individual to visit relatives on Maui? I experienced very bad symptoms from my first and only flu shot 2 years ago, fever, diarrhea, headaches..

    If the vaccines don’t prevent transmission why am I any more danger than someone who chose to vaccinate? What provisions are there for people like me?

    1. Joe, You can’t assume that because you had an adverse reaction to the flu vaccine that you will have the same bad reaction to the COVID vaccine. having said that, there’s no guarantee you won’t either. In either case, even if you do have the adverse reaction some people are getting, that’s nothing compared to what might happen if you catch COVID. Ending up on a respirator is far worse than some fever and chills. Do yourself a favor, and get the jab.

  2. Was going the first week of October to Oahu, but just canceled as there are to many restrictions. Hotel swimming pool you have to make a reservation the day before for a 90 minute slot if your lucky. All jacuzzis are closed. Restaurants are first come first served and minimal seating. Masks are required on island. 1,600 new cases of COVID per day. Medical not capable of handling all of this. I lived there up until last year. Best to wait until things turn around so we feel we are making the right decision.

    1. Dear Tracie, that is exactly what I’m doing because right now I just don’t feel comfortable traveling where cases are high. Originally I wanted to come in 2020 but virus hit. So now I’ve decided to postpone for 3rd time for 2023. This is the smartest & safest choice I can make for myself & others. We as human beings are in this together so we need to be taking steps to help protect each other! I’m looking very forward to when I’m sitting on 🛩 traveling to Hawaii. 🌏🏖🏝🍍🥥🕶👙🛍🩴👒😍🐢🐠🌺🌞🌈🌊. It is my lifelong dream to come to Oahu for my vacation trip. My Grandfather was in Navy & in Pearl Harbor. He survived & I’ve always wanted to go to PH to pay my respects since I have a deep connection to our 🇺🇸 history. PH is #1 on my itinerary & my itinerary has been completed for months now. I figure Hawaii isn’t going anywhere, so I can wait. Stay safe & be blessed 😇psalms 31:14, 118:14, & 91:11 ❤

  3. Aloha BOA buddies. Hope you both are well. These covid comments are getting very boring to read on this Travel blog. They are not even discussing travel, only the virus which they can do on Facebook or their local opinion column in the newspaper. To Ava G go and have a great time. As long as you are healthy and follow the guidelines, you will have a wonderful vacation. Rob and Jeff, please post more travel news than these covid comments. They are really depressing to read. Like they want everyone to be like them. Just use common sense and be diligent and considerate of others. Mahalo appreciate you guys.

    1. Hi Debra.

      Thanks! We are choosing to not publish a large number of comments. It is challenging in these highly polarized times. We are not the information arbiters and we wish there to be as free and open a Hawaii-centric discussion as possible. Sigh.


  4. Unless the Big Island imposes stricter restrictions we are still coming in October. Once in a lifetime trip that may never happen again. We will be watching closely.

    1. Dear Andy, I’m planning my once in a lifetime trip to Oahu for 2023 & this is the 3rd postponement. I just don’t feel comfortable traveling right now where cases are high. It has been my lifelong dream to go to Hawaii, so what is alittle more time?! I’ve waited this long. This is the smartest & safest choice I can make for myself & others to be safe! We as human beings are in this virus situation together & we need to be taking steps to keep everyone safe. Stay safe & be blessed….pslams 91:11, 31:14, & 118:14 😇

  5. Fact: Being vaccinated does not make you immune, stop you from getting infected, or transmitting covid. Mandatory pretest should have been required for all visitors and returning residents to Hawaii regardless of vaccination status. Unfortunately real science has now become fringe and state backed science has become real.

  6. The insurance coverage is not up front. They put illness on front page and back page says covid not covered. They should have to put limitations on front where you buy it. Very disappointed cost me 2000 dollars. Very unfair.

  7. The only way we will survive covid is if people get vaccinated and wear masks. Yes, you can get covid if you’re vaccinated, but it will not be anywhere near as bad as if you weren’t. Wearing a mask may be inconvenient, but may help stem transmissions.

    I get so discouraged watching the news. I saw a news article from Hawaii about anti vax protesters invading the space of a mobile vaccination site and harassing those there for vaccines. Protesters were suppose to stay on the sidewalk, but felt it was their right to get aggressive.

    Vaccines do work. These people who protest have never witnessed the devastation of diseases we have been automatically vaccinated were – polio killed or crippled, measles killed (the older you were, the more likely you’d die) or left you blind. Covid will continue to mutate as long as there are unvaccinated people contracting and spreading the disease. Their hubris hurts everyone.

    1. Dot S., I couldn’t agree more. The politicization of this pandemic is causing untold suffering and death. It’s time for people to stop listening to those politicians and talk show hosts who have a vested interest in dividing us, and simply do the right thing and get vaccinated and wear their masks. When I was a kid, they just lined us up at school and vaccinated us. No one complained, and no one was “consulted” or “did their own research”. It was the right thing to do, and the government just did it.

  8. I suspect that I have made my last visit to Hawaii. You can’t run from covid, you can’t hide, it will be here forever and yet the state chooses fear over prosperity. I had covid, it killed my dad in June. I have wonderful antibodies, yet you don’t care. I’m the safest of the safe and you don’t want my money. Sad. 🙁

    1. Dear Mary Kay, oh no!! I’m very sorry to hear that you lost your Dad…..pslams 34:18😇❤ I wish that covid never existed!! Stay strong, stay safe, & be blessed….pslams 31:14 & 118:14 God bless you!

  9. I have canceled my travel plans to Big Island 2x’s now. I’m ok doing that as I want to keep safe and I also have a deep respect & love for the people and want them to be safe. 🌺

    1. Aloha 🌺 Mariel, That is exactly how I feel also. I’ve postponed my trip until 2023 now for the 3rd time & the 3rd time is the charm, lol! It has been my lifelong dream to come to Oahu for my vacation because my Grandfather was in Navy & in Pearl Harbor. I’ve always wanted to pay my respects since I have a deep connection to 🇺🇸 history! Stay safe & be blessed 😇 pslams 91:11, 31:14, & 118:14🐢🐠🌺🌸🍍🥥🌈🌊🌏🛩🌞🌈🌊🎉🕶👙🛍🩴👒

  10. We have a vacation to Maui in October, from the 19th-28th. We still plan on coming, we are fully vaccinated and have a Hawaii Safe Travel account. If we need to get a negative test, we will do that! We cancelled this trip last year, we plan on coming this year!!

  11. October of this year would have been our 3rd trip to the island of Oahu. We absolutely love it there. We are canceling our trip to do our part to help the islands medical field. We are both vaccinated, but think it best to try later. We will be back in September 2022. Stay safe and Aloha.

  12. Reading the BOH of late I am somewhat surprised by what I sense to be a between-the-lines message that a few commentators convey. The message isn’t strong yet, but I do think it present.

    The sense I speak of is derived from the tone of comments along the lines of “infiltrators” “anti-vaxxer” and “… don’t let the door hit you on the way out”. Again, there are not large numbers of these. But I suggest there are enough to have one begin to wonder if perhaps COVID isn’t the primary reason for them, but rather an excuse for some other unspoken and unwritten inclination.

    Unfortunately, restrictive access and movement may be a necessity. We once again witness Hawaii’s visitation rate on a downward trend. And we know from a previous slowdown such can be very economically troubling. Thus, I’m just surprised as I think some of these comments may well cause self-inflicted damage in that they just seem to me to be out of phase with what may be required for Hawaii’s economy to quickly recover.

    “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”
    – proverb

  13. The rude comments here from apparent residents are not helping Hawaii’s situation. We shoved our 2020 weeks we own into 2021, then shoved all of those elsewhere on the planet that appreciates people coming to spend their hard earned dollars. Hawaii is a lovely place, and I don’t want people who live there getting sick, the same goes for those of us on the mainland. There is far too much politicization going on with this right now. It seems that there is a push to get people to be at each others throats over vaccines, variants, tests, you name it. If we are deeply divided as a nation, we cannot stand. Keep the Aloha Hawaii, and maybe someday we will meet again….or sadly, maybe not.

    1. Aloha
      We have lived on Maui for almost 20 years and really loved our life we are retired and have been at our summer home in Alaska. Been able to live a normal life. The friendliness up here is wonderful. Been reading the comments from back home and sadly realize that people are not really wanted there. It is so very sad. Despite enduring winter we are considering relocating up here. Warm friends are a good trade-off for warm weather

  14. As I write this, we sit in Kauai, on a vacation that has been postponed already, twice. As fully vaccinated travelers and healthcare workers, we decided to still make the trip, even to just lay low and social distance at our resort. No one will see us out and about, as we understand the healthcare crisis, first hand. Our timeshare weeks are piling up, and we stood to lose two of them (which we paid handsomely for) if we didn’t come. We also stood to lose our airfare voucher. If Hawaii wants people to cancel, the travel industry needs to be more cooperative. Thank you for still sharing a remote and socially distanced hammock and a couple of palms with us for the next couple of weeks! I promise,we won’t be leaving anything behind, (except for what we contribute to the local economy).

    1. We are heading there Saturday and are just like you, just the two of us, fully vaccinated, all we want is the aloha, sunshine and relaxation at our resort mostly, with a little sight seeing . We waited to plan this trip, and if we were in a large party type vacation, we would reconsider, but it’s just us and we will respect the virus and do our part, just as we do here at home. We will be grateful every day. Mahalo!

    2. Dear HV, I’m glad that you are relaxing!! Have fun & be safe😊 I wanted to tell you thank you very much for serving your community & the 🌎 we live in!! ❤ It takes very special people to work in the health care system. I’ve postponed my trip to Oahu for 2023 & this is the 3rd time doing so. I’m OK with that because it is the smartest & safest choice I can make for myself & others to be safe. It has been my lifelong dream to come to Hawaii for my vacation. I. Looking very forward to the day when I’m sitting on 🛩 traveling! 🌍🏖🏝🌞🌈🌊🐢🐠🌺🍍🥥🕶👙🛍🩴👒My Grandfather was in Navy & I’ve always wanted to go to Pearl Harbor to pay my respects since I have a deep connection to 🇺🇸 history! He survived. Stay safe & be blessed 😇 Pslams 31:14, 91:11 & 118:14

  15. We have booked our third visit to Waikiki in April 2022. Coming from Canada is still tricky given international rules and border issues. We are waiting to see what happens when the fall season is in full swing here and make a decision before year end.

    1. Dear Greg, I was suppose to come to Hawaii in 2022, but I’ve postponed until 2023. It has always been my lifelong dream to come to Oahu for my vacation😍🐢🐠🌺🌏🛩🌞🌈🌊🕶🛍👙🩴👒 I’m looking very forward to when I’m sitting on 🛩 traveling to Hawaii 😊 Take care & stay safe! Psalms 91:11

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