41 thoughts on “Hawaii Weddings Hit The Skids”

  1. That lady that disrupted the small wedding is exactly what the crazy’s want. Wanting regular people to turn on each other. What has the world come to. Mussels, isolation and fear !!!!
    My favorite place in the world has been Kauai . Looks like Aloha and Ohana has turned into arresting people over a celebration of Love. So sad but remember what you do to others will be done to you. 🙏

  2. I’m struggling to see her side of this; I’m really trying to understand. It looks like a family and it was a small gathering. If they’re staying quarantined at that house, and the wedding was happening there under the trees, then it sure seems to comply with safety guidelines. I mean, if their ceremony took place in the living room of that house, would that be an illegal gathering? Doubtful.
    She could have reported it to the police and leave it to them to decide if it truly was “illegal” or not. No need to be a vigilante and harass people over such a dubious transgression. Sure- report those that are truly violating the rules, but then leave it at that.

    I too live in a tourist supported state (NV) so I know – life is uneasy everywhere. The woman must be awfully stressed to lash out in such a way and I feel sorry for her in that regard. I
    hope she soon remembers that being kind and considerate to one another will help us all so much more.
    ~ Aloha

  3. Shame on the woman who filmed that, ruined a wedding and used vulgar, hateful language.
    Shame on BOH for replaying this.
    I feel very sorry for the wedding couple.

  4. Wow!! What has this world come to that people are so angry. This looked like a small family wedding. Would it have really killed that rude woman to just go on her way and let them have their moment??

    Sad times we are in that people can no longer mind their own business when no harm is being done and then feel justified in their actions.

    Some say Covid and the lock down have made people mean and rude. I say they’ve always been mean and rude people.

    Thanks again BOH you guys do a great job keeping us informed. Even though the more I read the more I feel it’s going to be a long time before I return 😥

  5. This country needs more Governors like South Dakota’s Gov, Kristi Noem. I feel for everyone who’s lively hoods have been put in limbo or are gone forever. The reaction to this virus is just gross.

  6. Oh my gosh! Who does this “Crazy” woman think she is? Those people weren’t hurting anyone. I’m sure they were all staying together in the house. I’ll bet the people in the wedding party will never return to Hawaii? The crazy local woman certainly ruined their day and gave them negative memories of their wedding day. The worse part is that I’m sure the local enjoyed every minute of her harassment.

    This is exactly what visitors are afraid of if/when we return to Hawaii. Little does this crazy woman know, but as this video goes viral, it will further harm the islands return of visitors.

    If you ask me, it’s the local woman that should have gone to jail for harassment.

    If by chance any of the wedding party reads this, I’d like to say that I’m so sorry this happened to you.

    Mahalo & Aloha

  7. Yes. We were to marry on 9/24 on Maui. We’ve cancelled. Our planner has been super helpful and accommodating, but We’re worried if they’ll be around next year? We’d love to plan a year later in 2021, but honestly we’re crushed and feel so empty and limited in what we can plan for. Heart breaking with one direction or end in sight.

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