205 thoughts on “More Changes Coming to Hawaii Travel Rules”

  1. Wow I am comming to hawaii November 29 and Thursday is thankgive.That would be 72 hours before I get to Hawaii. Big problem trying to find a cvs, Walgreens that does it on Thanksgiving. I live in Illinois

  2. Its the usual suspects. Walk around the Oahu and you’ll see what I mean. Most tourist stick out and from what I’m seeing are wearing their masks everywhere. However, many locals especially on the west side are not. But it’s always good to blame the tourists for everything.

  3. I’ve listened to Mr. Green or that is I read his comments most of which I agree.
    However concerning mask currently the mass that everyone wears are basically useless. They do not stop a virus. And people use this mass day after day. Again there basically worthless.
    Additionally you could have a face shield with the mask that would prove your quality of not getting the fires by 5%.
    Nobody was to even talk about that 5%.
    But these are just bandaids anyway they do not address the real problem in that is the human amused system 60% of the people do not get the virus
    That’s because their immune system works correctly and the mute system is tied to your diet.

    As long as the Hawaiian people eat Spam white rice no vegetables no fresh fruit they are susceptible to contracting the virus with or without mass
    So perhaps we should look at how to stop the virus in not play games with it encourage people to eat a healthy diet get rid of the Spam get rid of the rice get rid of all processed foods in sugar and sugar and sugar eliminated from the diet.
    And I guarantee you that the problem with covert virus will nearly disappear and what is left will not be that harmful unless you already have a life long condition.
    Might be radical but I believe this is the path if you are sincerely wanting to stop the virus

    1. I’m assuming that your second paragraph [your diatribe against Hawaiian peoples] is inline with your general comments about Covid and the article we’re all commenting on, and not just a useless smear against what you perceive as our island population.
      You should know that, not all Hawaiians eat only Spam with white rice, and no veggies or fruit. Some of them, I’m willing to bet, eat quite healthy and consume copious amounts of veggies and fruits; and might even hate Spam.
      Secondly, the population of Hawaii is comprised of around 10% Hawaiian blood; there are twice as many white folks here.

  4. Niel K. Very few of the comments that you’ve made are backed up by science or common sense.
    We wear masks because they cut down on transmission to others, the don’t protect you, unless you are wearing an approved N95/N99 tight fitting mask.
    There is zero evidence that wearing a mask is detrimental to your health. That’s why medical professionals wear them in hospitals. Do you see them getting sick from wearing masks all day? Do you suppose they’d be worried about their health?
    The PCR gold standard test IS specific the this version of this specific Corona virus. Period. Stop.
    We have no evidence that the test detects or that the results are false positive from having been exposed to past viruses or flus. Period. Stop.
    We have not had a lock down anywhere in the US. Therefore it’s non-sensical as well as wrong to suggest that the courts here have ruled on them. Stop spreading nonsense.
    Hydroxychloroquine has not shown any efficacy with Covid-19, and has in fact been shown to be unsafe. Read the evidence from reputable sources. Please stop spreading nonsense. Just Stop.

  5. Your doing the right thing. It is important to protect our people, our Ohana. We must not let this virus diminish our lineage. Let’s continue to preserve our loved ones. Many of us come from huge Ohanas so let’s take whatever step we need to take to care. I thank you for what ever attempt you use to succeed. Aloha!

  6. Don’t come to Hawaii – We are one of the places with the strictest lockdowns. We are also just about to go back into our Tier 1 lockdown where all the restaurants are closed and you have to wear a mask 😷 on the beach. Have a great vacation!!

  7. My daughter is returning from visiting her dad from Vegas and will be in quarantine in our home in Hawaii. Can she bypass the covid test line and leave from the airport? She lives here.

    1. From what I observed, she will still be “processed” and officially put on the Quarantine list, rules, reporting requirements, etc., with risk of arrest/jail/fine for failure to do so.

  8. All this because you have the power over people and scare them with outlandish claims! Over something you have a 99.68% of never getting. Typical Democrats!

    1. You have an over 50% and probably closer to 90% chances of getting the virus at some point. You may have already had it, but did not have symptoms, or at least not symptoms worthy of getting yourself tested over. Many/most/majority don’t have any symptoms, or just have “mild” ones (“mild” is very subjective; severe not so much). You are referring to the morbidity rate.

      The morbidity rate for under 50 years old approaches zero (but its not zero), and for over 90 years old approaches 20%. Additionally, there may be long-term health problems for some people, even though they fully recover. Very hard to get any data on that, since this is still so new. This is the first “pandemic” in which the world had so many 80-90 year old people around. Pretty normal to have health problems at those ages. Really, a miracle to still be alive in 80s and 90s.

      IMO, we can do all the mask wearing and distance keeping and basement hiding that we please, but sooner or later the virus is going to do its thing. Remember the whole “flatten the curve” stuff? Somehow that morphed into “no one can ever get it or we all die”. But, that’s just my opinion/speculation. Your mileage may vary.

  9. Hi do the covid rules on here apply to
    all islands or is ea one different? We have a trip planned to big island in March & want
    to make sure there are no glitches is there a phone # I can call & talk to someone about updates do completely understand? Thanks!

    1. Hi Tina.

      For traveling to Hawaii from the mainland the same rules will apply. Things could change between now and March of course, as could be the case globally. The state has a helpline for testing tech support, and we can’t say if they would be of any further help. 1-855-599-0888.


    1. Hi J.

      Good question. We have not heard of anything related to interisland travel as far as possible rule changes go. We’d have to think that whatever applies to mainland travel will apply within the state, however.


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