35 thoughts on “Should California Lawmakers Attend Questionable $500+/Night Maui Resort Conference?”

  1. The permission was easy. Governor Lge has his nose so far up newsomes backside his ears touch. Both Lge and the maui mayor should be immediately removed for creating a public health hazard of which king Lge commanded and waved his hand as law.

  2. Please tell me who is there from California legislature! We just got news of a 10pm curfew here in California yesterday. Thanks!

  3. Recall that the tests are only 70% accurate- saying you’re negative has a 30% chance of being wrong.
    Politicians have the power to do virtually what they want with no accountability. The mandates they have decreed for all of the rest of us are about submission, not protection. If you research the efficacy of masks you will quickly realize they are a joke. They are not medical grade- they allow a virus to pass through (a virus is 10 times smaller than bacteria).
    The media has scared everyone so much that they are begging for a vaccine to “prevent” something that we have a 98% of not getting and only a 1% chance of dying from. The vaccine will not be tested enough to know what its side effects will be. Please do your homework and don’t think that a mask or vaccine is going to rid the world of CoVid. Boost your immune system, refuse a vaccine that has not been properly tested and stop being so scared.

  4. Mahalo! My only concern was some people will immediately say California is a liberal and hypocritical State. Keeping people safe shouldn’t be a red or blue state issue. I really appreciate how informed you keep those of us that truly love and respect Kauai! Aloha!

  5. Thanks for the updates on masks etc. I have to say that this article about the legislators’Le conference on Maui makes me a bit angry. Washington State is under a new lock down, with a travel advisory, yet our legislators can travel to Hawaii? My family cancelled their yearly trip to HI for Thanksgiving. Seems just a bit hypocritical to me. But they are politicians–a word that should be synonymous with hypocrite in my opinion!

  6. Mahalo for the article! I wish the title would have included Texas Republican and Democratic lawmakers too. As a Californian I do not believe my state Rep.s should be traveling at this time. I do not want them to bring covid19 to Hawaii that they might pick up on the plane or at the airports they’ll travel through. The same goes for their return. They should quarantine both ways test or no test. Shame on Maui for allowing them to come and cause a super spreader event that will effect Maui Country residents and eventually spread to the rest of the State. This is a good time for organizations to hold Zoom convention’s in the same way most of us will celebrate the holidays this year. Share your love and Aloha to your fellow man and wear a mask. A vaccine is on the horizon.

    1. Hi Nani.

      Thanks. We are limited by Google and other technologies to ten words in the title. Makes it fun and challenging.


  7. It’s a great conference for them. Not so much for the rest of us in California that are told to limit Thanksgiving to 10 family members and to do it outside. Where I live in California today it is 55 degrees and rain coming at 2 pm.

  8. I am from California and we are in the strictest tier for covid19. We cannot mingle with anyone outside our family who live in the same household. Thanksgiving is restricted to outdoors, with no more than two families outside your “bubble”, masks are to be worn except while eating, individual serving utinsils are to be given to each family. Tables 6 feet apart and the gathering is to end after two hours. Why is it necessary for California politicians to fly to Hawaii for a conference? Do it in California if the meeting is critical. Zoom works well for me when I want to visit my family it will work the same for them. I’ve had to cancel 2 trips to Hawaii because of restrictions and keeping my fingers crossed for next October.

  9. No! For this conference they need to stay home and zoom conference. Spending $500/night is unconscionable with food lines , unemployment and Covid death. What the he**!

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