112 thoughts on “Some States Say Don’t Go + New Hawaii Testing Includes Costco”

  1. Aloha!
    Thanks again for your good work! Keep things in perspective
    Hit by lightning = 0.000143
    Eaten by shark – 1 percent of 11,500000 = 0.115
    Covid death – 0.0002 to 0.005 (C.D.C figures)
    What I find interesting is the cognitive dissonance that is rampant in society today. Fear reigns.
    Even when good news like this is forthcoming people argue with it because it shakes their belief system!!
    Beyond me!! Let’s be happy for the great news!!! Yeah! Keep people safe. Keep the economy moving. The best site I’ve found is a simple comparative chart of deaths per million. The only way to compare – Have a look: worldometers

    1. Aloha,

      I’ve never known anyone hit by lightening or bitten by a shark, but Covid has killed 3 people that I knew (that didn’t know each other). I believe caution is in order.

    2. One problem with your statistic about covid is that it’s only about overall percentage of covid deaths. I would never minimize the loss of life from covid, but death is not the only negative impact of covid. My daughter is a doctor in Gallup, New Mexico, which doesn’t have a lot of resource. Her hospital can only handle a very few ICU patients, and they’ve been sending their serious covid cases to Albuquerque hospitals. Now all New Mexico hospitals are full, and they switched to Phoenix, but now Phoenix hospitals are overloaded. The toll on our healthcare system and healthcare workers is crushing. How many hospitals do you know of that have overrun their capacity from people struck by lightening or bitten by sharks?? None. And your statistics don’t begin to address the covid long-haulers (I know three personally), who may possibly have health issues for the rest of their lives. Your statistics have no heart or soul, and are therefore meaningless to the conversation.

      1. Thanks for your comprehensive reporting of travel to Hawaii. Statistics are statistics. No need, as Statistics are statistics, an should always be questioned. No need, as I said before, to make accusations. No harm intended. I never belittled the suffering from Covid. A question to always be asked is did the person die From Covid or With Covid? Existing complications are a big factor. In the United States, the leading causes of death in adults include heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, cerebrovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. I could state endless examples of my dear ones dying of these 5 killers. Close to 40,000 people die annually in car accidents. My story could bring tears to your eyes. The point is we need to keep things in perspective. Keep people safe. Keep the economy going to decrease the rise in suicides. We are busy worrying about our trips to Hawaii. Many people in the meantime, with income gone, housing shaky, medical bills that can’t be paid, hungry stomachs, are at the end of their ropes. This is a time for Truth with Compassion.

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