Unadvertised West Coast to Hawaii from $124 Each Way

It’s full moon, and winter is thawing, together with some very good Hawaii airfare deals.

You can now fly on Hawaiian Airlines from all of their West Coast locations to Hawaii for between $124 and $170 each way, plus tax.  Pricing is based on their website price, less 5 percent using Hawaiian’s affiliate program (with which we have no affiliation).  Available dates vary widely depending on the city.  Some are only valid in March, while others are available through May.

  • Las Vegas $171
  • Los Angeles $157
  • Oakland $159
  • Phoenix $154
  • Portland $133
  • Sacramento $156
  • San Diego $190
  • San Francisco $137
  • San Jose $143
  • Seattle $124

Let us know if you land one of these deals.


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4 thoughts on “Unadvertised West Coast to Hawaii from $124 Each Way”

  1. Hello Beat of Hawaii —

    I love your site.

    I wanted to pass along a deal I received via email from Hawaiian Air for a 10% e-savings certificate. (An even better deal than the affiliate discount!) If I’m reading it correctly, you have to register by March 12 and book by March 14, but it’s good for travel through the end of the year towards airfare to Hawaii from the following airports: Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland and Sacramento.

    Last year my family used a similar deal to save on tickets, but we had to make two separate reservations because our certificates were only good for two travelers. This one is good for up to 7 passengers, which saves some hassle and the worry that one reservation will go through but the second won’t.

    This offer was featured on the Hawaiian Airlines homepage. The one negative is that it appears that after signing up, it takes 2-3 days to get the certificate processed. So if a great deal comes along prior to receiving the certificate, it might make sense to just use the affiliate discount. I guess that’s a gamble everyone has to make for themselves.

    Anyway, hopefully one of your readers can use this deal.


  2. I just want to say that your information is awesome! I love receiving the Beat of Hawaii newsletter and have been able to learn a lot from keeping up with your newsletters and website.
    My husband and I are going to Oahu & Kauai for our honeymoon in March – we just booked our flights, but no hotels & cars yet. Any suggestions would be great.
    Thank you and keep it up!!

    1. Hi Angeli,

      Thanks for writing. This post has a lot of information on Hawaii car rentals. As for hotels, I’d suggest looking at Priceline for the very best hotel deals right now.

      Let us know how your trip goes.

      Aloha, Jeff

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