Unique Honolulu Sailing Adventure


If you’ve ever wanted to experience the sea from a tall ship and help hoist a 5,000 square foot sail, I’ve got the excursion for you in Honolulu.  To take advantage of this opportunity you’ll need to be in town between now and August 9.

Sail on the 122-foot square topsail schooner Lynx.

After completing the famous Transpacific Yacht Race between Los Angeles and Hawaii, the Lynx is now offering morning dockside tours and three-hour afternoon sailings.  It’s the most unique way to see Oahu from the sea.

The Lynx is an interpretation of a naval schooner from the War of 1812.

This is no ordinary ship.  She is fitted with period ordnance and flies pennants and flags from the 1812 era.  Movie buffs will be interested to know that the Lynx was hired to train the cast and crew of the hit movie Pirates of the Caribbean.

Their afternoon sailings are a hands-on, interactive adventure.

lynx1I met with Captain Craig on Friday and toured the Lynx.  Shipboard action for you and your family can be hoisting the sails, steering the ship, and firing the main battery of six-pounder carronades.  If that’s too interactive for you, just sit back and enjoy the ride and views.

Who knows, maybe you’ll want to take their return sailing to the mainland on August 18.  At press time there were two openings left at $5k each.

Lynx Details:

Adventure Sailings: (2-5pm): $65 for adults and $35 for age 12 and under.  Reserve on-line as soon as possible.

Dockside Tours (10-1pm): $5 donation, no reservation.

Dates for sailings and tours:

July 26, 28, 29, 30 at Kewalo Basin (1025 Ala Moana Blvd. at Ward)

August 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 at Ko Olina Marina and Resort

August 18 to September 7: Transpacific sailing, Kauai to San Diego

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1 thought on “Unique Honolulu Sailing Adventure”

  1. What a ship! This looks like the old days of sailing the oceans.

    It must be definitely a big adventure cruising the Hawaiian waters around Oahu on that sailing ship. Well, not for me. I have already problems on a pretty stable cruise ship or on bigger ferries for island crossings.

    Very impressive though! Thanks for photos, Rob. Would be interesting to know whether Hawaii visitors feel ready for the challenge.

    Aloha Pua
    Best Hawaii Vacation Blog

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