Shark Attack Closes Hanalei Bay Kauai

20 Foot Shark Makes Appearance Near Waipouli Beach Resort

Two Kauai teens were lucky to escape when they encountered an estimated 20 foot tiger shark near Waipouli Beach Resort. This was caught in the video below courtesy of Instagram’s “Talon.J.” Before turning up the volume, be advised of strong language in video.

Talon, age 16, and a friend of his were diving near the Kapaa resort when they encountered the shark. It grabbed their dive line about 75 feet from them. As Talon was preparing to release his line, a nearby boater saw the situation and came to his aid. At that point the shark disappeared.

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Should you fear a shark attack in Hawaii?

It’s unlikely you will experience a shark attack on your Hawaii vacation. The odds are 1 in 11.5 million. And, while rare at Kauai Beaches, it’s a good warning that shark sightings can occur anywhere in Hawaii.

You can follow Hawaii tiger shark tagging.

At UH Manoa, marine biologists track the movement of Hawaii tiger sharks that are fitted with satellite tags on their dorsal fins. Signals are received each time a shark surfaces. Marine biologists seek insights into the behavior and habitat of these revered creatures. Scientists are utilizing the latest in satellite tagging systems.

On their website you can watch to see various sightings of the sharks in Hawaii. Before Talon’s encounter with the shark, the last one spotted on Kauai is from a year ago, in December 2016.

Sharks play a crucial role in maintaining the health of marine environments.

One third of all shark species are threatened or near threatened.

Sharks figure prominently in Hawaiian mythology.

Culturally, sharks have been held in high reverence by generations of Hawaiians as aumakua (family guardians); ancestors reincarnated as animals and sent to protect family.

If you’d like to learn more, including seeing where other tiger sharks have been spotted in Hawaii, you can check out the University of Hawaii’s tiger shark page.

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2 thoughts on “20 Foot Shark Makes Appearance Near Waipouli Beach Resort”

  1. I love Hawaii,
    First time in Hawaii mu first born was 6 months old now she is 25.
    We have been going almost every year at Xmas and love the atmosphere in the Hawaiian islands.

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