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63 thoughts on “$50 Hawaii Visitor Fee Returns To Legislature with 2025 Implementation Planned”

  1. Rob/Jeff, are you catching the drift of all these comments? Hawaii is pricing itself out of its lifeblood. What can be done about this, other than visitors opting for other places?

    1. Hi Rob.

      We sure get it. And the message is getting through to state officials to be sure. But does that matter? We can’t say that it does.


  2. I can tell you that we personally know of two families who have stopped visiting the state due to high costs, not just in travel and food but various taxes. Since our grandkids live there, we will continue to visit. I would simply say to governor Green, higher taxes may very well mean lower revenue as more people choose not to visit.

  3. Yet another bogus theft attempt by the Hawaii legislators to stick it to the tourists! Funny thing, I jumped thru hoops and paid plenty to revisit Kauai in Feb 2021 during the Covid fiasco… Specifically to support the many friends I’ve made in the past 25 years in the service industry, who were losing their jobs due to no visitors. I spent plenty supporting them!
    Polihale was closed, due to locals damaging the beach and dunes. If the environment truly needs extra money, then Everyone who uses it please, local and visitor, should be paying the proposed fee.

  4. Just another excuse to tax visitors to the islands. They are the easy target. As with all other tax collections the misuse of the tax funds will continue to be the problem.

  5. Even though I lived in Hawaii for many years, and I have wanted to visit again, this makes removes all desire to visit the place where I spent a good portion of my youth and young adulthood.

  6. We come to Maui every August and have been looking at VRBO condos. It is incredible how high the rates have gotten plus all the fees and taxes that go along with it. Now, another fee is in the works! If the purpose is to slow down tourism it’s heading in the right direction. The condo we stayed in 2023 is now $75 a night higher, adding over $525 plus additional taxes and fees for a week’s stay. Yes, I could pay it but it comes down to value. Since we are from NC, the Caribbean is looking better and better. We love Maui and its people and pray for recovery from the Lahaina fire but you can only do so much as far as affording a tropical vacation in paradise.

    1. I totally agree with you Gregg. As an owner of a condo in a resort on The Big Island I have seen my property tax double in 2 years. The cost to own a vacation home in HI ( we live in NJ )has become crazy high. That increase has to filter down to VRBO rentals.

    2. Aloha,
      A note on VRBO, lately I’ve seen some Hawaii, and specifically Maui VRBO fees as high as one thousand dollars, in addition to owners fees. When you click on the fee cost it says “To ensure you have a better rental experience”. Uh-huh…I will have a better rental experience all right, but it will won’t be because i paid VRBO $1000.00, that’s for sure.

  7. Why do keep wanting to hurt the visitor. The hotels charge extra fees that we do not see anything for this. But, I believe you keep chasing tourist away with this kind of attitude. The state is should pay for the fire marshall thru their taxes like other states do. The tourist shouldn’t pay for something that is clearly for use of the residents.

    1. Aloha,
      The “fire marshal” angle is just another lame excuse for government theft; just a different shade of lipstick on the boar. Has anybody noticed that the government is never the problem? Spending is never controlled or reigned in; taxation never abates?

  8. DLNR cannot do the jobs they currently have. The are the most bureaucratic, unresponsive organization I have ever worked with. This program is ripe for abuse if managed by them!

  9. So once again a democratically controlled legislature has decided to try to raise people in such a way that it will fix the problems that they themselves gave not even tried to fix in decades. Apparently they never learned or they refuse to accept that you cannot tax a state or the people coming to it into prosperity! They net result will be the life blood of the Hawaiian Islands will just flow someplace else.

  10. Visitor Fee , just more money to get soaked by your beauracy and government agencies.
    You’re just not worth it.
    Costa Rica, Caribbean, Mexico here we come.

    1. Unfortunately Jim, that is what is already starting to happen. About 30 years ago, tourists found that there were many other wonderful, warm destinations in the world to visit. I remember the “Come back to Hawaii” cry as Hawaii struggled with the reduced tourism dollars. I suspect history will repeat itself unless the current and future state leadership stops shooting themselves in the foot.

  11. If this fee is implemented, we will not be returning to Maui. Been there 7 of the past 8 years, always spend a lot, always respect the island and people, but this is beyond ridiculous.

  12. I love Hawaii and actually wouldn’t mind paying a yearly fee if it went for shoring up the infrastructure for visitors. I have little faith that would happen though based on how they’ve squandered all the additional taxes/fees already collected with little to show for them. Also, providing adequate fire protection is a basic responsibility of local/state governments, not tourists.

  13. I cringed when I read “ to offset visitor impacts and ensure a healthy environment for future generations”….. as if visitors are the only ones harming Hawaii’s environment. Remember the Rave at Polihale a few years ago, where locals trashed the place and the mayor had to shut the place down? And the drug-fueled parties of locals on the beach in Maui, with similar results? A new fee on visitors, on top of ridiculously high lodging and restaurant prices, will only cause more people to forego Hawaii and seek cheaper alternatives, even if it is only an emotional reaction. Hawaii’s mismanagement of government funds is legendary, but unfortunately will continue as long as the residents keep voting these incompetents into office.

  14. Vistor fee is ridiculous. The cost here is already to high. Anyone who lives here should have to pay if you fly off island because you’re impacting some place else.
    Doesn’t make sense!
    As far as fires, you can learn alot from California! Have a strict weed/brush abatement law.
    The large land Trust and schools let everything grow and don’t care. Hammer them! Everywhere in Kailua-Kona.

  15. Oh brother my airline ticket for this year doubled from last year, $2,000 has been added to my rent for a condo. This $50 fee is the same as putting lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig.

  16. Why does anyone even consider visiting Hawaii any more when they can go to Mexico? The beaches are as nice as Hawaii’s and lodging, food and other expenses are a fraction of the cost. And massages on some beaches are only $20 for an hour.

  17. Let’s be honest, Hawaii does Not want visitors. I lived on Oahu and Kauai for 14 years and left 5 years ago because I couldn’t afford to stay. Since that time the Hawaii government shut down the state to tourism due to Covid and then when they reopened they (the counties) have placed additional taxes and fees on visitors. Wake up people, tourism is Hawaii’s bread and butter and Green and the island Mayors don’t seem to understand that. Hawaii is going to tax visitors to the point that visitors will choose less costly places to vacation and the burden will continue to be levied on the residents of Hawaii to pay for the maintenance of these services. Sadly the residents keep voting for the same failed leadership.

  18. Would the $50 visitor fee wipe out the need to pay for beaches etc? I’m guessing not, while the fees to visit some beaches (Hapuna) have increased to a ridiculous amount. The fees was still the same while the beach/park had no running water. It’s one thing to charge per vehicle but then add a per person fee on top of the vehicle fee is just ridiculous.

    1. Agreed. my wife and I love Hapuna. thought nothing of the $5 entrance fee per car. but now, $20 for my wife and I. we spent a total of 45 days on the BI in 2023..not once did we go to Hapuna. just couldn’t justify it.

  19. I have been going to Maui since 2008 and have seen the visitor fees go up without any noticeable improvements. The politicians have done nothing but squander money, I for one wlll vote with my wallet and vacation elsewhere.

  20. I bet they haven’t figured out how to actually collect this fee. you’d have to fence off every single trail / beach / natural area in order to make sure those using it paid the $50.
    Or maybe they’d make it like a fishing license and have roving “rangers” checking to see if you have paid up.

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