Hawaii's Slower Holiday Season Beckons Savvy Travelers

Bright Lights Shine Despite Hawaii Visitors Latest Decline

The Maui fires had a huge impact with the worst tourism showings since the Covid shutdown. But it goes far beyond that in terms of what’s happening with Hawaii visitors.

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34 thoughts on “Bright Lights Shine Despite Hawaii Visitors Latest Decline”

  1. I am trying to find a reasonable round trip from Austin, Tx to Hawaii from March 9-16. I would like to fly business class at least but the flights are almost double what we paid in early 2020. Is it better to wait until December-January to get the lowest price or what do you recommend?

  2. We went to Oahu in May for 17 days. It’s difficult with the exchange rate because we are Canadian. But that did. It deter us. What does deter us is the ridiculous cost of hotels in Waikiki and mostly with the resort fees and taxes added which increased the room rate by $100 per night. I don’t understand the greedy way of thinking behind these hotels. I just don’t understand how they think this is fair.

    1. Brenda. This greed is world-wide. But, for me who loves the Hawaiian islands more than anything I know, it irks me the most. Yes, we all know everything costs more on islands. But it is beyond this. So, I certainly hear you. And afraid it is life now, sad sad way of life. I keep thinking that if I win the lottery, would take a random person like yourself, and enjoy paradise free of charge. Its just not fair to us!

  3. 2)We typically shy away from black rock beach as it is one of the most popular beaches on the west side. We were able to snorkel black rock and there was maybe 10 people in the water. Sea life overall has picked up, since the down turn in tourist. The golf courses looked busy from what we saw. We were also at a resort that is housing deplaced families from Lahaina. They was mutual respect and we had no issues of feeling unwanted. Only half the pools were open at the resort but plenty of room for all and the restaurant was open. Airport seemed crowded but not overly. Rental car prices are down on Maui as we got a mid size SUV for $250/week. If you have a chance go to Maui before it gets back to normal. Good opportunity to support Maui.

  4. 1) I just got back from North Kaanapali which of course is on the west side of Maui. We have a place there and wanted to see how things were since we are having guests arrive in November. Almost all of the grocery stores were open except for Foodland Farms. Safeway and Times Market were open. Almost all of the non-Lahaina restaurants were open except for Monkeypod in Whalers Village which is opened yesterday I believe. I would say about 75% of the stores in Whalers were open. We went to Black Rock Beach (Sheraton) and there were no crowds at all. Sheraton is not open as they are housing FEMA, National Guard and other response units as well as Sheraton workers. The ocean bar is open, so if you go try and support them.

  5. The way the US $$$$ is a lot Canadians are looking else where to winter was a regular from 2002-2020 but now looking to go to Cuba because of the price and value hope to get back when the US $$$ comes down Aloha


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