Changed Visitor Habits Crush Hawaii Travel Outlook

Changed Visitor Habits Crush Hawaii Travel Outlook

Even as Hawaii visitor satisfaction remains near 90%, concerns are rapidly escalating. What does that mean to your Hawaii travel plans?

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200 thoughts on “Changed Visitor Habits Crush Hawaii Travel Outlook”

  1. Tourism is not the answer. Seem the state has limited imagination and cant see us as leading the country in other ways that would in rich this state and have it not be just slaves for the rich jobs. But actual careers in science and horticulture and natural resources. Thats our wealth not stupid rich people and tourist. State of hawaii if your listening. But clearly they aren’t because for 30 I have been saying this. Tourism and or the play go round for the wealthy. Someone’s gonna lose. Of wait its us. The residence who and love the land and want a life here.

  2. I am a long time resident, from california 35 years ago. I am in the health and fitness sector and I deal with visitors a lot. Here’s what I know the taxes and fees for stays and cars and the price of air fair to a place with limited services and or just poor service. No activities and or dangerous activities. The homeless and super pricey food and drinks. It’s just all bad for these people poor roads poor state parks. No well kept trails. If they dont break your ankles. And last but not least. Racism. Yes. Seems white people dont like racism. So… the issues are deep and stem from gentrification not control by a state who has sold its soul tot he highest bidder. And didnt focus on its natural resources now they are damaged.

  3. We are in Spain as I write this comment. Spain and Portugal are cheaper than Hawaii. Everyone one we met has been friendly and welcoming. We have gone to locations in our car that our not normal tourist spots and we still received a warm welcome.

    In contrast this to Oahu and restrictions on VRBO’s. Statewide increases in TAT tax for each county and a not so welcoming attitude. Finally, Spain and Portugal are just cheaper to stay and eat.

  4. I love Hawaii, but I’m not surprised at the lower booking rates. Since Covid, prices in Hawaii have gone crazy, way too expensive for most people to even consider going there now, especially Canadians. The Canadian dollar is way down compared to the US dollar which makes a Hawaiian holiday over the top expensive and it used to be such a great holiday for us even with the difference in the dollars. Too many add on things to the base prices for accommodation now, which makes the prices per night crazy high. Lower the prices and fill the places up again.

  5. Florida had 137 million visitors and were happy to have them. Highest amount of minority owned businesses, lowest minority unemployment rate of any large State, businesses didn’t close, schools stayed open, kids gad sports, graduations, proms..

    You reap what you sow. Keep hating on the mainlanders and you’ll see.

    1. There was a price to pay for all those “freedoms”, with Florida’s COVID per capita death rate three times higher than Hawaii’s. Guess you could say that Hawaii simply placed a higher value on human life.

      1. Might be something to do with the 5 million seniors and even more senior snowbirds in FL. When age is accounted for, FL h alone of the better outcomes compared to CA and NY.

        Hawaii is an island 2500 miles from anywhere. With 4 counties separated by water and couldn’t even be #1 in any Covid category besides deaths per case, which is more to do with age and overall health, not mandates.

  6. Well you local hater’s are getting what you wish for no turist Trusted me people here in the mainland are finding out how much you hate us and Hawaiian it’s a very lame place to visit there more places that’s have beautiful Beaches and welcome people don’t know body wants to go to a place that they not welcome you killing the beauty of the island

  7. How many times in this forum have I said this is all by design?

    I don’t understand why BOH is so surprised and shocked. The visitors to this forum have said that they are no longer going to visit Hawaii, because of the piled-on fees and the inhospitable locals. Did you not believe them?

    Locals, however, are thrilled. This is exactly what was supposed to happen. Never mind about the thousands of neighbors that are going to lose their livelihoods. The important thing is that the people not reliant on tourism have their beaches back!

  8. The biggest problem we have with her way is resort fees on top of the hotel fee. We have decided to stay only one month this year because of that.

  9. Just got back from Maui.
    People were not as friendly as they usually are.
    I guess people are worried everywhere.
    And prices are out of control on everything.
    Im still trying to figure out what the $650.00 Ohana Charge is on my Condo rental.
    Im assuming it is for the construction at the airport.
    But that is an outrageous charge! Along with all the other taxes we incur.

    1. I think they were charging you for the extra people staying in the rental. Ohana=family or group. Ask for an explanation.

  10. Maui use to be affordable!Back when n 2005 we bought a house with two bungalows and remodeled it as rental income property. It has now become 4x as expensive.
    We are going to France now instead .
    Much better Aloha!

  11. Like so many others on here I will not return to Hawaii. There are so many other beautiful places in the world where fair prices are the norm and they welcome tourists. I do thank Hawaii for all the beautiful family holidays in the past. Great memories!

  12. ….and short term vacation rentals are to blame? They are better for the local economy ( where does the resort $$go ?) And “affordable ” .
    You all cried about it now welcome to the cash cows not coming back! Classic marketing fail. You can only tell people No so many times before they stop asking. Off to Australia for a month with what a week would have cost me here. You have succeeded in defunding Hawaii.

  13. Is everyone discounting the fact that they made most Airbnb’s outside of Waikiki illegal for vacation rentals? And tried to severely restrict Turo type car rentals? Just shows you the powerful lobbying is alive and well in our state and local government! And it’s going to Kill our main source of income!!!

    Not to mention the parking and access fee gouging that’s making itself well known on social media!

  14. Is everyone discounting the fact that they made most Airbnb’s outside of Waikiki illegal for vacation rentals? And tried to severely restrict Turo type car rentals? Just shows you the powerful lobbying is alive and well in our state and local government! And it’s going to Kill our main source of income!!!

  15. See #2. Now BoH editors are telling the same tale that reliable, usually non-abusive repeat visitors have been saying in >200 recent posts on this website noting the rapidly rising (approaching ripoff) government induced as well as hotel/rental car costs and decreasing friendliness of HI to visitors.

  16. Haven’t returned to Hawaii since 2019, it was our 3 weeks vacation for many years. It seemed too crazy there with new restrictions and overpricing. We tend to go to Hawaii and stay in princeville with a condo rental.

  17. Waiting it out may make sense for airfare. How are accommodation providers reacting to the summer forecast? As you pointed out in late March (or early April) hotel revenues are often up, with decreased occupancy, counting on higher rates (and, I would imagine, lower labor costs). What does occupancy look like, 30, 60 & 90 days out, compared to 2019 or 2018.

    1. Very true. Hawaii’s beurocracy and greed is unbelievable. Resort fees, TAT taxes, GE taxes, huge commercial property taxes on businesses and establishments. Now you have to pay to enter parks (that don’t even provide toilets). When a tourist comes to Hilo or Kona where do they go to the restroom? There are no public facilities. Stores nor has gas stations rarely have them…..and then the so called “locals”. Druggies , lazy entitled mixes who are angry that government doesn’t give them more free money, more food stamps, more free housing so they hate on everyone and everything that they don’t have (but they whole lives they worked for nothing)


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