Changed Visitor Habits Crush Hawaii Travel Outlook

Changed Visitor Habits Crush Hawaii Travel Outlook

Even as Hawaii visitor satisfaction remains near 90%, concerns are rapidly escalating. What does that mean to your Hawaii travel plans?

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200 thoughts on “Changed Visitor Habits Crush Hawaii Travel Outlook”

  1. We have been to Maui from Canada many times and the reasons we chose Hawaii are disappearing fast. It was once worth the investment but outrageous prices/taxes send a strong message. Most discouraging is that the Aloha is gone. On our most recent trip our friends were yelled at to go home more than once, we were greeted with signs like, spectators not welcome, do not go to this place or that place and told to leave our favourite swimming spot by locals (parked respectfully and legally). If the goal was to stop tourism, it Worked on us! And that was before all the recent ideas to curb travel Enthusiasm! Preserving nature and respecting people who live here is a given, we miss the Aloha that brought us back every year.

  2. With all the negativity coming from the people living there and the new restriction on were people can go and wanting to add a fee for everything on visitors why would you want to go there! Don’t get me wrong I love Hawaii!!! But I may look at other islands to go too for my next vacation!!!

  3. Over the past couple of years, all we’ve heard from Hawaii, is raising prices, restricting access to many of the most popular places, and that the locals don’t want us there. While some places have been slower to open after Covid-19, they are now offering great prices and seemingly really want average people’s business. Hawaii has abandoned those people with limited incomes, who have been repeat visitors for decades

  4. I know that in Maui…this has been the stated goal from the last Mayor. He wanted fewer visitors paying more. The attitude here in Hawaii seems to be …keep adding fees and taxes to tourists. Now we reap the rewards.

    Be careful about what you wish for.

  5. A catch 22 all the way around. Locals not happy, tourist not happy! How do you keep everyone happy when there is only so little of Hawaii to go around? Hawaii is a celebrity that wanted to make it big, then can’t handle the fame!

  6. Sorry to say this but Europe does not have homeless people pushing shopping carts down the beach nor resort fees at hotels.

  7. All that talk about overtourism in Hawaii is no doubt having an effect on the tourists deciding whether they want to go to Hawaii. The bickering between the warring parties trying to take control of the HTA isn’t helping either.

    Mainlanders were a captive audience for the last couple of years, but now that Asia and Europe are open, people are looking to go back there, especially while the dollar is strong. Maybe if Hawaii misses us, they’ll get their act together on deciding whether tourists are good or bad for Hawaii.


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