Clash of Airline Cultures | Hawaiian-Alaska Tie-Up

Clash of Airline Cultures In Hawaiian-Alaska Tie-Up?

Visitors and Hawaii’s travel industry are preparing for a potential cultural clash as the merger between Hawaiian Airlines and Alaska Airlines progresses.

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28 thoughts on “Clash of Airline Cultures In Hawaiian-Alaska Tie-Up?”

  1. As Alaska considers how to navigate the waters of the “merger,” they really do need to be careful not to alienate the Hawaiian population. Since we have been traveling often since 2018 to visit family we have met many of the their friends and neighbors as well as friends of friends. I would be willing to say that close to 20% of the Maui population has either worked or is close with someone who has worked for Hawaiian over the past 50 years!

  2. Although there are cultural differences between the two companies, the values each company holds to it’s region are similar. The contrast isn’t as great as comparing cultures/values of Hawaiian Air vs. almost all other US airlines.


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