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193 thoughts on “Concerning Hawaii Tourism Decline | Ten Reasons It Happened”

  1. I found one particular comment to be the most interesting – “we travel to get away and relax not to be immersed in the local culture.” Then why complain about Hawaii and why not just go to Coney Island! I’m sure it’s a cheaper trip!

    1. You’re not seriously attempting (and failing) to compare an east coast amusement attraction to a tropical paradise?! Most vacationers spend their hard earned cash on the islands to relax, enjoy the climate and the beauty of nature. We can do this without indulging the ever-growing sense of entitlement by ‘natives’ and the state and local governments.
      Save the indignation and channel that energy towards improving the economy and infrastructure. That will help improve the ‘local culture’.

  2. Hawaiians are 100% causing all the problems from the decline in tourism to destroying the land and oceans. Everyone is afraid to call out the truth. Perhaps if natives and the corrupt “cultural” 501c3s stop receiving millions of dollars for literally any reason they will appreciate things more, or better yet move to the mainland.

  3. We love maui and go every year to watch the whales. We have always felt welcome and prices were what we expected. In 2020 everything seemed good but each year since has been more expensive then the last. We still feel welcomed by the locals but your government is taxing and adding fees to a point it’s ridiculous (for a week in kaanapali we paid over $1200.00) and that didn’t include resort fees. The Mahana has a small resort fee and free parking but the bigger resorts are mych higher. I think you need a government that wants to help promote tourism and you need to find out where these fees and taxes are going. I also think they allowed big time shares to be built like the 2 Westins in kaanapali which increases tourists.

  4. That $25 fee will probably pay for some guy sitting in a hut at entry to Baldwin Beach checking for ‘mindful’ and polite mainlanders with a paid permit to get in. Costa Rica looks good!!

  5. I think its more a me not you thing in thaf inflation esp the proxy war againt Russia that jacked fuel prices to the moon have left budgets tapped ouf. But then outrageous hotel and car rental rental rates kill any thought of going there when its cheaper to stay in an over the water bura in bora then a hotel on the kahola coast. Jacking fees and taxes just adds fuel to the fire. Techwise 787 makes long range travel possible and cheap a chg not seen since jets so good luck trying to get well healed Euro tourists theyre taking af to bob and getting treated like royals.

    HI should move to green hydrogen production using geothermal this would drive costs down as shipping moves to green amonia.

  6. The government needs to focus on Zuckerberg, Benoit, Winfrey and Ellison buying up wide swathes of land and less on some poor person renting out their vacation home for a portion of the year

    1. Those guys know a little bit about campaign contributions” and other ways to influence elections that the little guys cannot compete with (not unique to Hawaii). Plus, it is not illegal to buy private land in the US (at least, not yet). Know how much US farm and ranch land Bill and Melinda Gates own?

  7. Your article is right on. We own a condo on Maui which we have had for 12 years. We do not feel welcome when we visit, the Mayor and Governor are doing everything they can to drive us out so they can give our apartment to the displaced families. The fire was caused by the high winds and a misappropriation of resources by HECO and the County of Maui but they have to have someone else to blame it on so they choose us.

  8. I would add an eleventh issue. The airlines that we would take from Seattle all have equipment issues. That is a long stretch of water without recourse if there is a malfunction. I would be concerned about that over the course of six plus hours.

    1. I’m a retired airline mechanic. And you’re wrong. The FAA has requirements on airplanes going across the pond. There are electric requirements fuel requirements. Etc etc . The airplane gets a ETOPS check done. Plus there 180 minutes from a sutiable airport to land. That’s narrow body’s. Some wide body’s can do 370 minutes. The engines are so reliable now. It’s save to fly across the pond

  9. I have a bit of a different reason. After years of wanting to take NCL’s circle Hawaii cruise, I was finally in a position to book- and they’ve dropped the Na Pali Coast from the route. I don’t think alternatives like a helicopter or small boat would be accessible for our travel party, so almost instantly, NCL has de-prioritized Hawaii as a destination for us.

  10. The State needs to address the homeless & crime. Top priority. It’s not safe with crazies throwing acid on innocent people to purse-snatching. Our public parks have become homeless encampments with unusable public bathrooms & people shooting up in public. Why on earth why would vacationers come here to what was once a gorgeous welcoming respite? It’s now the new blighted San Francisco. Totally not the Hawaii I grew up in. Shame on our politicians for them not being mindful of our island home. Mindful goes both ways!

    1. I have never felt unsafe in Hawaii but seeing homeless encampments in public beach parks during our current visit to Kauai has been a huge turn off for me.

      It isn’t that homeless people make me feel unsafe – there are plenty of homeless people where I live on the mainland. It is simply the trash and the fact that I don’t want to relax in a shanty town.

  11. I am in complete agreement with the quoted comments from readers in the article. Hawaii’s handling of the COVID times, rising costs, attitude towards visitors, and threats to ban short term rentals have led us to become disillusioned with Hawaii in general. We only travel there now to visit friends who live there. Otherwise we would not go back. There are plenty of other vacation destinations that do not come with the issues listed above.

  12. You don’t mention the strong dollar, which makes traveling to Europe or any non US dollar location less expensive, while making Hawaii more expensive for Japanese and Canadians. London is about 40% off from back when I used to go there for business. Canada, every 4th day free compared with the US

  13. You reap what you sow. Hawaii is in for a long long decline. A very corrupt government. You can only pile on visitors so long and so much before they start visiting somewhere else.

  14. All the observations you made are accurate and saddens me. I love the islands, especially Kauai where I had a vacation rental and spent significant time at for 6 years. I’m not sure why mainland visitors are considering invaders. Not sure now when or if I will return.

  15. Use to Vacation for 1 week a year in Kauai. Were able to get 4-5 star resorts at a price we could afford.
    People were friendly and made yiu feel comfortable. In 2023 it was not pleasant. Room was not up to standard from prior years. Staff not friendly or helpful. Restaurant prices up and quality of service down. We will not return. We are doing a Trip to Italy this year. Good Luck

  16. I lived in Hawaii in 70s on Oahu and went to elementary school in Waikiki, moved back to mainland then back to Oahu in 89, mist of my family lived on Oahu for it became our home ,we all honored the Hawaiian culture,lifestyle. I was married on Lanikai 2004 , my heart is for Hawaii. However in reading the negative comments all over social media from real estate to postings of beautiful beaches, the ” local ” community can be very negative and harsh. Now after all this years the general public is finally realizing ” they ” should plan their vacation elsewhere. This is very very unfortunate and will trickle down to the livelihood of the local community. Hawaii is in my heart always ♥️

  17. Sorry. Too late Hawaii. The Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America are all calling with first class resorts reasonably priced and a genuine appreciation for our tourism business. Your governor’s and peoples’ message have been heard. Aloha!

  18. Aloha Jeff and Rob. I feel there are a lot of wonderful people in Hawai’i and a small number that are being heard. In the short time that the new governor has been in office, he has managed to alienate a large group of core tourists needed to sustain the islands. He is probably finding that “high end tourists” are a limited number that can visit global destinations, but the families and budget minded have been the sustaining group for the islands. If he wants to rub elbows with wealthy people, so be it. But the vast majority of the residents aren’t so lucky. It’s not too late to turn it around, but the mindset needs to change. The survey people can’t be reliant on him for a job, or he will only receive info he wants to hear. Mahalo

  19. Makes me sad. We love(d) Hawaii, but haven’t been there for several years. We play our golf in Scottsdale, Az; go to the beach in Mexico; enjoy cultures in Europe.

  20. Looks like the Hawaii ‘power that be’ have shot themselves in the foot. We stayed on Oahu the entire month of July, 2023 & noticed a difference. Not a big one, but we just didn’t feel that Aloha spirit like last time. It HAD been 19 years since our last visit & couldn’t wait to take our 15 year old granddaughter. She loved it. We did, too. We will return in 2026, as her graduation gift. We spent upwards of $40k for the month, but we did many excursions. $23k was from my part of the sale of my mother’s home when she passed away. Anyway…we will always love Hawaii, with Oahu being our go-to island. They just need to make up their minds…do they want us or don’t they!

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