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193 thoughts on “Concerning Hawaii Tourism Decline | Ten Reasons It Happened”

  1. It is really sad reading through the comments. I agree with some but I don’t feel that it is my place to tell the people of Hawaii what to do. I am only a visitor. We decided last year to go back to vacationing elsewhere. In the meantime we will continue to read what is happening on the islands.

  2. I think it’s a whole host of things, most of all the insane costs, fees & hostility of the locals towards tourists. I know I won’t be going back, especially because I live on the East Coast & there are so many other beautiful islands near here that don’t financially gut tourists.

  3. Surely top of the list is the gov attack on affordable short term rentals, and the coincidence of sky rocketing hotel cost. Who can afford?!

  4. My wife and I Love Hawaii, we have visited many times
    Our favorite island was Maui. Was is the operative word. We just came back from a 14 day visit and I must say the welcoming committee is somewhere else.
    First the prices of the short term rentals (we rented a condo) have doubled since our last visit. That alone took away from our spending budget. Then the prices of going out for meals also doubled or more. More money out of our usual spending budget. We normally do at least two whale watching tours, this visit we only did one. We also usually do 2 snorkeling/diving tours ( I dive and my wife snorkels). We did none of those trips due to the higher costs. We will be planning our next trip to some place other than Hawaii.

  5. To be short. We visited Hawaii about 13 times, 1983 to 2000. On our last visit, we were attacked near Spouting Horn on Kauai by crazed locals. I phoned 911. When the police sergeant arrived, he had ME arrested for “reckless driving” – which was slowly passing the locals car when they parked on the roadway. This was from their statement; there was no officer there.

    We’ve now been to Costa Rica 15 times.

  6. I can deal with anti-tourist sentiment from the locals but I can’t deal with the cost of accommodation almost doubling since 2019.

    I usually find a reasonable deal on flights and car rental, but the cost to rent a condo in Kihei now is over my budget. If the government bans these rentals then it’s game over.

    Instead of putting a deposit on next year’s accommodation, I’m looking at options in Arizona, Mexico, Costa Rica, etc.

    I honestly get why the locals are angry. Housing policy is a disaster in Hawaii.

  7. We enjoyed Hawaii travel for many years but the costs don’t justify the trip anymore. On top of this is the explosion of online shopping that means we can get most things without paying a premium to visit Hawaii. Too touristy now and that reflects in how the population treats the visitors. Don’t think we’ll be back now.

  8. Just came back from 11 day trip to Oahu. I come back every year for 15 years but this will most likely be my last unless things change. It’s ridiculously over priced to stay in Oahu. When the state is run by a bunch of Libersl morons then you get what you deserve., a state that’s broke. Hawaiians need to wake up. Tourism is your bread and butter and your bread is overcooking.

  9. Love Kona. We’ll be going in May hopefully all will be good. Looking forward to our vacation. We have time share and enjoy Aloha spirit.

  10. Lower your prices!!!
    It is unconscionable that when faced with a downturn in visitors, partly because of high prices, Hawaii’s first response is to Raise the lodging tax! Are you crazy? Do you hear yourselves? Hawaii really needs some sane management.

  11. To take the punitive sting out of additional entry fees, how about handing out on the plane a flyer with: a) specific details about the beach restorations on the destination island that the fees will help fund, and b) one free entry and/or parking pass for a beach or park for each fee paid. This makes the visitor a partner rather than merely an annoyance. If that means the fee increases from $25 to $30 to cover the parking, so be it. Everyone feels like a winner. Mahalo.

  12. What is left out of this article is that 26 States are already in recession. California, the largest in the country, is in recession. Also, Japan is in recession. Other countries are in recession.

    The giant stimulus free money bomb from the Feds mostly ended, although they are taking record debt right now (1.8 trillion last year). Why the massive deficit spending if everything is “booming”?

    Also, on the monetary side, the Fed raised rates quickly, but probably not enough, or are going to hold them here for longer. Rates at this level are historically normal.

    Everyone got used to the low rate and free money absurdity for many, many years, and now it is all falling apart.

  13. If it weren’t for the Hale Koa in Honolulu and other military facilities on the islands, I wouldn’t bother to visit.

    Those facilities provide first-class amenities while side stepping the Hawaiian tax shake down because they’re on Federal land.

    Hawaii is doing its best to kill the tourism Golden Goose and will realize their mistake only when it’s too late.

  14. After traveling to Hawaii every year we stopped going after 2021. The reason is multiple cost – I can go to many other places just as beautiful for a lot less
    Welcoming- used to be the people and businesses were very friendly and eager to help. In 2021 we felt as though we were scum encroaching on them.
    Taxes and fees- Hawaii has become a place that taxes and charges fees for visitors beyond belief.
    I see airfare coming down all the time and airlines begging for travelers to buy tickets to Hawaii but until Hawaii changes it’s attitude it will continue to dwindle.

  15. This article sums it up pretty well. Hawaii is offering less and less yet charging more and more. I think the main draw of Hawaii has always been because it is an island location that can be visited by people on the mainland without a passport. Exotic yet safely American. However a passport is cheap, younger generations are more adventurous and they are looking to maximize their vacation dollar.

    My sister-in-law keeps talking about doing a family vacation in Hawaii. My wife and I have been 6 times to 3 islands. We have also traveled around the Caribbean and Central / South America. We will be pushing for a family trip to Costa Rica. CR is fantastic, with friendly people that actually want visitors, and the cost is much less.

  16. Wendy: What? No aloha spirit on Kauai?

    We own a home and have lived on Kauai nearly 40 years & I would not choose to live elsewhere. We are surrounded by friends and family and strangers who respond to our smiles and the rain and the rainbows and the best collection of world-class beaches on the planet. We support our community, be it arts or theater or senior softball and those involved support us.

    I am sorry that Wendy no longer felt comfortable on Kauai. I hope she sold her house at a fair price to a local resident. Us? We are staying. Much Aloha.

  17. Hawaii won’t see us again. I know, dry your tears. It isn’t because locals don’t kiss my butt (I respect you, you respect me and we’ll get along just fine) but the sheer expense of a Hawaiian vacation and you get a lot less for your buck. Your Governor needs to go away. His expertise is medicine, not business, or running a state. Tacking on additional fees on top of high food and hotel expenses are not the way to win the hearts and minds of tourists. Tourists have many choices of where to go for a vacation. The dismal numbers reported here show Hawaii is losing the luster.

  18. I have always enjoyed our annual trip to Hawaii, something to savor when there and look forward to in between visits.
    Yes, its is true even with that said I have been actively looking at alternatives. Why?
    My reasons:
    Cost, particularly the taxes on lodging and rental cars.
    Poor infrastructure, eg. Roads. (one has to wonder where is all that tax money going??)
    Poor airline experiences. Hawaii really needs to look at how airline policies affect the key industry for the state. Sorry but I simply refuse to fly on a single isle 3×3 seating 737 or 320 over 2300 miles of ocean when that plan is nearly maxed out on its fuel. Wide body plane options seem to be decreasing!

  19. Commenting today from my Southwest flight, which is about to depart from OAK to Lihue. The plane is full. Plenty of tourists on their way. Maybe they didn’t get the “don’t go to Hawaii” memo?? Not sure if any of us are mindful or uber wealthy. 🤔


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