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193 thoughts on “Concerning Hawaii Tourism Decline | Ten Reasons It Happened”

  1. You have only listed a few reasons why people are changing their vacation preferences. One of the most pressing reasons is the total authoritarianism coming from a misguided elected leadership. I’ve been visiting the Hawaiian islands for 40 years, but won’t be back unless/until the leadership quits blaming every problem on tourists and finally looks introspectively looking at the damage their policies have caused Hawaii. Over the last 5 years, your Governor has done his best to kill the goose laying the golden eggs.

  2. It’s hysterical & ironic to me that the native Hawaiians treat their physical islands as some kind of God that needs to be worshiped. They complain tourists are damaging the islands & want them out, yet when u look around, u see how the Locals use their properties as junk yards & dumps that are full of garbage, rusted out cars, old refrigerators, washing machines, etc. I know this first hand as my daughter lives there (we are not native) & when I go to visit, I see more & more of these trashy homes. It’s a double standard & hypocritical to blame tourists for the decline when the locals trash their own “sacred” land !! The locals need to practice what they preach & stop blaming outsiders for the failures caused by themselves.

  3. Hawaii is a bust, I’ve gone for so many years and it keeps getting worse. After you land in Oahu, you get the pleasure of sitting in New York style rush hour traffic. Once you reach Waikiki which is now nothing but a massive outdoor high end shopping mall, you reach your extremely overpriced hotel with high resort fees. The islands are anything but welcoming. It’s also become dirty and overrun by homeless. I don’t ever plan on visiting again.

  4. I have been going to the Big Island once or twice a year for the last twelve years. Love the place, but these vacations are getting brutally expensive. Airfare has gone up, rental cars have gone way up, and the house we used to rent went up 30%. Even the food has gone up in price quite noticably.. Like others, I am going to try Costa Rica, and other warm spots.

  5. The political tribalism of the mainland has stretched across the pacific. The political rivalry is very much prevalent here as well. What people perceive as an animosity toward visitors is merely an extension of that.

  6. I used to be a Kamaina on the Big Island. Had to move away due to high cost of living. That was 20 years ago. Whenever I’ve visited the Big Island, I stay with friends since accommodations are over priced. Love Hawaii but there are other low cost destinations and living in Asia I’ve been able to go to many places without breaking the bank.

  7. I fell in love with Hawaii after a family trip when I was 12 years-old. I lived in Honolulu from 1990-1992 and again from 2012 to 2016. I’ve been to all the islands accept Lanai and Niihau. Putting aside the stunning natural beauty; for me it’s the value for money. Food choices are underwhelming and prices are ridiculous. As mentioned in the comments by others, the hotel prices are a joke and the constant nickel and diming (resort fee this, government tax that), homeless everywhere, traffic jams, phony aloha spirit marketing…I could go on. For me the biggest change is that Hawaii seems to have lost its sense of genuineness. People sense this and go elsewhere. Hawaii you’ve got your work cut out for you.

  8. Like others, a European vacation, or Caribbean can end up less in costs. What kills me, is the Kamaina requiring certain acquiescence. I would think most, are very careful and considerate in their visit. Is the same being considered when Islanders come to the mainland? I also don’t hear of certain care required when visiting Italy, the UK, etc. What makes Hawaii so sacred? I will be travelling to Bali in three months, and I have yet to hear/read, how one must behave. Like posters above, I have seen plenty of instances of burned out cars and piles of garbage that were most likely not put there by tourists. I love Maui, but if it gets to the point of friction, I will find plenty of places that I don’t have to deal with unwarranted hostility

  9. In Maui it is ok to let your dog off leash on the beach.
    I’m not sure why Maui has a leash law it’s not enforced.
    Maui has beautiful beaches, just watch where you step

  10. Born and Raised in Hawaii… graduated from University of Hawaii… took my degree and had to leave, because is was impossible for me to live there anymore..
    Don’t support Hawaii’s Tourism .
    I swear to God on my life you will be so ripped off there like you have never been before.
    Resort Fees … Taxes .. Hyperinflation….Aloha

  11. … let me guess … less tourists mean that the State’s 2024 budget, based on total revenues, will be million$ in the red … therefore, instead of cutting spending (when does Hawaii’s legislature ever do that?), they will tax the local residents more … and for everything.

  12. Wow, all this sounds pretty dismal. My daughter is planning a beach wedding in Oahu in Sept. Can you give me any adivse on lodging for 13 people? We were thinking of Turtle Bay area but now concerned with the price gouging? I’m all ears . . .

    1. She might want to reconsider & go elsewhere. When the cost of a sub-par hotel At The Airport is $700 a night, the costs elsewhere are astronomical.

  13. I normally visit Waikiki three or four times a year. After my last trip in January, I’m rethinking those future trips. a) Outrageous hotel rates and fees (and they don’t even clean the rooms every day! b) Outrageous restaurant pricing! It’s unbelievable how dining out has gotten in Hawaii, even fast food is so much more than in San Francisco! c) My January flight was Twice as much as last January!
    d) The Governor & local officials are suppose to Lead and the message they are giving is Stay Away and the businesses & locals are following the lead.

    It’s really sad! I’ve been going annually for 15 years and it looks like it’s coming to an end!

  14. Stop the HTA and Mufi from saying the want to phase out vacation rentals while He and Governor Green are obviously in the hotel owners back pocket! They want all people to spend 700 + per night but the vacation rentals between 2 and 3 hundred dollars at too much, these vacations rentals are in line with Lake Tahoe Orlando etc. teen and Muffi just want more kickbacks from the hotels! Getting rid or Vrbo’s is ludicrous, where are families to stay? 5000.00 per week at a hotel, then meals! This is so blatantly obvious , signed , A P.O’d air b& b owner trying to survive on the Rock! 😡😡😡

    1. The owner-occupied short term rentals must be separated out from the others who are owned for investment purposes. Talk to everyone you know to let them understand these owners do not want to be priced out of paradise. Why do they keep saying they are all “scofflaws”?! They have been trying to get regulated for years but it’s easier to lump these in with the investors and blame all the government mismanagement on these residents while the hotels are raping the tourists.

  15. East coaster here. Last year we were in Maui for 3 weeks. This year we will cut back & be on Big Island for 5 days and 7 on Maui and visit West Coast for a week. A few of the reasons have been noted in the article.
    Our reasons
    – We are visiting Maui to support the local economy as best we can.
    – 2018 we paid approx $335 a night for our hotel (Sheraton) it is now 700 to a $1000.
    – The govt is hostile to travelers additional fees/taxes
    – The vocal opposition to tourist from some in the community, as if we were the ones that built the hotels, and promoted the travel.
    – Rental Car prices, resort fees, parking fees, beach parking fees, park reservations.

    The messaging from the State probably is the most disappointing.

    1. I have been to the islands 16 times. I will probably never see number 17. The costs are totally out of control And they keep finding new fees. The governor doesn’t want us there so why waste my time and money?

  16. I have mixed feelings about Hawaii. The beaches and landscapes are lovely. The access to natural resources is mediocre. While the seacoast is technically public, access is often blocked by private property and limited (or no) parking. The nature reserves, at least on Maui, are mostly off-limits, not even hiking is allowed. The constant public message is that you aren’t really welcome, the locals are more special than you are, and you’d better be respectful. Maui feels crowded, yet most of the island is empty (and off-limits). I do have sympathy for the locals that have been priced out of the real estate market. For that, that government should allow low cost housing to be built on some of that empty land.

  17. We’ve been to Hawaii several times, mostly visiting the Big Island. Overall, we’ve spent about 7 months in HI. Here are the changes we’ve seen in our last visit in 2023.
    The authorities and locals work in concert to limit your abilities to explore around. They want tourists but they want tourists to stay in Sheraton and if tourists want to get out they have to pay for overpriced tours. For exaple, rangers will find any excuse not to let you drive up Mauna Kea (they are worried about your safety, of course), and activists won’t let you hike to Honomalino Beach, and so on. There are squatters at almost every beach, including some State Parks (e g Ke’ei).This is pretty much “Hawaii for Hawaiians!” in action.

  18. When i first came to hawaii 30 years there was aloha and obviously
    work stress. locals worked two jobs. About 2016 there was palpable sense of non-welcome. Officially Hawaiians while working were always courteous and friendly, but out on a beach not so much.
    The #1 reason tourism is down here and will stay down. Is that the dollar is really strong. Most tourists will take the bargains from
    the Caribbean or Mexio or Costa Rica or Europe, while seeing Hawaii is still at its covid-high and higher-prices.
    The silion vally rich types can handle it, the working class and foreign tourist are fleeing from an arrogant & greedy hawaii

  19. We have always loved & respected the people and the islands of Hawaii. We have gone to other destinations other that Hawaii due to the unwanted feelings towards non-locals, rental car break-ins, hotel & car rental tax increases, along with hotel & car price increases. Yes, there are some rude tourist but they are all over the world. What ever happened to the “Aloha Spirit”?

    1. I’ve lived in San Francisco for 33 years (and always in CA) and we have lots of issues too.
      But I cannot imagine being unwelcoming to visitors.
      We Love them. I love meeting folks from around the world.
      As in HI, CA has a housing crisis too. So we have restricted short term rentals. There’s a huge push here to build more affordable housing.
      Its very said to hear Hawaiians are biting the hand that feeds them.

      I lost interest in visiting HI after Covid. $700 hotel rooms??!!!??
      Instead, I’ve been to Europe 4 times. More culture, $130 nice hotels, cool food. And a smiling welcome.

      1. Newsflash. Europeans are getting fed up with obnoxious Americans too. The fees and restrictions have just begun to become more prevalent everywhere.


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