Hawaiian Air + Mokulele Plan 100-Seat Electric SeaGlider

Following Failed Ferries, Hawaiian Air + Mokulele Both Plan 100-Seat Electric SeaGlider

Maneuvering within harbors like a boat; once in open water, they rise to operate more like a plane. But what about humpback whale safety?

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28 thoughts on “Following Failed Ferries, Hawaiian Air + Mokulele Both Plan 100-Seat Electric SeaGlider”

  1. Flying just above the waves at 180 MPH is all fun and games until a humpback whale breaches in front of you. The plane maker Regentcraft.com has great videos of these flying low and fast.

      1. Rob,

        Is that an assumption or a fact? And, will the large engines be noisy even if electric?

        Don’t get me wrong – noise doesn’t bother me and if it were noisy, wouldn’t that be a wash vs 737?

        I’m very interested in this concept. I just don’t see it being any cheaper than current jets or the former Ferries. Wouldn’t it be something if we could eventually fly from the Mainland to Hawaii and beyond? Maybe there will be electric refueling aircraft flying the friendly skies!

        1. Rod W., I’m just going with what BOH wrote in the article above- “These seagliders are all-electric, “wing-in-ground-effect” vehicles”. Concerning flying electric from the mainland to Hawaii and beyond, maybe our administration will plave recharging stations on floating runways every 400 miles across the pacific, taking a full day to recharge.

          1. Rob L.

            Funny stuff.

            I’m a half-glass-empty kind of guy. So, I suggest potential problems rather than getting all giddy.

            But, I would love to see electric aircraft. And, they may work best over “short” with over-the-water flights.

            Also, we really need to determine how “clean” electric is.

  2. How can you even begin to compare this to the superferry. The superferry was the most versital interisland transport system Hawaii ever had until our sellout politicians killed it. This boat plane is a joke no better than what they offer already, just using different landing area notably a harbor big whoop . I dont see the bennefit

  3. The video shows smooth waters. Hawaii doesn’t actually have much of that all the time. How will choppy waters or high surf affect the ride¿


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