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81 thoughts on “Hawaii “Annual Passport” Visitor Fees Exposed”

  1. This is not the aloha spirit..I love Maui but now tuning into nothing but a money trap same kaui ….what happened to your traditions and values ..this the politicians the money won’t help the real people or communities same like politicians reason lahiana burned seriously

  2. I own a condo here and just paid 1/2 my property tax, which has gone up 100% in the last 4 years and I will have to pay for this parking Fee. I own two cars here, pay inspection and registration too. I have a Hawaii resident ID! Why do I need to pay more?

    1. If you have a Hawaiian driver’s license, I don’t think you have to pay more than any other resident except if you have a property in Maui (condo in your case) that you are not using or renting out to long term residents. Basically, this was done to avoid having all these properties empty for months while locals had no place to live. I personally think that’s fair. To avoid higher property taxes, you need to pay your income taxes in Hawaii.

  3. Can Anyone Guarantee where the Money will go? The State is Notorious for diverting money everywhere else including Losing Track of Large Amounts, at the County Level they will suddenly create new positions, which duplicate current ones, and also creatively duplicate services that they already provide to eat up fee income. Then just like the State, the County will lose track of money into the dark abysmal pit that leads to never never land, never to be accounted for again! I wonder how much will suddenly be ate up by new “Administration Costs” at Each Level of so-called “Leadership.” Good Luck getting more than nickels and dimes towards any good cause, very sad.


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