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121 thoughts on “Hawaii Asks All Visitors To Leave Maui (Updated)”

  1. We pray for the citizens of Maui and hope to offer support in anyway we can. We have spent a great deal if time in West Maui and love it’s beauty and magic. We know this very special place will recover and we hope the world will give you the time and peace to do that.

    1. Was a visitor in Kaanapali during the fire. Flew out AM 8/9. Due to lack of information was unaware of the extent of the disaster until departure. So sorry I didn’t do more to help out.

  2. This is an enormous catastrophe and we are only in the beginning stages of dealing with it. Once we get past the immediate search and recovery phase we have to re-situate people who have lost their homes. Maui is totally unprepared for that.

    We need urgent housing solutions. I would suggest requiring every hotel to offer 1 – 2% of their rooms for displaced Lahaina residents.

    Then we need to get these people back to work. The state needs to expedite the issuance of new business licenses to create jobs.

    Finally we need to rebuild Lahaina. We need a master plan for the community and an expedited construction permit approval process.

    All of this needs to be done quickly.

    Are Maui’s leaders up to the task?

    1. Michael,

      Yours is a well thought out assessment and provides good suggestions. To respond to your closing line, is Maui’s leadership up to the task… that is the Big Unknown. Will Maui’s current leadership be willing to adopt fresh approaches and be open to assistance and ideas?

    2. We just left Maui Saturday before fires. Our hearts are broken for the beautiful people that call it home. You are in our constant thoughts and prayers.

  3. Why do the not mention that the Big Island is fine and open for Tourism? We are the largest island and have plenty of room. The few fires we had were very small and contained very quickly, the same day.

    1. Thank you for your post as I’ve been wondering if we can still come to the Big Island. We are scheduled to be there from 9/10 to 9/17. Everything I’ve read says tourists should come to Oahu and Kauai but they aren’t mentioning the Big Island.

      Praying for the residents of Maui who have lost everything.

    2. Aloha
      My heart and prayers go out to all the Maui residents. Besides not visiting, how can non local people help? Can you provide a list of reputable organizations that people can donate to- perhaps local organizations so we feel good our contributions are going toward those impacted or towards resources that are helping to rebuild the island and communities impacted.
      Stay strong….again my heart and prayers are with you!

      1. Hi Lisa.

        A list of organizations appears in a red notification bar at the top of all pages on our website. Thanks for asking.


  4. We were heading to the airport from Kahana but was told to turned around and take the north route. No one told the community up north that hundreds of car were coming through their narrow 1 lane sharp turn roads.

    1. Prayers for our friends in Maui. We our heartbroken over the devastating loss of life and structure. We will definitely stay away until told we may return. The magnitude of this disaster is hard to comprehend.

    1. Hi Curtis.

      Yes it is our understanding that they were. There are no accessible infrastructure on West Maui from everything we are being told.


  5. What I’d find more suitable as a communication from HTA and the Lt. Governor, as well as for their action, is information explaining the Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response Planning that went into this incident as well as overall. Their communications thus far are for actions that have little to no relevance of the safety and welfare of the residents and visitors.

    With knowledge of hurricanes as well as wildfires and the conditions that make them most hazardous (drought conditions and high winds), what was done in advance? We’re power lines hardened or shut off to protect?

    Why did the emergency warnings not trigger in Lahaina? Many are not aware of this. I learned that heroes on bicycles rode through the streets in the early morning yelling fire and evacuate.

    In South Maui where cell service was supposedly working, one family I know had only 1 of their three cell phones issue an evacuation notice at 1am in the morning. At the evacuation center, all 3 of their phones provided the 630am evacuation cancel notice.

    if only 33% or 50% of residents/visitors received adequate notice… what is the explanation? What was known of effectiveness of the warning systems.

    If high winds were known arriving, why did Maui be left to rely on low firefighting staff (reported as 65 firefighters).

    These are the questions and communications I’d strongly prefer from Lt. Gov and HTA.

  6. Praying for Maui & it’s residents for strength and healing and a quick return to their peaceful lives in their restored homes.

  7. What’s the best way to contribute to aiding the victims of this disaster? I’d like to avoid donating to large organizations that have have high administrative overhead.

  8. Everyone in California is praying for you all of you with love and send I your Aloha spirit back you all of you to wrap and embrace you during this sad time.

  9. Watching from outside the island, this all still seems so surreal. I’d do whatever I could to help, if it were my.place to do so at some point. Really hopeful that everyone remaining is found safe.

  10. Alaska airlines needs to catchup to this guidance- they’re not offering to compensate changes past 8/15 so on 8/16 floods of visitors will return. We’re trying to rebook to another island but they’ve raised the prices to over $1k per person! HAL is the only airline who understands as they are local.

  11. We are all with you here on the mainland. The destruction and devastation tears at our hearts. We feel so helpless at this time and will certainly honor your wish. Please take care of your own. We will help when opportunity arises. Bless you, your island and your people. Thank you for working in the ER. As a fellow healthcare worker I can attest to the need of focus on the care of patients.

  12. Heartbroken to hear the Maui news. Truly what I consider to be paradise. I pray for those impacted by this horrific event. Wishing the island and people of the island a speedy recovery.

  13. I trust that the overflow of patients needing medical care will be medivaced to hospitals on Oahu. Will facilities on other Islands be helping out?

  14. I pray for victims and families injured and displaced by this horrific tragedy. Hope that Maui receives aid from the US mainland soon.


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