Official: "Request To Reinstate Pre-Travel Testing"

Hawaii “Does Not Encourage Visiting:” Waikiki, Diamond Head, Volcanoes, Poipu, Etc.

There’s no way this will be anything but fuel for the fire of Hawaii tourism’s makeover.

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380 thoughts on “Hawaii “Does Not Encourage Visiting:” Waikiki, Diamond Head, Volcanoes, Poipu, Etc.”

  1. I) I’m so angry, this may take 2 comment slots. This is unbelievable. Think about what ruined Hanauma Bay. 1000s of visitors per day, bussed in from the big hotels in and around Waikiki. Who’s fault is that? Nothing but greed. No one cared when the tour buses were raking in the $. I lived on Oahu, I tried so many times to get from Hauula to Hanauma Bay. By 8am the place was packed. Jam packed Couldn’t even park on shoulder of road. So locals couldn’t get in if they wanted. I think someone should figure out what HI wants. Sacred lands Should be off limits. So make sure they’re clearly marked as such. But they’re singling out some of the most beautiful locales on the island. Haleiwa? A beautiful little town. What will all the businesses do?

  2. This is pretty laughable. Totally everywhere you would want to go and take pictures. LOL! Points gun at foot and shoots…

  3. While they’re at it, why not discontinue air travel to the islands? We get it; you do not want tourists. To be fair though, Hawaiian residents may not visit California or Nevada, okay? Turn about is fair play.

  4. Why is is that those who have never built a vibrant economy are so adept at tearing one down?

    How long before “the Authority” to just skips to the chase and does not let persons into the State without the proper ESG score and financial purity restitution (tax) payments?

    Instead of being so focused on perceived negative tourist parasitism, perhaps an understanding of a commensalism-symbiosis between tourist and resident interests would be more beneficial.

  5. I would say you’ve got to be kidding me however I’ve read enough from BOH as of late that I believe there are pockets of people who want no one to visit the islands, ever. To continue to read these how these people feel really disturbs me.

  6. HTA’s Ma’ema’e does not disappoint. Rather than manage, it appears to point and say, This is mine, this is mine, and that too. We need common sense management, not sovereignty.

  7. As far as Kaua’i goes I agree with Queen’s bath but Waimea Canyon state park? Our main problem in Kauai is we are trying to squeeze a bunch of locals and visitors alike on paved over cane roads. The Wailua falls parking and road approaching is a joke. We need updated infrastructure in so many places, including the airport here on Kauai. Don’t think we don’t want more tourist but I am tired of taking 45 minutes to go the grocery store instead of 20.

  8. We just returned from Kauai and we stayed in Poipu Beach area. The whole area is marketed for tourism. Every other shop is a souvenir stand and all the restaurants are exorbitantly overpriced. And Old Koloa Town, nothing but a tourist trap. When we went to Waimea Canyon, there was nothing but tourist buses in the parking lot. So, if HTA isn’t promoting these places, is it just word of mouth? I doubt it…

  9. I’ve lived in Hawai’i off and on since I was a kid when it was a Territory and I still have property and a residence in what truly used to be “Paradise”. As such, I cannot believe the arrogance and ignorance demonstrated on a daily basis by the State Legislature and HTA.

    Collectively, “they” have destroyed the sugar, pineapple, and fishing industries over the decades and now “they” are working to kill the last Golden Goose the Islands possess — namely the tourist industry. Who is gonna’ pay the bills?

    IMO, it’s way past time for Kānaka Maoli and Kamaʻāina to come together and vote the bums out of office — most of whom are “imports” — and return Hawai’i to that graceful oasis in the middle of the Pacific she once represented …

  10. The list is just outrageous. Some of those spots have plenty of room for everyone. Looks to be one sided for sure.
    A couple of spots sure they don’t need more activities but for the most part visit the rest.
    Sounds like Hawaiian “Entitlement”
    And who did they take the islands from??

  11. Thank you for the informative article. They don’t encourage people to go to
    Waikiki? That’s hilarious! Where, on Oahu, do they want people to visit?

    So odd!



  12. A little early for April Fools Jokes, isn’t it?

    If I promise to clean beach restrooms for six days, may I put a foot in the ocean on the seventh?

    Terrifying that anyone could think like this in the USA in 2023.

  13. I’d imagine the resorts in Waikiki are not all that concerned. Waikiki is practically an entity unto itself, and has its own image and marketing, but I wonder how Matsumoto Shave Ice or the folks at Punalu’u Bakery feel about it. Or the Division of State Parks or the NPS, whose purposes, in part, are the enjoyment of the parks for all. I support managing tourism so those of us that live in Hawaii don’t get the feeling of being overrun from time to time, and maybe HTA has served its purpose and should be redefined, but suggesting people don’t go to public places is ridiculous, and, in my mind, disqualifying for the HTA contract.

  14. Aloha Rob and Jeff. I would like to hear your personal views on this new guide. It pretty much sounds to me like no one should come over at all. What.. just stay in your hotel/condo? I can agree with some spots on the list, but for the most part, most of these spots on Kauai are the spots that are to Be seen for their breathtaking beauty. They are going about this approach all wrong in my opinion. Basically they just want to close all spots down to visitors. Ok, no one will come over anymore if they can’t see the “real Hawaii”. It’s really going downhill for everyone over there with these people putting out all these rules.

    1. Hi Debra.

      We can’t say we weren’t surprised by some of the mentioned locations. On the other hand, there’s obviously well-meaning intention behind this, including cultural sensitivity, safety, environmental impact and overcrowding that is getting obfuscated. This also gets caught up in the vast mess of the state legislature, HTA, HVCB and NHHA. We’re hopeful that some good will come out of it.

      We appreciate your asking and moved the answer directly into the body of the article.



      1. I think the ‘well-meaning’ aspect of these recommendations is buried beneath the clear ‘Stay away from Hawaii’ message.
        Very sad that they cannot come up with a more constructive and positive approach to the perceived ‘tourist problem.’

  15. Aloha,
    This is one the dumbest things I’ve ever seen!!!
    Nothings going to change when it comes to social media and click bait, the more the state says “No” the more society will defy and continue tagging and sharing these sights regardless of the states travel organization claiming they don’t glorify them in their own way!!!
    All this just adds to the bad reputation mainlander see of Hawaii even if it’s a false perception or not…

  16. Thanks gentlemen for the informative article. As a resident I cannot say I disagree that residents too often get forgotten about. We live here and pay a lot of taxes. There needs to be a balance that I think the tourism authority is trying to find.

  17. I fear that noting these sensitive and/or over visited areas will have the opposite effect. knowing the names, those who could care less about cultural or eco sensitives now have a roadmap for thir tagging bucket list Fees and enforcement would be the only solution

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