Official: "Request To Reinstate Pre-Travel Testing"

Hawaii “Does Not Encourage Visiting:” Waikiki, Diamond Head, Volcanoes, Poipu, Etc.

There’s no way this will be anything but fuel for the fire of Hawaii tourism’s makeover.

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380 thoughts on “Hawaii “Does Not Encourage Visiting:” Waikiki, Diamond Head, Volcanoes, Poipu, Etc.”

  1. Hmmm, this is interesting. We live in Las Vegas and on any given day, there are thousands of tourists here. We do not complain because we realize it supports jobs for hard working people. The irony is Las Vegas is often referred to as the ninth island and we have many Hawaiians who live here or visit on vacation. Where are We are supposed to go on vacation? We booked a trip in July and will go to all the places we planned. I get it, but don’t complain when your tourism dries up and people cannot afford to live.

  2. On its face, these recommendations are absurd and the HTA has no authority or business putting out such a list of drivel. Like it or not, HI is a state just like any other, and American citizens have the right to visit, take pictures of and share on social media any place they so chose on the islands that is legally open to do so.

    1. Dude, please go back and reread the original article. Nowhere does it say the HTA has authority to enforce these things. They are simply recommendations that are directed towards agencies and companies that promote Hawaiian tourism. That’s all.

  3. I don’t believe that represents the majority opinion among Hawaii residents, many of whom first visited the state as tourists.

  4. Oh my! Sounds like one is now encouraged to enjoy Hawaii from their room or resort. You could, however, be encouraged to visit the malls, Walmart and restaurants as even if your rental car takes up parking in the parking lot. Spending money seems to still be an activity welcomed and valued. Wishing you well beautiful You folks may get your wish.

  5. Andrew, my husband & I met in Waikiki in 1975. Careers & kids intervened until 2000 when we came back for our 25th. We have been lucky enough to come back to the Islands fairly regularly since. We have seen many changes, some good, some bad some just sad. I can understand the Hawaiian dislike of hoards taking over their land and their lives but there is no going back, that world is changed forever, just like the rest of the world. What I see now is, instead of many average people coming for holidays, creating jobs, the new regime would encourage only the 1% who are already making inroads in buying up their Islands and their lives. Be very careful what you wish for! How will average people support themselves?
    The BlueBook will be redundant

    1. Bingo Julie, bingo. The only ones who will be able to afford to visit are the tech titans. Larry Ellison bought Lani, Mark Zuckerberg has bought acres of Kauai, and various folks including Micheal Dell, Bill Gates, and Laurene Powell Jobs have bought up the Kohala coast down to Kukio.

  6. Hey BOH webmasters: have you sent the Hawaii Tourism Agency a link to this thread so that they can read how unpopular their “no go” Toolkit is among the visitors? They should know!

    1. Hi Eldo.

      No we have not. The state and all of Hawaii’s travel partners are all aware of Beat of Hawaii, and this article has already been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.


  7. I’ve been through out many years to practically every place on the list. Maybe you should try to censor how many people visit at a time! This is ridiculous to go by and makes it easier to read the list and then go there! What are we supposed to do? Go to the hotel and set by the pool?

  8. Just wondering if the editors know if the powers that be look at this or similar sites to see how their proposals resonate with a broader audience?

    I suppose another question is do they care?

    1. Hi Johannes.

      Yes Eldo just basically asked the same thing, to which we replied. As to whether they care, that is another thing entirely.


  9. All you have to do see why there is a problem is read these comments. The self-entitlement of this nation is off the rails. Over tourism doesn’t exist, impacts to the land, nature, and the people that live there don’t exist. Me, me, me, and me some more.

  10. Just curious…as I’m scrolling and reading about the places not to see, all I’m seeing is advertising for wonderful “Hawaii getaways” at the hotels, which are close to all the “don’t go” places. Ironic, right???

    1. Paula D, either they are attempting to lead the “Donkey Cart,” us, around using a carrot on the end of a stick Or they haven’t a Clue what they actually want of us. If I didn’t want Tourists to go somewhere I would hire Security to man the Entrance. Condoning Off these areas would be more cost effective. Only Problem for Them is that they would allow Residents in and keeping everyone else out. “Tourist Trap?” Unfettered Access to All Beaches is in Hawaii’s Constitution, will this be taken to Court also? Will they attempt the “Environmental Damage Route?” If so, can a Court shut down Tourism for a while? Interesting to see just how things work out.

  11. This question is directed towards Jeff and Rob.
    With all the talk of tourist unfriendly legislation, taxes and fees etc. and the impression that the HI govt is trying to curtail tourism, at least the kind that they feel isn’t profitable, what is the take by the locals? We have heard from a few on both sides of the fence here but I’m wondering how they really feel?
    In all my years visiting, I have never run across any negative attitudes towards me or what I was doing. Maybe it’s because I tend to try and blend in with what’s going on around me and where I go (at least as much as a hoale can)

    1. Hi Patrick.

      Thanks for asking. We clearly can’t speak for what people here think or even pretend to know. We’d suggest it varies greatly.

      A couple of personal thoughts. Should people expect to have a great and unhindered time in Hawaii? Yes, absolutely. Nothing has changed in that regard.

      Do residents feel that tourism is out of control? We’d suggest that is a reasonably widespread feeling. You need only head to a beach or get on a highway to recognize tourism’s growth is misaligned with the state’s ability to accommodate the needs of both residents and visitors.

      Are visitors to blame for any of that? No. On the other hand, tourism generally (Hawaii and elsewhere) has taken on a different feeling since Covid, which isn’t entirely favorable. So how visitors are seen, as reflected in comments by those who live here and in other tourist destinations, perhaps isn’t as favorable as it once was.


  12. Hola Mexico, hola Costa Rica, hola Panama, hello Virgin Island, hello The Bahamas, Ia Orana Tahiti… don’t want us, we won’t come. There are many places in the world where we can go.

    What other industries do you have besides tourism? The last time I looked agriculture was dead. You certainly don’t make anything. You want to kick out the military. You want to close down the observatories on Mauna Kea. Some of you are agitating for independence. Can you say hello China? Think wisely before making us feel unwelcome.

    1. these places are famous world wide and despite your efforts people will come as tourists. I literally just left Hawaii a couple of days ago and didn’t get the feeling from any natives that we were unwelcome or that we shouldn’t be any of the places mentioned. We went to several. This is very mixed messaging. Instead of making a list of places people should not go, why not make a list of places you wish to encourage people to go? Market that and make it feel like you don’t hate tourists.

      1. Unfortunately the Newest Half of the HTA would rather continue the discourse with the Tourists and Tourism as a whole. They are representative of those who want Zero Tourism in Hawaii and are very vocal about it. I haven’t encountered many of these people in 8 vacations over 8 separate trips, they are rarely confrontational from what I see, however, their voices do carry from their lairs. This won’t change until they get what they desire, shortly thereafter they will realize that Tourism is a necessary evil. It’s extremely doubtful that Tourism will even decrease for very long.

  13. My son has cancer and his make a wish is to go to Hawaii with his family and learn to snorkel we live in washington state there is no place to do that here. So we would very much like to know where are the good family friendly places to go in Hawaii this could very well be our last vacation together and I would love it if it were our best one ever .

      1. Every place you listed for Kauai are about every place other tourist websites suggest to see. I’ve been to almost all of them and never got harassed or treated like we weren’t welcome. Some are very secluded and quiet and not overcrowded. What do the expect people to do, fly there and stay in the room. It’s a beautiful place, like every state. Go visit. Be respectful. Be kind and have fun.

  14. I’m 61 years old and have visited 49 states. I will be going to Hawaii in the next couple years but I’ll do so on a luxury cruise. Try keeping me away.

    1. In my opinion you’re not going to Hawaii if you’re on a “luxury cruise” boat. You will not experience anything like the real Hawaii in the few hours you disembark at various ports. Can’t think of a worse way to visit this beautiful state.

    1. Killing your tourism tree. that’s one way to destroy your economy. I have been to Hawaii 5 × 35 years ago… My sister lived there for 3 years,kamaaina. When I come there it feels like home to me and we will actually be coming this year as a family for the 1st time of 35 years.. So what do you want us to do stay in our condo and twiddle our thumbs.. Life’s short grow up…..Eke’


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