Even Hawaii Premium Passengers Brace for Big Downgrades

Hawaii Passengers Brace for Major Airline Downgrades

Even Hawaii-bound business class travelers are soon to find their premium experiences slip away. As Delta Air Lines leads this next charge, as it did with premium economy, other airlines flying to the islands are likely to follow. Once luxurious, all-inclusive travel to Hawaii may soon come with a new list of added fees.

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45 thoughts on “Hawaii Passengers Brace for Major Airline Downgrades”

  1. The domestic travel industry, (airlines, hotels, rentals cars), is in a race to the bottom. Every amenity is slowly downgraded over time or just phased out. When was the last time an airline or hotel improved an experience and didn’t charge for it?

    I have top tier status with a couple of hotel brands and an airline and the one thing I can consistently count on, is an apology. “I’m so sorry, but we’re not able to offer you an upgrade at this time.”

    To expect anything other than less is naive.

  2. Fact is, there was no lower period for perks than during (and post) Covid. Everything was stripped away. It’s taken this long time to slowly *add* these perks but they now come at a cost. Why is everyone complaining about good old capitalism? If the masses don’t buy into these extras, prices will come down until they do. But for now, there seems to be plenty of money floating around and plenty of people willing to fork it over for comfort’s sake. If you can’t afford it, don’t go.

  3. Hawaiian air been ripping us off for many many years …now all these other airline want to do the same…. 1st they took away our inflight meal . No they up charge everything and what else is going to make our trip more uncomfortable?

  4. I dont see what the big deal is. Nobody is stopping anyine from buying a full business tickets with all the benefits. Actually, I fly Zip Air with their unbundeled Business class seats to Tokyo from the West Coast and the only thing I miss is ice and fancy food. There is all the food you want when you arrive.

  5. Really hope Hawaiian air doesn’t follow suit with Delta in downgrade. As a resident, that travels back and forth a lot to the mainland. We depend on the business class. The last time I had fly Coach I had bruises on my knees because of my height. Which is under 5’9″.

  6. The down grades may be worse now that Alaska has taken over Hawaiian. Flew Hawaiian in May and just recently flew Alaska to NYC. Both flights were first class. Alaska was awful. Hawaiian was excellent. Alaska food was awful, not once were we offered anything by the flight attendants . They were extremely unorganized. Hadn’t flown Alaska in years and the level of service was significantly below expectations. I hope they don’t destroy Hawaiian since tickets for May 2025 are already purchased.

  7. Airlines need to survive. If they got rid of all basic fares, it would exclude so many travelers that can only afford basic. At least it’s a way for those who want to go but can barely afford basic economy. For those who want more and have the ability to pay for it, those options are nice to have. Penny-Pinchers can usually afford premium but want to pay basic and receive premium. Heck. Who wouldn’t? But reality is economics of supply and demand at each level. If basis economy seats didn’t sell, they would be replaced with more expensive business class. The only way to change the airlines is for everyone not to buy basic and leave seats empty. Not gonna happen.

  8. Hawaiian airlines has a tiered system and you pay extra for premium seats, l pick by emergency exit for leg room, then first class is my next option, its expensive but well worth it, foods pretty good, you get snacks and all the drinks you could want, lie flat seats are comfortable, downside, non lie flat, seats are comfortable but your not sleeping in it, lap babies, had one crying for 75% of the trip home, one couple should have had drinks cut off as it seemed like they were going to get there moneys worth in booze.
    Overall Hawaiian is a great experience and if they change significantly or price themselves out of line, I’ll have to then price check other airlines next year before going

  9. To be honest it’s much ado about nothing. Qatar did the same as well. As a first class passenger I usually check just one bag and I never use the lounge since it’s horrible especially Hawaiian Airlines. There’s no reason to pay extra as long as I get a comfortable seat. Even the food in first class is not always suitable to me since it’s always meat heavy. So I think I’m bundling is fine and people can choose to pay a higher fare if they want the extras like in economy.

  10. Travel to Hawaii in so-called “Business” or “First” class hasn’t felt special since the mid-1980s.

    I remember when United offered Royal Hawaiian Service, with catering inspired by Trader Vic’s. We were presented with mai tais and macadamia nuts upon boarding. There were large, colorful menus, delicious pu-pus and appetizers, salads were tossed in a big bowl from atop the trolley, and there was always a roast of some type carved seaside, along with two or three other entrees.

    I’d pay more for such service today, but the reality is it ain’t coming back. Today’s First Class is of a lesser quality than coach back in the Seventies. The cheap slimline seats are not very comfortable and on the whole, “luxury” is a term that resonates only for those born prior to about 1960. Everyone else has No idea of how nice it used to be.

  11. Just wait when and if the US government goes to a flat income tax. These business jaunts with expenses would be exempt from any itemized tax deductions. See how many business class seats will be sold then. In economy class or coach what is really left to downgrade? OH yeah no carry-on’s allowed might be the next downgrade or charge for a carry-on fee.

  12. I flew upgraded business class on American and it was tge worst experience ever for me. No longe access even with am/ex platinum status. No entertUment. Seats didn’t recline never mind lay flat. Service was terrible. Never again.
    Now if Hawaiian loses this. I will be very disappointed and will have to re-assess what to do and decide where to travel to.

    1. We travel back and forth to Maui regularly. We used to take Hawaiian direct from NY, or fly American 1 stop in DFW. But, since the pandemic First class is no longer First class and Business class is third class. Forget travel on Alaska.. never again! Now we don’t get layback seats and we must carry a notebook if we want to watch a movie or be entertained. We even have to preorder our meals to make sure we get something we want or like. And the prices are always going up. More money, less service. And now they want to downgrade even more?


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