64 thoughts on “Hawaii Summer Travel Starts: Dizzying Influx, Towering Frustrations”

  1. Thanks for this post. We are visiting Oahu in late September, staying on the North Shore, to be away from the hustle and bustle.

    Good information under your “How You Can Help During Your Hawaii Vacation” section. I was hoping to also read about short service projects available for visitors to help/give back while visiting.

  2. I believe that information in some form,ie. computer info attached on ticket purchases, info distributed on flight, on cruise ships. The info would include cultural manners, ocean and land etiquette, beach etiquette, turtle, monk seal and other creature education.Reef safe sunscreen, beach music manners….I could go on and on, but education is the first action.
    Oh…major ideas…educational ads in all hotel TVs and guest info.

  3. I don’t understand tourists being rude. For goodness sake, you’re in Hawaii! We were on the Big Island for 3 months this winter–the only time something remotely did not go our way was the restaurant ran out of prime rib a half hour before our reservation. Oh well, we will just make an earlier reservation next time. 🙂

    Sounds like summer in Hawaii is crazy busy. I live in a summer vacation destination as well (Traverse City, MI). Some refer to my town as Traffic City or Travesty. We deal with similar issues Hawaii deals with, of course, on a much smaller scale.

  4. The only way to cut the number of tourists is to cut the number of hotels. Prices can double and people will still come. It is here to stay. Unfortunately, some tourists will be rude, but inconsiderate locals lead to more inconsiderate tourists in a growing cycle. So tourists need too respect Hawaii, but locals need to understand that they need tourists too. In short, why can’t we all just get along.

  5. I think a sustainability mandate would be good, for tourists, resorts, and residents.
    – Tourists must rent zero emission vehicles
    – Resorts need to be zero net energy by 2025
    – Incentives for EV’s, solar,and energy storage for residents and businesses.
    -water use restrictions and recycling mandates for resorts and tourism businesses

    This way, everyone takes care of minimizing tourism impacts. Some people might not come because of these actions, and you get more of the kind of travelers we want here.

    1. Although you started out saying these mandates should be on tourists and residents alike, your list only includes mandates on tourists and the hospitality industry. The only item you have that mentions residents is an “incentive”. If we are to import these types of mandates, they should be on both us and the visitor industry.

  6. I love visiting Hawaii. It’s beauty and people are so lovely and loving. Truly a paradise. You’ll want to he a repeat visitor every year. Mahalo and Aloha

  7. I hate this for you. My wife and I honeymooned there in 1978 and have been back (and remarried!) several times. We love the land, the people, the culture. I sit on my porch in Atlanta in the quiet morning listening to the Hawaiian Rainbow music station. We’ve even been to the Merry Monarch Hula Festival. When my wife passes I’m going to sneak in the Coco Palms and spread her ashes in the Royal Coconut Grove. But we are afraid to go back. Not because of Hawaii residents but because society has deteriorated so much that disrespect has become the norm. I hate that the residents feel so badly toward tourists, but I certainly understand it. Just know that there are some, probably many, like us who absolutely love and respect you and your home.

    1. You speak of “love and respect” yet you are going to “sneak in and leave her ashes” in a place that is not designed for leaving ashes?? How do you reconcile that the 2 of those are not congruent???

  8. I own a condo in Kihei. When on Island, I walk a 3.0 mi RT route S on S. Kihei Rd and back up the beach path. 1.5 yrs ago, a small section of the coastline path no longer had its border of coral and lava rock. Each morning I said to myself “someone needs to fix this path so folks don’t walk on the beach where honu come ashore.” After about 8 days of this lament, I said to myself ” I can fix this path”. I adopted this very small section of cove as my own. When I a on island, I maintain the trail. In Februrary 2022 I noted that other folks had chipped in with trail maintenance. I found my own way to contribute to Hawai’i. Mahalo

    1. We need more like you CD. But then again…you “own” a 2nd home on Maui. Big difference, I think. But Mahalo for starting what you did.

  9. In response to Michele M. Staying at the Marriott Po’ipu. We were just there & most nights ended up just ordering food to go from their beach front cafe (must order by 6:45 pm) & eating on ourlanai or on the ocean front beach chairs. The food is as good as any & can’t ask for a better view! On the way from airport to hotel, stop at ‘Mark’s Place’ in a Lihue business park & pick up plate lunches to go for a yummy, easy, filling, travel day meal! Also 2nd ‘Da Crack’ and we enjoy the Hyatt’s Sea View Terrace before sunset for the view, & Tidepools for the food; & the ocean front cafe at the Sheraton for breakfasts. But really with crowds & waits, your own Lanai is a pretty relaxed spot to eat! Enjoy your trip!

  10. If all would just think Ohana. We, visitors, are coming into you home – we should treat your home with respect and care, and hope to be treated as welcomed guest. We visit Kauai (and sometimes Maui) each year and have never been treated otherwise. So if you’re heading to the islands, Please keep in mind this Is their home. Aloha

    1. Yes, and the same can be said for all visitors to all states. Respect and care should apply to the lands of all people everywhere.

  11. I was on the Big Island recently and the attitude of the locals was strained and unfriendly. In the past it was not like that. Could this be the strain of severe Covid lockdowns. Half of Kona was boarded up. Not sure but hope the Big Island recovers. It is my favorite place.

  12. Just an fyi – tourists are rude on the mainland too. We live in far northern California, where the redwoods grow, and the tourists here leave garbage everywhere and trample our beautiful forests with no regard for preservation. I love the Big Island! Aloha and Mahalo!

    1. How does one “trample” a forest? Just asking so that I make sure not to do it. Maybe you mean people should stay on the paths?

    2. I lived in Tahoe 46 years and saw how the “class” of tourist from the 1970’s to the 2017 changed. I knew people that lived at Tahoe back in the early days when the roads were closed, the only way around the Lake was by boat and only 6 people lived at the South Shore year-round.
      My daughter and son-in-law are going to Hilo and Kona next month and they are deeply respectful
      of locals as they have seen, growing up how so many tourists leave their brains and manners at home and have no respect for locals or their neighborhoods with the vacation rental system that came in.

  13. In light of this report, it’s easy to see
    Why no one cares about non returning
    visitors. A whole new group, some of whom
    Will claim hawaii as their personal possession, a whole new group of non returners.
    In the mean time, Hawaii rocks ‘long.

  14. There are a small minority of people with extreme views and they flock to the Internet to express them.
    Sadly some people think making up stories to support their views is acceptable. Others take an isolated incident and blow it out of per portion.
    One rude tourist/resident does not define anybody but themselves by their behavior. I would confidently tell anyone that you can travel to Hawaii and not feel mistreated unless you are looking for it. That said, a new attitude has grown in America and it’s very much anti multi- culturism and pro narcissism. They are a bad fit for Hawaii and could be a cause of conflict.

  15. Aloha!
    We just returned from spending 10 days in Kauai and we had a wonderful time. Yes, some businesses were short-staffed and closed early, but everyone had the Aloha spirit and were very friendly. We have school-aged children and are not willing to pull them out of school for vacation so we go as soon as school is out to try to avoid the big rush. The key is to plan ahead, book early, be respectful, and bring your patience and Aloha spirit. It’s your vacation to enjoy!

    1. Short staff was a problem everywhere last year. Both the Adirondacks and Hilton Head had trouble accommodating their visitors. I don’t think anyone should expect different from Hawaii.
      What restaurants have been doing where I live is paying people a lot more than they used to. Many have closed but those that remain seem to have really good food & service.

      1. I loved living in Pearl City when I was in the Navy at Pearl Harbor. Now, I’m planning to move back to Hawaii for the rest of my life.

    2. Thanks for the insightful comments. Also, thank you for your concern to your children’s education. So many parents seems to think it’s okay to pull their kids out of school so they can travel. Have a wonderful time when you visit beautiful Hawaii.

  16. September – if you are going to go to Hawaii (and don’t care about the whales) go in September. The weather is still great and the kids have gone back to school.

    1. WE were in Maui last Thanksgiving. I did not notice any traffic problems or overcrowded beaches — and no ride tourists or locals. I think that is a busy time of year? Going back for spring break next year just to check on the crowds 😉

  17. With respect to the comment about more people being inconsiderate I couldn’t agree more. Not necessarily on the islands but on the mainland as well. I’m not sure why people’s attitudes seem to have changed post-pandemic? People are driving like maniacs. Rude and inconsiderate for no reason. As you state it is still a small minority but much worse than ever before.

  18. Aloha, where is Goldilocks when you need a just right amount of tourists. The world needs Kaua’i and Kaua’i needs the world!

  19. Aloha! We are headed to Kauai in august. Staying at the Marriott Po’ipu. Could you please share some of your favorite food places on that side of the island?
    Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Michelle.

      That’s not our thing, so we’ll leave it up to other commenters to give you a hand. Enjoy your time on Kauai!


    2. Check out the Ultimate Kauai Guidebook, they have an app as well.

      A couple of options in Lihue area:

      The Plantation House by Gaylords
      Dukes at the Marriott
      Tik Tok Cafe for breakfast

      1. Whoops you said Poipu… tons of options there.

        Keokis is one of our favorites
        Shops at Kukuiula has a lot of good options
        Beach House
        Grand Hyatt (Tide Pools, Stevensons Library)
        Kalaheo Cafe is a great spot for breakfast
        Kalapaki Joes for a sports bar

    3. Two of our favorite less expensive places near Poipu is Da Crack, dacrackkauai.com/ and Bubba’s Burgers, bubbaburger.com/. Both have great food and are reasonably priced for Hawaii! Enjoy!

    4. Also… one thing my wife and I do on every trip is a sunset dinner cruise with Captain Andys on their Star Class catamaran (Southern Star), you won’t regret it.

      1. Couldn’t agree more! They have a chef on board and their menu currently includes filet mignon and skewered shrimp! It’s $200 well spent…..

        1. As Skyb says many locals were once visitors and if they visit a neighbor island they sort of are visitors again. Unless they have family there they need a car and a place to stay and eat.

          I prefer going in early May but this year I’m going with my cousin and she works in a school and isn’t able to go until late June and I think many visitors are in the same position with their families.

      2. Agree. The Southern Star is the way to go, plus you will sea a lot of sea life- spinner dolphins, sometimes manta rays, and during winter months, you get the humpbacks. And the food is amazing. We’re already making reservations for next February.

    5. Hukilau Lanai is one of my favorites. Not in Poipu but worth the drive to Waipouli. For breakfast, Tip Top cafe in Lihue. Best loco moco ever.

    6. Brennecke’s Beach Broiler is a favorite, along with Keoki’s paradise for fun and casual. Finer dining options in Poipu are Merriman’s, and Beach House. But nothing is really fine dining, it’s Hawaii so it’s still casual. If you get to the west side of the island, Japanese Grandma’s cafe is amazing. Their sushi is incredibly good quality and fresh.

    7. We live in Tahoe and the same tourist issues have invaded us so we visit Maui yearly and are keenly aware of the situation. We are low key seeking out quiet beaches and getting food to go or cooking at condo. We greet all kindly and are understanding of staff shortages and delays.Mahalo.


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