Hawaii Tourism Authority Now Says U.S. Mainland Visitors Desperately Needed!

Hawaii Tourism Authority Now Says U.S. Mainland Visitors Desperately Needed!

Hawaii is finally shifting its tourism focus back to its core, aiming to quickly reinvigorate its faltering travel industry. This strategic pivot seeks to integrate hard-learned lessons for a sustainable future.

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157 thoughts on “Hawaii Tourism Authority Now Says U.S. Mainland Visitors Desperately Needed!”

  1. Finally, reality has set in. So glad that the idea of employees suffering from loss of wages, the counties and State losing TAT, GET, and county Tat is being recognized. Hawaii is a beautiful state that is loved by visitors. It makes the perfect, relaxing vacation for families and weddings. Both of our sons were married in Maui. All good news!

  2. I feel very alone amongst the negative posts here. I understand the reaction to the Governor and the vested interests in Hawaii but I come back to Hawaii multiple times a year; not because it is cheap, not because it is a short journey, not because it is always sunny (Kauai North shore?), not because I love the open roads (middle street merge anyone?); I visit because of all the Kama‘aina and Malahini friends I have made over the last 30 years. And as we get older, true friends are what really counts.

  3. Too little/Too late. Headed to Aruba and Curaçao on Friday. Cheaper, more welcoming, and the people actually want you there. Good luck with the anti-tourism Governor and tourism board saving Hawaii.

  4. The Goose Is Cooked..

    What’s the next mixed message?

    Please invest in our real estate market . Buy a condo or house to rent out as a long term investment.

  5. See this? This isn’t a smile… It’s Pain…. What reality do these people Live In??? I’m flying to Oahu on Monday next for 2 weeks but I’m chopping a week off the usual and stopping in Vegas to see friends. Looking forward to seeing people, places, and eating local food but not the incomprehensible comedy act that has replaced what passed for (already weak) state governance and policy…

    Best Regards

  6. My business is focused on guests from Europe therefore we know that market pretty well. The reasons for the absence of guests are complex, here are three main factors that influence the decision to choose Hawai’i as a destination.

  7. For years, we have observed that the HTA market has been treated stepmotherly. It cannot be expected that a course correction will bear fruit in a short time. For this, it will be necessary to have patience, substantial investment, and steady management (on-site). Hawai’i as a vacation destination gets lost among the many others. Hawai’i is too expensive, and the service is mediocre. Europeans are very price-sensitive, well-traveled, and therefore can assess very well whether the price-performance ratio is right.

  8. […]
    The outcome of the presidential elections in the USA has had and will continue to have a significant influence on the travel behavior of Europeans.
    The tourism industry of Hawai’i will need a few brilliant minds with innovative ideas, free from prevailing nepotism, to get the ship back on course.

  9. Just have to say that the “respectful and mindful tourist”, more than likely comes from the US mainland. The visitor that has come to Hawaii more than once. A first time visitor is so hung up on themselves the first time, the locals and unfortunately the land itself is not held in high regard. But you take a mainlander who has come more than once, well you start to connect with the people and the land, it kind of becomes part of you, even as a visitor. We Love Hawaii, it’s people, culture and land. Even if they hate us and don’t want us just our money.

    1. Well stated Mike. I’ve recently returned from my 5th trip. I loathe the air travel from the east coast of the mainland. But once I’m on any of the islands, I immediately feel the connection to the land and the culture. The air travel trauma quickly disappears. Almost 5000 miles from my mainland home, I feel as though I’ve arrived at my happy place and always strive to be as respectful to my island home as I am in my own home. But it takes welcoming those 1st time travelers to turn them into the frequent visitors that the islands need to support the economy. I cannot wait to return again and again.

      1. May be they should concentrate on attracting visitors from the East coast. I was one of them until I moved here permanently. Had the same feeling from the start…

  10. Even a well intended European has a much greater environmental impact than anyone from the states. HTA has to balance, cultural,
    environmental and economic concerns.
    Marketing is manipulation. Maybe they should just focus on
    “it’s really nice here”. I guess its the nanny-state that cares about what anyone should think should just be more respectful of average people and not pry into their heads.

  11. Japan’s currency has been tanking. Is now down to 160 yen/dollar. Consider that it stayed around 110-120 yen/dollar since I can remember, that makes Hawaii (and airline fuel, etc.) 30-50% more expensive then pre covid. Frankly, a great time for Americans to visit Japan.

  12. My wife and I spent 8 days on the Big Island right after Thanksgiving. We just came back from 18 days in Paris & Rome, including a leisurely drive between the two cities. We have been to Hawaii over 20 times. We love it there, but we spent about 70% as much money for the European trip. We’re not cheap travelers, but we feel we’re being exploited in post-covid Hawaii. The price of restaurants & accommodation is ridiculous. There’s a “it’s not what we promised you, but if you don’t like it we don’t care” vibe running through the whole place. The attitude is somewhere between indifference and passive annoyance. This November we’re going to try out the Canary Islands. I don’t know when we’ll go back to Hawaii.

    1. Paul,

      In case you have not been there, I highly recommend the Azores. Ponta Delgada is a 5 hour flight from Boston. Short flights (and sometime ferry ride) between most of the islands. Also can easily go to Madrid-to-Canaries (or vice versa), if you have the time. We’ve not been to Madeira (yet), but also on our list. Strong dollar to Euro right now makes international travel less expensive.

  13. I feel for the small businesses.
    The hotel and rental car companies have made travel to HI a difficult choice. Hotels have “done the math” and are happy to run at 2/3 occupancy at Very high rates and limited staff (again, I feel for the locals) in order to maximize profit.
    I love HI and the people but something must be done to find a way to “correct” the current hotel industry mindset.

  14. “we love you, we really do,” but we forgot to tell you.”

    Maybe the message to visitors should change to:

    “it’s not you, it’s us”

    1. “it’s not you, it’s us”

      The HTA needs to hire George Costanza to stop tourism shrinkage.

  15. So, for months now we have been told not to come to Hawaii, especially Maui! Funny how when the Red Cross and FEMA dollars end the begging begins for tourists to return and spend money! But, don’t forget that Gov Green is still pushing for that chance to take away owner’s right to rent short term which will send many, many visitors somewhere else. They just can’t get it right over there and they will pay the price long term. It is very sad for those who depend on tourism to survive.

  16. Hawaii used (past tense) to be our frequent vacation destination, often twice or more each year. Never again. Hawaii’s insistence on making vacationing there as miserable as possible has focused our destination efforts on the Caribbean and places like Belize and Costa Rica. The last straw was learning that “mainlanders” would be charged to access the beaches in HI. Yeah, good luck with your tourism efforts.

  17. I appreciate and enjoy your newsletters. I only hope the Best for the Islands, as they are a rare beauty. We were there, on Maui in October, our Honeymoon. A beautiful condo location, Sugar Beach Resort. My most beautiful memories on the Islands, isn’t a Hotel. Manage forwards not Backwards.

  18. Let’s see..we now realize we really need tourism from mainland but Josh Green likes to shut down the vacation rentals…IDoes he really think they all going to fit in the sardine can of Waikiki ? I fail to believe so

  19. It’s funny – I’ve been coming to Hawaii continuously since the 1970s (the first trip was a short one -. I’m coming home from Japan, and the ship spent part of a day in Honolulu). And I can only recall one unpleasant experience (at Pali Lookout). On the other hand, those in the tourist and hospitality industries have always been friendly. Others are pretty neutral. Doesn’t bother me. No one is rude, everyone has their own life and pleasant is good enough for me.

    1. Hi Rod.

      Your sense seems very accurate. For that matter, we’d say the same thing about our experiences and interactions elsewhere.

      Thanks for your more than 600 comments! We appreciate it.



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