New Hawaii Regenerative Tourism Bill Signed: Impact On Hawaii Visitors?

Hawaii Tourism Overhaul: What Visitors Should Expect

Evolving with newly signed landmark transformational law. Enhanced environmental protections and more coming to future Hawaii vacations

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72 thoughts on “Hawaii Tourism Overhaul: What Visitors Should Expect”

  1. I agree Tony—was wondering if the treatise was A-I generated as it made little sense. And again so hypocritical….how about conservation lessons for many of the locals who disrespect the beauty of their home. I only ever see tourists picking up trash in the wake of the ATV’s and 4X4 monster trucks that went before them.

  2. My wife and I recently returned from a trip from the islands, including Lanai. While I realize Lanai is a private island, the amount of plastic garbage on the shores near Shipwreck Beach is a national disgrace and tragedy. We must do something to correct this issue.

  3. I support any and all efforts to retain and sustain the Hawaiian lands and culture. The invasion of tourists have made it almost impossible, economically, for natives to remain on the islands.

    1. The tourists ‘invading’ the islands is the only reason you’re still there. They provide 70-85% of every dollar circulating in the economy.

      Remove those dollars and see how long you can stay.

  4. Tourists coming to Hawaii are on vacation. Who wants to plan every minute of a trip weeks before travel. I’ve been visiting nearly 50 years, over 25 trips. Have visited each island, but mostly Oahu or Maui. My happy places. Wake up and decide which direction to go today, feel like staying at a location for 15 minutes or 2 hours I’m On Vacation. Picnic or fine dining, what fits the mood. What happened to the aloha? I’m sure I’ll miss Hawaii, but I’m checking out other options.

      1. Hawaii will never lose its luster for some, but will for others. We have family there and that can never go away for us. My advice is to hope that others don’t lose so much love for the islands that those who rely on tourism don’t suffer from this sentiment. At my age, right, wrong or indifferent, I’ve seen people live to regret that which they wished on others. Aloha.

        1. Tom,

          It’s hard to feel empathy for people who continue to elect the same terrible leaders. Wake up Hawaii, doing the same thing every election will only result in the same results.

  5. I think this is a fantastic plan, I’ve only been once to the islands and was extremely happy with the Aloha vibe, but noticed the rudeness of tourists. It bothered me very much. I believe that Hawaii and its families have every right to grow back their islands and preserve the heritage and beauty of them. If setting regulations to do such is a plan, I say go for it. To much disrespect and overcrowding is shameful for such a beautiful people and place….

  6. You hit it right on the head, Erik. All this talk about tourists needing to respect locals and the environment, while locals trash the environment with cars, couches, washers, etc., and complain about the tourists who spend money there.

  7. same words over and over but no idea what they are going to do but raise rates/prices etc. if you want to clean up Hawaii start with its native people and all the trash they dump for it is the people of hawaii that has trashed their island, then and only then can you ask the same of tourists.

  8. Wow! Alot of words and not much said. Been going to Maui for many years and loved it like a second home. You hear alot of talk about overcrowding but yet the homes and condos keep going up. Water,water,water. Always about water yet the growth keeps happening. We no longer feel welcomed like we use to. Time to find a new home. What a shame!

    1. We just sold our beautiful home on Maui due too no longer feeling that Aloha Spirit. All you hear about is how tourist trash the islands and how rude they are. In our 10 plus years we never once experienced a rude or disrespectful tourist. Residents need to look a bit deeper into their wrong doings and make some serious changes Hard to believe Hawaii is part of the United States Stop asking the federal government to 100% support your deficiencies you created

      1. The abandoned and stripped cars we see along the roadways on Maui and Oahu are not tourists deciding to leave their rental cars.

  9. Sorry Hawaii but Hawaiian’s and locals have been surfing and swimming in the aqua marine toilet for years. Fish,whales,turtles,marlins, and shellfish have to go to deposit urine and fecal matter somewhere. What eco solution do you have for this problem Hawaii? Go Big or Go Home!!!!!

  10. Translation: less tourists & a disasterous Hawaiian economy. Good luck Hawaii, you get what you vote for.

  11. I’ve visited Hawaii twice in the last year and a dozen times since the 70s. Tourism does have an impact on the environment but the garbage from the numerous beach homeless encampments on Oahu and abandoned cars throughout Maui aren’t caused by tourists. It seems to me that there’s been a loss of luster and local pride as a result. I won’t be returning anytime soon.

    1. You hit it right on the head, Erik. All this talk about tourists needing to respect locals and the environment, while locals trash the environment with cars, couches, washers, etc., and complain about the tourists who spend money there.

  12. A good step to take will be to X-ray bags inbound and confiscate all the sunscreen that bleaches the coral. We buy the local zinc based cream to support the local vendors when we visit.

    I approve of limits on the number of visitors. I’m willing to apply and wait my/our turn.. less people less damage..

    1. I agree about the sunscreen. I just returned from a month long trip. I was shocked at how many tourists were using spray sunscreen/not reef safe products… and spraying it on windy days and it going all over the place instead of on their skin.

      1. Actually, there are many activities in our society
        that you could make similar comments about.
        Most people have tunnel vision
        and live inside their own little bubble (:

  13. We have been visiting Waikiki every year for a month and have experienced all the changes on the island before and after covid. We totally respect the spiritualness and peacefulness of this beautiful place. We also don’t appreciate the disrespect of present tourists. The actions we have seen taking place on the beaches are appalling. What the Governor needs to do to go back to the Golden Days is to set up beach patrols so tourists learn how to respect this sacred land. If there is no guidance then this is the reason the islands are a mess. Thanks Frank C.

  14. Wasn’t much said here in the way of actual changes to come. A lot of general talk about big picture issues to be sure, but no real definitive answers as to what’s going to happen…

  15. While in the military I lived in Hawaii for 2 years and have since visited there some 15 times. I will not be back. I will spend my tourist dollars where I feel more appreciated rather than a nuisance.

  16. This makes no sense and doesn’t seem like it will make a difference. It will frustrate tourists like the reservation system and with how much it costs to go to Hawaii people will go elsewhere.

  17. Just priced a shuttle to Haena for four people and the cost was $160.00. That’s insane!!! Gouge the tourists. I own a timeshare in Princeville and will be going in December 1 last time and selling after. Good ridence. Heading to the Caribbean with cheaper lodging and airfare. I agree that they do need to do a better job with island clean up and recycling. Who needs abandoned and burned vehicles on the beaches?

  18. I can see it now: When you get off the plane, you are taken to a large room where all the tourist “rules” are explained. You have to sign a statement that you will be a mindful tourist and abide by any and all rules. Then before you leave the room, you will be assessed a “mindful tourist” fee. $50? $100? That money will go directly to the politicians pockets.

  19. “A Tale told by Idiots full of Sound and Fury signifying Nothing…”

    Apologies to slightly modifying The Bard…

    Best Regards


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