New Hawaii Regenerative Tourism Bill Signed: Impact On Hawaii Visitors?

Hawaii Tourism Overhaul: What Visitors Should Expect

Evolving with newly signed landmark transformational law. Enhanced environmental protections and more coming to future Hawaii vacations

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66 thoughts on “Hawaii Tourism Overhaul: What Visitors Should Expect”

  1. My wife and I are thinking of visiting this fall for a couple of weeks. It’s a very tough decision based on the expense. We’re regular people with jobs. One of my biggest fears is spending a lot of money, (And crime) and not being wanted . With all of the articles I read, I can never figure out whether you want people to visit or not.

    1. Ted: Take advantage of the low condo rental prices now. Once inflation subsides, the discounts will disappear. Supply/demand still works.

      We own a rental in Kihei right on the beach and the deals we’re offering are very attractive to travelers. We’re full all summer.

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