Hawaii Vacation Pitfalls That Now Demand Your Attention

Hawaii Vacation Pitfalls That Now Demand Your Attention

Recent challenges have emerged that every Hawaii visitor should be aware of. From updated regulations that could catch you by surprise to environmental concerns that demand a shift in how we vacation.

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32 thoughts on “Hawaii Vacation Pitfalls That Now Demand Your Attention”

  1. For my money, the Kalaheo Cafe is the best breakfast on Kauai. Frequented by many locals, though, don’t be a jerk from the mainland — blend in and enjoy the pace and the food.

  2. Even going there is a mistake because of the price gouging Even if you have the money it offends you to be totally ripped off on everything..it’s simply not worth the money anymore there’s far better places to go at a third the price… I won’t be back.. I’ve been coming for decades no more… Everybody I know feels that way…

  3. We visited last year in early March to honolulu. We only scheduled one thing, which was kayaking (it was great but so much more work than a river lol) me and my husband both chose things we wanted to check out. We avoided at all costs any overly touristy type things (mostly due to the insane costs)and most beaches, but we were there for 3 days and touched each corner of the island! We even made sure to stop by the Sunday swap by the stadium on our way out. So much more to do than typical tourist stuff. Plus avoiding that saved a whole lot of money and made it extremely affordable! We walked to Waikiki every night and bar hoped, got tattoos and took in the sights! Had to grab a pin from hard rock for my adventure collection though!


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