Soaring Hotel Rates in Hawaii Have No Place To Land Because of This

Hawaii Visitors Left Reeling By Up to 300% Cost Increases

State indicated Hawaii visitor spending up just 23%, but how is that even possible with prices through the roof?

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151 thoughts on “Hawaii Visitors Left Reeling By Up to 300% Cost Increases”

  1. Our last visit was in February 2022 – a return trip looks extremely unlikely, mostly due to airfare. It is easily 2x, and 3x for any kind of school break travel, and while we love Hawaii, we can just about get anywhere else in the world for less money. Our plane tickets from Seattle to Puerto Rico were less than 1/2 of what the same week cost to go to Hawaii. Not comparing PR and HI in any way, and I likely won’t be back there, but the price comparison is something to take some serious note of.

  2. When I talk to millennials and gen-z’ers about Hawaii, I consistently hear negative comments about how destructive the tourism industry has been to the Hawaiian culture, people and environment, and that they don’t want to perpetuate it. And when you stop and think about it, they’re right.

  3. BOH:
    As someone who has lived in and traveled 4 times a year to Hawaii (mostly Maui and Oahu) since 1976, I am mystified by the lack of housing for locals. We know Big Ag left Hawaii 15-20 years ago, never to return in an appreciable way. Yet all that ag land sits fallow year after year, at least from what I can see on Maui and Oahu. Knowing Hawaii politicians are loathe to act in any expedient manner to rectify the housing crunch, it’s another impediment to locals wanting to remain in the Islands. “Brain drain” is real. Most locals have no realistic chance of being home/land owners. So they’re leaving in droves in search of their American Dreams. Also, graft, cronyism and nepotism are real when it comes to those in the political seats of power. I keep up with local goings on both while on and off island, and not a week goes by without learning of brush fires on (Maui) snarling traffic to the Lahaina/Kihei side or yet another politician caught red handed breaking the public trust and/or laws. It’s baffling to see no real widespread progress towards fixing this basic need for housing.

    It amounts to another brick in the wall keeping the local populace from getting ahead or even keeping their heads above water. Finding careers with a decent livable wage is another issue. I feel for them. Especially those on Maui where tourism is like 80% of the local economy.

    Yet I continue to support them with my frequent travel to Hawaii.

    1. Like CA residents will continue to vote these same people into office instead of someone that may help them. We see the disaster CA has become, I hope the HI is paying attention.

    2. Exceedingly Spot On Tom L. ! I’ve owned in the islands over 25 years. Tax law could help remedy this toxic brew for locals and their families. FAR easier to keep raising taxes than do the very hard work of economic reform. Tom’s comment:

      ‘ Also, graft, cronyism and nepotism are real when it comes to those in the political seats of power. I keep up with local goings on both while on and off island, and not a week goes by without learning of brush fires on (Maui) snarling traffic to the Lahaina/Kihei side or yet another politician caught red handed breaking the public trust and/or laws. It’s baffling to see no real widespread progress towards fixing this basic need for housing.’

  4. Visited Honolulu in 1992 and our car was broken into at a beach and my wallet was stolen. There were leering locals in the parking lot. Ruined our vacation. Never returned to Honolulu again. A despicable treatment of tourists.

  5. If the locals don’t want tourist then they need to get the word out there. Maybe stop working at the huge mall, resorts etc. Things will close down pretty quickly. I live in the San Francisco bay area and the largest mall just went into foreclosure. People are struggling to work. In our area, we love tourist and doing whatever we can to bring tourism back.
    I wish I knew the attitude before we visited Hawaii for the 1st time a couple weeks ago… Our fam of 7 don’t have a lot of money but after selling whatever we could, we came to Waikiki for a 4 day Hawaiian dream vacation. I was so confused by the complete lack of care by all involved after one of us was badly beaten and robbed, but it’s more clear now why the officers didnt even make a report. There was a clear tone at the police dept.
    There are mixed messages… On the mainland, seeing Hawaii even once is a dream for many and the advertising to visit the islands is abundant. If Hawaiians don’t want the tourism, they can change it. But to have us come and spend thousands and then be treated terribly is not okay.

  6. We closed on selling our house on the big Island yesterday. We have owned a condo and/or home for 25 years there and we loved it. We decided to sell after the pandemic because we were accosted and cussed at by locals telling us to go home when we tried to park at different sites and restaurants. There is a lot more aggression toward non-locals. We took family for the first time and were completely mortified by the behavior from the locals they experienced. The Aloha spirit is gone but the prices continue to rise. We had several fine dining experiences where our views of the ocean were blocked by the blue homeless tents on the lava all along All’i Drive. We have many good memories from the years but the last visit isn’t one we want to remember. My dollars will now go to another state or country.

  7. I bought two dozen donuts from the Donut King on Kapiolani. Nothing fancy, all regular ordinary donuts. Two dozen cost 70$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It’s sugar and flour. 70$
    Come on Donut King

  8. From friends who actually live on Maui year round, I have heard one of the complaints is tourists go to slow (actually follow the posted speed limit).

    I know personally I have been run up on by non-tourists going way to fast (per posted legal limit) and upset that others actually follow the law.

    Yet the argument is framed up “tourists are always in our way”.

  9. Went there a number of years ago and will never return. Way to expensive for what ? I found the same environment in many other countries and at a reasonable cost. Also when you do the exchange rate from Canada to USA $$$$ it instantly becomes at least 30 % more No Tganks. Better vacations elsewhere

  10. We have been coming to Hawaii since the 70’s, first as kids and now as adults. We live in San Jose, CA and Hawaii has been out go to vacation every year. Unfortunately, as much as we love Hawaii, it does not return the favor anymore. We used to feel so welcomed, but now we feel they want our money, but not us. We traveled to Europe this summer for 2 weeks and it cost less than 1 week in Hawaii. Sorry to say we will be saying aloha and spending our money elsewhere.

  11. Price to fly to Hawaii actually is better but accommodations is ridiculous, taxes and resort fees are alone is the same as hotel price in Europe. Our family pick elsewhere instead of Hawaii: cheaper and more exotic.

  12. I come to Hawaii to visit my wife’s family. Do the members of these Hawaiian travel groups not realize that if you raise your prices, taxes,, admission fees and parking beyond your customers means that you will drive them to a new destination. The Hawaiian government and tourism groups recently complained about too many tourists. Yes Hawaii is a beautiful place but when your economy is based on inviting guests to your area you probably want to think a little more. Maybe bring in some new people with some new ideas.

  13. I go to the Islands every year alternating between Oahu and Maui. l went to Maui in June. Events were between 20 to 40% higher. Luau’s were nearly 100% higher for general seating. I stay at resorts or my Timeshare.

  14. As with many industries, the hotels in Hawaii have taken advantage of guests by charging outrageous nightly accommodations. Your example of $700/night in Kapolei and the information I’ve received from guests in Waikiki hotels on nightly room costs is shocking. If the hotels do not reduce those fees, tourism will continue to fall, and that will cause a crippling economy similar to what happened in the 1990s when tourism took a dive, especially visitors from Japan at that time. There were huge layoffs and unemployment claims. The hotels must reduce those prices to reasonable rates. Certainly huge corporate profits are the greedy cause. Think about it…. Who can afford $700 or more each night… Nearly$5,000 for just the room for 7 nights? Add in a family and Hawaii is really out of it. Those who wish to keep tourism at bay have certainly achieved success, and dangerously much more. The amazing result here is much like corporations and companies throughout the US…. profits exceeding 25% in many cases. Did it have anything to do with increased wages… Very small by comparison. Most of these increases are related to corporate and investor returns. We had a 9.5% inflation rate in 2022 so increasing room rates and car rentals by 10% would be understandable. And the remaining up to 300% increase? It’s not going to wages and it’s certainly hurting future tourism numbers. Wake up industry! Your creating your own demise and it’s happening in front of your eyes.

  15. It will be my fourth Hawaiian vacation in October….but I fear that it will be my last as costs for accomodations, car rentals and flights have escalated to the stratosphere. Very unfortunate as Caribbean vacations are far more reasonably priced.

  16. Unless you’re rich or have a lifelong obsession to visit Hawaii I say skip it. There are so many of other places to visit that are way cheaper.

  17. We’re big fans of Hawaii. We’ve visited the various islands six times over the past two decades including for our first wedding anniversary. It’s always been expensive, but we have loved it and made the sacrifice and have always come back happy.
    When we priced up another trip for 6 nights last year, we were shocked with the cost we encountered. Lodging was the biggest suprise. $400 and upward a night for a place to sleep? The extra fees on top are frankly insulting too. Almost a thousand a night for two rooms? Multiply that by 6 nights just for a place to sleep for four people? Add in inflated prices for activities, food, and car rental and it will really set you back. Given these prices, we choose to spend our money elsewhere. We ended up spending over 2 weeks in Thailand for a substantially lower cost and had the experience of a lifetime. With the Caribbean, Central America, and SE Asia all being significantly cheaper, we may never go back to Hawaii.

    1. Yes, Chris! That is a fine idea! There is a whole world to see out there! So glad you decided not to be stuck on Hawaii exclusively! Our islands and people really need the break! Mahalos!

      1. Isn’t part of the issue the crackdown on STRs? Yes, you can try to seperate them into permitted and unpermitted but after the unpermitted ones are closed down the next step is the permitted ones by adding more regulation/tax/etc… then you are left with just the big business chains who contribute $ where needed to get what they want. A small STR owner has no such power.

        1. Yes, this is a worst-case scenario – short-term rentals being driven off the islands completely, as they almost are in Oahu.

          But the fact remains that right now you can get hundreds of two-bedroom condos on the other islands with twice the space and half the cost of a hotel room. Everyone here complaining about the hotels don’t seem to know about that this is a solution to their accommodations woes.

          1. Yep. And as I mentioned in an earlier post, lots of ways to do it on the cheap. Using travel points (hotels, aiines, rental cars) can make a trip free (or far reduced cost) except for what you choose to spend on food.

            The sad thing is, before I would be paying cash for everything and using our accumulated travel program points for other trips elsewhere. Now that $10k cash goes to another destination’s economy. And I imagine the “redeemed points” aren’t going to support the local economy like the cash would have.

  18. I have been coming to the islands since the late 70s and have always been touched by the loving and patient residents that live here.
    Except the past 10 years. Prices jacked, attitudes changed and the once welcome mat rolled back up leaving many visitors a very bad first visit. I’m not quite sure what was the direct cause but it definitely began the toll pre covid. When families came out in unsustainable numbers post Covid, I think that was the twig that snapped. So now,, through no fault visitors are expanding travel throughout Europe and South America for similar rates. As a mainlander, we leave behind the homeless and crowds only to land and see more of the same, but in a better sunset setting. I’m still bringing out my family over the Christmas holidays, hopefully Oahu’s politics will settle into what’s best for both visitors and residents.

  19. After 26 repeated visits to Hawaii, most to our condo timeshare at Lihue, we got stung, first, by the pandemic, second, by lost uses mainly due to Hawaii governor’s back and forth, arbitrary restrictions on mainland visitors,third by galloping price increases including obscene car rentals, airlines erratic price increases, fees,fees, fees, gyps at every turn, forth, an overwhelming sense that old repeat visitors were fair game to extort, made unwelcome, travel guidance? non existence, finally, instead, we found way better travel options around the world, saw Tahiti- French polynesia, genuine culture, way more enjoyable, better deal for the $$$ by far than repeated screwings in Hawaii, the airlines, rental car companies, nasty fees and gouging, insults of formerly loyal visitors. I think Hawaiians and businesses there deserve to lose their golden tourism eggs, maybe take some well deserved losses before regaining all the old Aloha spirit ever again. Yes, a bitter loss for us, now the deserve the consequences!


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