Hawaiian Airlines Will Be Acquired By Alaska Airlines This Week!

The long-awaited deal between Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines has been cleared by the DOT, and is now poised to revolutionize air travel across the Pacific. With first-time strict consumer protections mandated, including guaranteed inter-island routes and loyalty systems, this will stabilize Hawaiian’s struggling financials. This is a crucial moment for aviation.

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51 thoughts on “Hawaiian Airlines Will Be Acquired By Alaska Airlines This Week!”

  1. Hawaiian Airlines greets passenger with the Aloha spirit from gate to gate on their flights. It’s why we choose Hawaiian Air. First time visitors and long time island visitors and property owners are reminded each time of the unique history and culture of Hawaii. Please maintain or add to these features. I believe that would help all to arrive with Ohana in mind.

  2. Alaska doesn’t have any Aloha that is for sure, but what they do have is excellent Customer Service. I had the opportunity to have them help me with getting into my son’s accounts that had been dormant for years – no problem at all. Today I called and got help moving my seats that were part of a group ticket. If I had to deal with Hawaiian it would literally have taken hours and I would have been very frustrated. I’m glad for everyone.

  3. I applaud the acquisition, but Alaska (AS) should take care in integrating HA. Having been in a non-airline acquisition, I urge careful consideration of HA operating methods/customs. Institutional ego is a given, with a natural assumption that their methods/systems are superior to anything HA has. I believe Hawaiian culture is baked into HA’s business. No matter whether its flight ops, accounting or legal, I encourage AS to make key managers peers to their counterparts at HA for the time being. Being integration peers lets key HA personnel know they are valued for their role and their knowledge, minimizing top-down dictates where respect is lost. People are a critical aspect of an acquisition – the respect given to HA personnel will be an essential factor in AS successfully assuming the business and maintaining the loyalty and Hawaiian spirit they’ve stated they will. Yes, for any corporate acquisition, there has to be unifying result. How AS gets there should not be understated.

  4. Any Beat of Hawaii informed speculation regarding Hawaiian flights gaining access to the ‘slightly’ more convenient Alaska LAX Terminal 6 gates…in lieu of the current Terminal B/west gates maze?

      1. How will that happen when Hawaiian flies 5-6 flights a day to LAX and that is a lot of juggling that needs to be done on LAX airport side along with Alaska’s flights to LAX. I don’t see it happening.

  5. Does the fee free seating for families eliminate extra comfort seating for which fees are charged? I read a comment that implied it would- can’t imagine that’s correct.

  6. Ensuring no changes to critical routes from the Mainland to Hawaii. I live in Southern California and fly Hawaiian from Ontario California to Honolulu. Would Ontario to Honolulu be deemed a critical route, or would I have to fly from LAX to Honolulu which is about 60 miles away and potentially a two hour + drive each way to LAX?

  7. I wonder how this “now imminent merger” will affect SWA to/from the mainland and interisland flights? I know this concern may be on the minds of many frequent Hawaii to the mainland and interisland travelers like myself! As everyone may know, whether they want to admit it or not, with the introduction of SWA to Hawaii forced HA’s to drastically reevaluate and drop their interisland fare structure to directly compete with SWA. Previously (before SWA), when I flew interisland roundtrip on ‘said airline’ it was a regular almost $300 fare each time not including any baggage, WTH; and now because of SWA, suddenly, their interisland fare drops to match, I mean come on!!! I truly hope that SWA is able to weather both their internal storm and the hurricane that the AS/HA merger is about to bring to our Hawaiian Skies! Anyway, that’s my rant for the day, LOL!

    1. Just to be clear, SWA entered the market and operated at a deep loss to try and gain a foothold….they are still operating at a loss as their business plan didn’t work so well. Competition is good though, this merger will create an airline that can operate profitably and efficiently…….air fares shouldn’t be judged as the cheapest is the best…..long term viability is important too.

  8. I would have liked to have made them open up the interisland terminal to other carriers than Hawaiian. I think that is what hurts Southwest the most.

  9. 1) Will Hawaiian Air accept Alaska Mileage Plan points.
    2) There has not been an Alaska nonstop flight from LAX-LIH since they started flying to Hawaii.
    Very Annoying.
    3) Will Hawaiian Air get out of the International terminal at LAX….it’s a 30 minute hike from check in to boarding gate and same on return flight.

    1. To number 3) I am fairly certain Alaska will move Hawaiian to T6 as soon as they can negotiate it with LAWA. There are 2 widebody gates in T6 but one I believe is common use with Air Canada

  10. Is there a possibility that either Alaska or Hawaiian Airlines will provide inter-island service with smaller aircraft. Mokulele Airlines is neither reliable and becoming unaffordable..

  11. we have a booking with hawaiian airlines for oct 18th with a direct flight from oakland to lihue. do i need to worry that that will be changed? we made the reservation months ago. thanks.

    1. Hi Debra.

      We would not expect any sudden changes including schedules. Once we learn more we will provide updates. Thanks for asking.


  12. Great news! Good move for both airlines and we look forward to continue flying on both. Anxious to hear about how mileage programs will blend. Thanks for your reporting on this issue!

    1. Bryan, there’s always a few in every merger that are particularly obnoxious and self centered. Sometimes that sentiment gets out of control and self destruction happens (think USAir/America West, everyone lost big time) quintessential lose /lose deal.
      From what I can see from the sidelines and knowing people at both airlines I’m cautiously optimistic that this merger has the potential to be a win/win deal with both sides being realistic rather than obnoxious. These are two airlines that need each other to compete against the big 4. Done right they could come out on top.

  13. Regardless of the assurances of “protection for consumers and communities”, I am concerned of what happens when there is a downturn in travel and Alaska Airlines’ profits begin to decrease and shareholders start crying. Will Hawaiian Airlines be treated as a stepchild as such when cutbacks are necessary? Will those assurances fly out the window when Alaska Airlines deems it necessary to cut routes and lay off employees? This article mentions “DOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg emphasized today that this is the first time the agency has mandated enforceable protections as part such an airline merger approval.” as well as “Ensuring no changes in critical inter-island and mainland-to-Hawaii routes.” Will Alaska Airlines allow Hawaiian Airlines aircraft to continue servicing those routes or will we eventually see less Hawaiian Airlines liveried aircraft and more Alaska Airlines liveried aircraft flying the interisland and key West Coast routes? I guess only time will tell.

    1. The Hawaiian brand will be external facing only. All departments will be combined over time. All Hawaiian employees will become Alaska employees and for union employees they will be integrated into a combined senority list. So if cutbacks on routes or layoffs happened down the road Hawaiian wouldn’t be treated any different than any other part of Alaska.

    1. Hi Sheryl.

      We will get answers to commenters questions including this when we meet with the executives later this week.


  14. I guess that my question is: will this acquisition mean a “cool down” in Hawaii as well as “warmer weather” in Alaska? Something to consider.

  15. Great news for those of us who have high status in frequent flyer program. Losing hundreds of thousands of miles would have really sucked.
    Can’t wait for AS to finally hopefully fix HAs still horrible website.
    The chopping block for HA management can not happen soon enough.
    Mahalo gents.

    1. Agree 100%, we had changed reservations during Covid, and were allowed to re-book, in re-booking and not taking the Flight during the prescribed travel window, we lost the entire $1,250.00, that I’m not as concerned with, then having dealt with the Airline, they returned our surrendered Mileage in First, but placed it in my wife’s Account, and refuse to return it to mine, that alone is 200,000 Miles. There is also the issue brought up by another, that I brought up months ago, that under a travel slowdown, or whatever, will Alaska maintain the current Service that is Non-Stop.

    2. To be honest, the Hawaiian website does not give me any problems. It is the app on portable devices that sucks with a capital S. The biggest offense I encounter, say I book flights any time more than 24 hours in advance, if I want to use the app to check in, I have to know either my ticket number or confirmation code. They already have that with my HA miles number when I sign on. How many people remember the 16 digit ticket number or the confirmation code? I sure don’t so I have to go back into emails and look up those things. Very poor programming!

  16. This is great news, considering that HA is currently $1B in debt. AS & HA will be based out of SEA, but will operate as separate brands. Stand-by for a response from SW on whether they’ll continue flying to the Hawaiian Islands, or back out of the destination. Congratulations AS & HA!

    1. Agreed CB….the synergies and unique complimentary expertise of these two carriers is going to be fascinating to watch…fingers crossed they realize their potential!

  17. There is more to this than just the imposition of terms and conditions. The first thing is that the terms and conditions are only for six years, according to the Dept. of Transportation press release. Now that is all dependant on whether for the next six years, the current party in the White House stays in the White House. If the White House flips, it could very well be that the provisions that are imposed today are wiped away tomorrow. So stay tuned…the election will actually mean something to this merger.

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