New Hawaii Tourism Certification: Genuine or Greenwashing?

Hawaii’s Tourism Dilemma: Finding Balance Amidst Turmoil

Hawaii can’t get a handle on what comes next as it navigates an unprecedented transformation. And no one is happy.

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37 thoughts on “Hawaii’s Tourism Dilemma: Finding Balance Amidst Turmoil”

  1. Hi I’m from Canada,
    I have a trip planned with my husband and my sister. Too go to Hawaii.
    The way I’m reading this is you don’t want tourist. So we will change our plans thank you for letting us know we’re not welcome.
    We will save a lot of money.
    It saddens me to think the Hawaii doesn’t want anybody from Canada or any other country, to come to Hawaii. Beautiful setting that God created. So sad 😢 in

  2. I donate to the Hawaii humane societies as I do in California but it is very obvious that tourists are not wanted! I have not been to Hawaii in years and intend to never go back. As far as the animal shelters I will support them The people have made it very clear they do not want visitors. Now they have an economic problem. They brought it on themselves and I have no sympathy for them but believe me I will not add to their issues by showing up

  3. I read the comments here and it saddens me to see the perception of people of Hawaii, once called paradise…the sidewalks and beaches are now paved with homeless and all their trash.
    Politicians are determined to kill STR which give tourists and locals, alternatives. Corruption runs high in Hawaii and has been for many years.If they kill the STR,where people are able to find still, a compromise, Hawaii will Not be the luxury destination our mayor and governor have completed to be…

  4. As some of Hawaii’s residents continue their quest for zero tourism by insisting that Tourists are not wanted or needed, I noticed the new construction on Oahu is on schedule. With the soon to be STR’S Elimination, the newly constructed units will be ready to take up the slack, and then some. Why new construction when there was no guarantee that STR’S would be shuttered, or was there? Imagine the properties that will be sold for cheap, to be purchased by needy people, families. That’s not going to happen. If you believe that, I have a bridge to the mainland for sale, reasonable! Every Politician must have a fishing license, many Hawaiians have swallowed the hook, line and sinker. I say “Blame the Voters, it’s Their Fault”.

  5. The hope that the Japanese tourist market will save our economy
    is pretty much a pipe dream.
    Hawaii is no longer an inexpensive vacation destination. Does anyone
    in our state government understand how the value of the Yen has weakened against the Dollar?
    On a recent trip to Taiwan I was amazed to see people in Taiwan making pleasure and shopping trips to Japan because things were less expensive there.
    Just the reverse of a decade ago when Japanese would flock to Taiwan for golfing and other leisure activities.
    The Japanese are not the answer to our tourism woes,

  6. We have been coming yo Hawaii for about 20 years. We enjoy learning about the culture, history, and making friends with the local people. It is about respect, not entitlement! Enjoy the beauty and leave it that way!

  7. Often it’s the person’s attitude that determines welcome/non-welcome. We have many Hawaiian (and Hawaiian-haole) friends when we come visit and we try to be polite and respect the local traditions. In turn, we are also treated well. Yes, we’ve run into bad actors – particularly out in the surf lineup, but that happens here in California also. I was disgusted to see European visitors throw their drinking bottles down into the sewer drain on Kuhio Ave.; and also, one street over, the locals regularly throw out trash and furniture on a back street (Edward) instead of paying for trash pickup. So the problem is not fully with visitors, but more the individuals who just don’t care. Oh, and the homeless tend to trash the streets also.

  8. Hawaii is on the decline people feel ripped off coming to Hawaii…they are now going other places that don’t rip them off…I have been coming for many decades and have no desire to ever go back It’s a sick feeling when you’re being price gouged… And everyone knows Hawaii is way way overpriced…Aloha

  9. Hawaiians have to take responsibility for the damage to their land. Thousands of homeless people littering the island. It doesn’t help that the politicians are more worried about bashing tourists rather than taking responsibility. The amount of abandoned cars I noticed this year in Oahu is a joke. They have nothing to do with tourists. Hawaii will soon be broke.

    1. Hi Carmelo! Hawaii is technically Bankrupt already and it has nothing to do with these past 6 months. Every imaginable free be and handout coupled with the no bid hand shake contracts with high price tags before the over runs. The shoddy work that doesn’t hold up, countless other examples. I am waiting to hear that all of the Politicians eat surf and turf 3 times a day on the state credit card. Hawaiians voted for all of this and more, Politicians blame Tourism and STR’S, Residents eat out of the Politicians hand. About how it works in the State of Hawaii!


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