Hawaii At The Crossroads With Tourism

Hawaii’s Tourism Storm: Gloomy March Data + Final Marketing Plans Released

Hawaii just rolled out its final U.S. marketing strategies to boost tourism, just as disheartening March data was released.

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84 thoughts on “Hawaii’s Tourism Storm: Gloomy March Data + Final Marketing Plans Released”

  1. Maui is a place where ineptitude reigns. They make their billions from tourism, spend like drunken sailors on everything But housing and then demonize the ones that brought in big bucks to the county.

    The big question is what will the destruction of the economy look like if they succeed in this decision.

  2. It is utterly ridiculous to try and attract tourists from the mainland while this governor is determined to kill vacation rentals.

  3. Has anyone explored having native Hawaiians offer more lodging in their own homes, or in homes they own? The visitors who want the “hotel/experience are one issue, but for any visitors who don’t need those amenities Hawaiian owned lodgings may be a way for visitors who want a more eco friendly expderience to stay more economically and help residents afford their own homes. It might take some government help, possibility incentives, but it would also cut down on non resident owned rentals.

    1. Our families visited Hawaii almost every summer from the west…unfortunately after booking air, hotels and cars (factoring the cost of food, parking, resort “administrative” fees, etc), we all have decided this will be the last year due to the ridiculous high prices for everything.

  4. I would love to visit Hawaii again; however between the incredible cost of hotels, air bnb, etc I’d rather travel to Europe for far less expensive. I also read a lot of hate of mainland people from the Hawaiians, why would I want to spend over 5k for a week? I must admit, I loved my experience visting over a decade ago, but from the cost, and feeling welcome, I rather travel elsewhere where I feel appreciated, and welcome.

    1. Christine,

      I made my first (unplanned) trip to Hawaii in 1965 (courtesy of the USMC). It was on a return from Japan and the ship spent half a day or so there. By the time of Vietnam, they flew home.

      Then, in the mid-1970s the family and I vacationed there almost every year and 3 times in 1999. Two more trips are scheduled this year.

      I had one relatively minor incident at Pali Lookout. One incident in at least 50 trips. Base your decision on the “loved experience” you had on your last trip. Go again. There’s plenty of time for Europe.

      I want to go to Europe again, but my wife insists on Hawaii.

  5. It shouldn’t surprise to anyone that the tourism industry is taking a huge blow during this recessionary process. Besides talking about the obvious reasons, nothing will change until the feds and central banks decide on the next course this world economy should go. Everything rides on their sole discretion. Everything else follows (all sectors of the world economy) needless to say. So, sad for the low and middle classes for they are the folks that get beat up throughout this entire fiasco. Good luck to those trying to survive through all this madness. It’ll be interesting to see who of the who’s make it through 2025……

  6. – The politicians must stop massive over spending on projects and programs wasting money at taxpayer/visitor expense. Our infrastructure, roads and airport runways are crumbling! Residents and visitors are over-taxes!

    The marketing should focus on what visitors want to do. Hawaiian Hospitality is gone when visitors feel they are not welcome! Come only if you do what we say how to vacation here. What are we doing to compete against other destinations? Why is marketing not focused on family and friends travel, children and aged travel activities, hobbies – The HTA and HVCB websites are same ole same ole.

    Green’s suggestion to charge visitors $25 x 9644519 visitor arrivals in 2023 is $241,,112,975 annually – corrupt tax to waste more

  7. I feel like it’s a slap in the face that they emphasize they only want the eco traveler from the mainland but from Japan is anyone.

  8. Regardless of their sales pitch; prices are out of control in Hawaii. I have been going for over 25 years but am finding other locations that are equally enjoyable, beautiful, and not outrageously expensive as Hawaii is. They need to address that issue! They also need to diversify their industry base and stop relying solely on tourism. They are selling out to wealthy land owners as well. My observation over the years is government that is short sighted and mismanages resources. These basic underlying issues need to be addressed or no marketing campaign will save these beautiful islands!

    1. I try not to get too caught up on the current tourism plan, since it changes regularly.

      The lack of leadership here on many issues – including tourism and the affiliated marketing that goes along with it – all but guarantees failure (or at best, mixed results).

      I would suggest that strong leadership, proper planning, and flawless execution would help, but without a well thought out executable plan we are just throwing mud to see if it sticks anywhere.

  9. Unfortunately people from the mainland are finding ba Hawai’i that looks more and more like the place they are trying to escape from. ” The mainland” Target, Costco, Walmart, crowded beaches and roads. Expensive lodging, and basics. There are no bargains anymore, and those perfect deserted beaches and trails that the advertisements still push are not really a reality anymore. This is not the paradise of years ago, so I think a downturn in tourism well help most residents catch up with housing and inflation. It’s all about supply and demand, and the demand is being captured by more desirable, less crowded and touristy destinations.

    1. You want a beautiful beach that is not overcrowded on Oahu?
      Try Iroquois Point Beach, or Iroquois Lagoon Beach 2 on weekdays. Because it is so far from Waikiki, and is not much of a surfing spot, it is always beautiful, and not crowded on weekdays.
      – But I agree with everything else you said.

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