As Hawaii Visitor Drives Off Cliff, Hiker Reimbursement Plans Fast Forwards

Hiker Rescue Reimbursement Is Back As Hawaii Visitor Drives Off Cliff

Dangerous and sometimes illegal behavior can be life-threatening. Who pays for rescues is back in the news.

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44 thoughts on “Hiker Rescue Reimbursement Is Back As Hawaii Visitor Drives Off Cliff”

  1. My thoughts…have the idiot who needs the help pay for services. As a taxpayer, why should we be burden for their bad choices that lead to high dollar rescue. The money in question should be for educating tourists and the person who is in need of service held responsible for their actions.

    1. As a taxpayer, you’ve already paid for the emergency services. You paid for the personnel. You paid for the training. You paid for the various equipment. You pay for the ongoing maintenance of said equipment. Then, one day when you need help, you’re ok with being charged Again for services you’ve already paid for? Ok then.

  2. Just another example of people treating Hawaiian holidays as some Disneyesque “Jungle Adventure” and not understanding just how inherently dangerous even the marked paths and trails can be even for people who are familiar with them. There’s a real reason for “off limits” notices. Those who ignore them are risking far more than a fine or rescue costs…

    Best Regards

  3. Other than extreme and obvious cases of negligence, there should be NO CHARGE to be a victim of an incident and require emergency assistance. What do you think all of that training and equipment were purchased for? Who do you think pays the cushy salaries and Cadillac (some would say exorbitant) benefits and usurious retirement benefits? All of that money to be invested into an emergency response system? For what? The fun of it? That’s What It’s There For! Now, you’re telling me, if get into an accident on your unfriendly, overpriced island and some bureaucrat is going to decide if I was being reckless or careless? Gee, how do you think that’s going to go? Unbelievable.

  4. Aloha state? How about the Fee state? I can’t figure out where all the money that your state currently collects goes? It can’t all go to corruption, can it?? Rail costs are being fixed by fees, rescues will be fixed by fees, regular state maintenance fixed by fees. Luckily, this fall you can keep electing the same people and magically it will get fixed. What is the definition of insanity?

  5. I think it’s a great idea. We see people taking unnecessary risks in places with clear signage. Hold them responsible.

  6. Rescues should definitely be charged to the person being rescued. When you are injured and end up in the ER, you have to pay. It’s simple. If you can’t pay for an ambulance, the debt collectors start calling. I would expect a bill actually. It surprises me that the state pays for these rescues. That needs to change.

  7. In Arizona we have a “Stupid Motorist” law. When road closures for flooding and signs posted any motorist that disobeys is required to pay all costs to be rescued.

    1. I like the “Stupid Motorist Law in Arizona”. Let’s implement this in Maui. Regarding this story, a tourist driving off the cliff at 3:30am, should definitely pay for his rescue. Unbelievable!

      1. So, is the same road too dangerous to drive on at Any time after dark? Is that what you’re saying? Is the same motorist allowed to drive on that road at 10:00 pm? Or is it possible that the person simply had an accident and needed assistance? What you are saying makes no sense.

  8. I live in NH, and would like to point out that if a hiker, etc. does Not purchase a “Hike Safe” card prior to needing rescue, they are held fully responsible for the cost of the rescue. The Hike Safe program was implemented because of the skyrocketing costs of rescue – especially when it involves rescues on Mount Washington (“the worst weather in the world” and former record holder of the highest wind speed ever recorded).

    It is purchased seasonally and is tantamount to an insurance policy, with a modest cost of $25 per person / per hiking season / year.

  9. I feel that visitors who go off the marked trails, those who attempt to climb Stairway to Heaven, or do anything to put themselves or others in danger should be treated differently than a tourist who drives off the road on a rainy of foggy night. One is a deliberate attempt to disobey rules or do a dangerous thing. Another is a traffic accident. That person may not be aware of that upcoming curve, for instance. Frankly, even residents could be driving off a road, day or night. It can happen to anyone.

    1. Maybe there should be criminal misdemeanor charges tied to community service work that is completed once the costs are paid off via that service back to the community. They would just be required to complete the community services in their state. Or complete a period of jail time. Repeat offenders? Then that needs to be dealt with too harshly. There needs to be a deterrent effect in the consequences. People know they can avoid paying, but the costs hit different if they can’t avoid a warant. community service, jail time and being banned from visiting Hawaii.

  10. I have a couple questions? Who will make the determination as to what is reckless and thus warrant a charge to the hiker? I’ve been visiting the Big Island for many, many years. During those years I’ve hiked to the summit cabin of Mauna Loa a half dozen times. I’ve also hiked the Ala Kahakai National Scenic Trail from the northern tip of the island to Captain Cooke. I did not trespass but hiking in both of those areas certainly comes with a great deal more risk than walking along the beach. Should I experience a mishap would my assumption of the risk be deemed reckless. Hawaii is already preparing to ding me with a visitor charge. Is this another one because this goose is just about out of golden eggs.

  11. I would be inclined to lump the cost of emergency services together with infrastructure in that they’re both an added strain that visitors place on All island resources. Visitor fees and taxes should be set and based on the actual costs associated with increased maintenance of infrastructure and usage of emergency services above levels required to sustain the permanent residential population.

  12. A law like this a no brainrr and should have been passed years ago. If signs were posted where the trespas occurs I think it would be a strong deterrent and puts the trespasser on notice. Enter at your own risk and incur the cost of rescue! Let’s do it.

  13. Here in Colorado, you can buy rescue insurance for $3 / year. Revenues go to reimburse search and rescue teams. Its voluntary but a lot of folks buy them, supporting rescue efforts.

    The state could direct a few bucks from any of several tourist taxes & fees to support rescue efforts.

  14. Let “Darwin Rules” apply!! We can’t afford to bubble wrap everyone.

    We can’t even find the money to house everyone. Lets do that first.

  15. If illegal stuff being done ….Get all the costs back….
    If it’s stupidity …..Or failure to heed warnings ……75% ….
    Minimum of 50% ……for all else …..
    Locals should not have to pay for someone stupidity

  16. Those that need to be rescued need to pay! Especially those who are in areas where they are not supposed to be.
    Although we see people on state sanctioned trails that get way too close to the edge in order to take a selfie and they are just lucky they don’t fall over, even State trails are not maintained well.

  17. If a person is negligent, such as ignoring no trespassing signs or not being responsible for their own safety then I think they bare the burden of the cost of their rescue.

  18. One question…will locals be charged for rescues when they do something stupid too? I hate to be the bearer of bad news but tourists are not the only ones who occasionally do things that are unsafe and reckless.

    1. While this may be true… ok absolutely true.

      But, existing emergency services and staffing should have a baseline budget to adequately address the permanent resident population. It’s the added strain on resources that visitors bring that becomes the funding issue.

      1. >> It’s the added strain on resources that visitors bring
        >> that becomes the funding issue

        You’ve got this backwards. It’s visitors who *provide* the resources, via commercial and business activity, stratospheric taxes, fees, surcharges, etc.

        And if you want the cause of resource “strain,” time to take a real hard look at (1) the resident population and (2) truly inept state and local government.

        How about the $19.3 million in bribe-induced single-source contracts that were afterbirthed in Maui? Yeah, twenty million in siphoned funds buys you a *lot* of rescues — and that’s just one corruption case. Maybe focus on that.

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