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51 thoughts on “Are Limitations To Property Ownership In Hawaii Starting Here?”

  1. Your one-size-fits-all analysis of timeshare ownership is too narrow.

    I owned a 2 bedroom timeshare in Waikiki for about 20 years. My reason for going the timeshare route was my way of forcing me to take a vacation every year. Before that, I rarely took more than a 3-day weekend.

    I bought mine from a reseller for about $5,000, plus the ever-increasing annual maintenance fees. Even with those increasing fees, it was definitely less expensive than comparable hotel rooms in Waikiki. I only missed one year. Two years ago I sold it to a niece for $2. Yes, $2, kept it in the family and I hope my niece will do the same when she reaches our age.

    So, for folks looking to beat the hotel costs, timeshares can be a way to go.

    1. Time shares are a nice way for those wanting to return to the same place again and again in a somewhat affordable way are great. For those that Love visiting Hawaii this is a more affordable yet committed way of doing so (vs. Hotels and Air Bnbs). The key is that you are financially committed. Timeshares are not necessarily investments with good financial returns, but can present cost savings for swmi-malahinis wanting to come to a beautiful place, Hawaii their regular short term vacation home away from home.


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