186 thoughts on “Mandatory Contact Tracing Approved by Governor”
What if I have completed both my doses of the Covid vaccine? If my husband and myself have completed our vaccines before arriving in Hawaii is there any other requirements we need to follow?
Maui here we come in March. This is a small price to pay for safety for the Hawaiian people. To those going to Florida, make sure you don’t get into a traffic accident or have an MI because their ICUs are full of dying people. Same in Arizona.
This pandemic will be over shortly and these measures are meant to protect everyone.
Your comment is not accurate. We live in Florida (15 Minutes from Orlando) and I can tell you first hand, that our Hospitals are not full of patients dying from covid! We have friends in the medical profession (Hospitals) and they said there is nothing out of the ordinary happening at our Hospital
I am currently living on Oahu and had planned a trip to Maui on the 20th. Now because of this I may not go. I was ok with shelling out the $$$ for covid test…which is more than the price of the round trip plane ticket. But this new mandate seems to Orwellian to me. It gives me the creeps the dark he we may be traveling to. Those that say they have nothing to hide…how do you know what the government may be looking for next?!
If you have you gotten the Covid Vaccine will you still have to do do Covid test and all the paperwork or just be able to show proof of your vaccine. Thank You for keeping us Updated I love this news letter . Read it all the time
Thank you for the nice words and your first time comment. As far as we have heard your proof of vaccination will be all that’s required, but until it’s official, no one knows for sure.
Hi I will be traveling to Honolulu April 11th 2021 from Arizona in Honolulu to April 15th we have a flight on southwest to Maui on April 15th at 1:30pm and will stay in Maui to April 20th I need to know what all I need to do, after I’ve been tested 72hrs from Arizona. do I need to be tested from Honolulu to Maui? please help.
Yes, another test will be required within 72 hours of departure to Maui. That in addition to having the new app installed on your phone prior to departing for Maui.
Thanks I have the app already installed. So where can I get the test done in Honolulu and what day do I need to get it done? I will be in Honolulu April 11th check out April 15th will it be a price for the the test.
What about travelers who are already here? I have no problem with Hawaii wanting to keep additional cases of virus out of their state, nor do I have any problem with them wanting to do contact tracing. I would appreciate knowing that I have been in close contact with someone who is positive, so that I can monitor for symptoms and test if necessary. I don’t look at it as my rights being violated, I look at it as protection for me.
We are currently vacationing on Maui and loving every minute of it, wearing masks and social distancing is not a bother and I’m happy to see how well people are following the directives.
Thank you.
I tried to download the aloha safe app on my phone. It can’t install if you have an older IPhone 6 that cannot run IOS 13. So now what do people do? Haha. Buy a new IPhone?
Boy, I hope this doesn’t give the Kaua’i mayor any ideas!
This only works if everyone has the app. If it is only tourists and inter-island travelers, then you would be notified if one of them has it and potentially exposed you. Apparently on Mau’i 80% of the recent cases were community spread, so unless the “community” has the app it is not going to be that effective.
Thanks for keeping us updated, but I am beginning to feel like a lab rat trying to negotiate a maze!
This is getting surreal. Not everyone has a smart phone, and sometimes people have smart phones that are owned by their employer and are not allowed to download unapproved apps. Which is true in my case. If I were to download this app, I would get an email and my manager would get an email within 30 minutes reminding both of us of this condition of my employment. I don’t see how this can be mandated when you can’t mandate cell phone ownership. Heck, you can’t even mandate keeping location services on or cell services on or even the phone on? As someone said below, just delete the app at the airport. What’s next? Unremovable ankle bracelets? Like most here, it appears I will be researching new paradises. Maui isn’t the only beach in the world. 🙁 So sad… It sounds like everyone needs a cheap iphone 4 that they leave in the condo…
We agree………. with all of the above………..
I can’t believe how easily people are willing to give up all personal freedoms in the name of ‘safety’ when this virus has over 90% recovery rate unless you are old or sickly. Nope, looks more and more like we have visited Hawaii for the last time.
97% recovery rate of you follow worldometers Covid info….. pretty much everyone I know has had it or come in contact with it. We all lived….. I get some people will not, but people……. we lose on average 7500+ people daily in the US…… why are we freaking out about people dying all of a sudden? People die all the time from various things and I have heard no mention of these people on the daily news….. so now people are ONLY dying of Covid??? Car wrecks and suicides, heart disease, cancer….. they all don’t matter anymore and people stopped dying of these things???
I don’t care if has. a 90% recovery rate- I still don’t want it and will do anything within reason to avoid it. Years down the road we are likely to see numerous long term after effects. If I’m not doing anything wrong then I don’t need to be worried about being traced.
Yes, Perhaps everyone should ‘brush up” on their war time movies where everyone is watched and you had to ‘show your papers’ to move about. How about the movie 1984? It’s here. And happened virtually overnight. Scary. Downright scary.
Very sorry to read this news about Maui. In a free country, government should not be tracking or conducting surveillance on people who are not suspects of criminal activity.
Read history or talk to people who live in places where government exercises a high level of control. It didn’t happen overnight. It happens with a series of policy changes. The people with financial means leave those places. Here, we’re talking about people who don’t want to be subject to a a growing list of things to do to go on a trip. People will go elsewhere. If that is the goal of leaders in HI and Maui, it’s working, many people are going elsewhere.
I appreciate and am grateful to receive the email updates. I almost dread reading the news as the requirements to vacation grow.
These decisions are made by those duly elected in HI and I recognize I didn’t get to vote as a vacationer. As a visitor, no one in government will miss our family of 5, no one in support of keeping Hawaii closed will miss us either. We will miss the friends we have made in Hawaii and the lovely places we have visited. We will keep our memories of Maui and make new memories elsewhere.
All we can do is vote with our feet.
Maui is our favorite destination and we have been making long range plans to make it our retirement spot or be part time residents. Those plans are completely off the table. I guess better to know this now.
Thank you BOH, if it weren’t for your reporting on how local government makes decisions, we would not know how quickly they vacillate and to what degree.
I will keep reading in the hope that local leaders will not keep these policies in place long term so we can one day visit. Health passports, vaccine records, testing, surveillance are all deal breakers. If this becomes the new condition to travel, we will stay home.
Well Said. Our sentiments exactly. It sounds as though it will be more and more difficult to travel anywhere – Mexico, the Caribbean……. anywhere – without a vaccination passport and testing, testing, testing, etc. All in the name of ‘safety.’ No one seems to be the least bit afraid of what this means in the long term. The usurpation of personal freedom. When they want to track my movements – that’s when we stop going there – wherever that happens to be. Thanks for your eloquent comments.
After reading the “Frequently Asked Questions” section at AlohaSafeAlert.org, I found these two items that told me what happens if I receive an exposure notification alert from the app:
“Q: If I receive an Exposure Notification, do I still need to talk to a Hawaii State Dept. of Health contact tracer?
A: Yes. Because AlohaSafe Alert is 100% anonymous, the State will not be informed about your possible exposure to COVID-19. AlohaSafe Alert is intended to complement traditional contact tracing processes.
Q: I received an Exposure Notification. What do I do?
A: If you received an exposure notification, please follow the general guidance in the app and contact your primary care physician for further guidance.”
So I am free to choose to contact the State (or not) and I am free to choose to follow guidance and contact my physician (or not). It appears to me the State making use of the app mandatory instead of voluntary, like it has been until now, does not accomplish anything new, if I choose to take no action after receiving the exposure notification.
If I would not voluntarily load and use the app in December, what makes the State personnel believe I will voluntarily take action the app recommends after I am forced to load and use the app in January?
I feel so sorry for those who value $$$ over other’s health. Yes, Hawaii needs tourist dollars, but if we all fly into Hawaii and infect the locals, there’s nobody left to wait on the tables or make our hotel beds. Yes, I’m exaggerating, but the point is the same. There’s a reason why people are flocking to Florida — and why the death rates are highest in States (like Florida) where people don’t social distance or wear masks! No thank you. We’re getting our vaccine soon (we are in the next group in NJ) and have no problems wearing a mask for hours (we did it in Disney World last fall). I guess we’ll see few crowds in Maui!
This is more BS out of the State of Hawaii and now, the island of Maui. Victorino Lost His Mind! I wonder how long before Kauai decides to do the same thing. Victorino has just totally destroyed any chance of economic recovery for Maui for the foreseeable future. I will Never put a Contract Tracing app on any of my devices just like I won’t take this Covid vaccine that’s been rushed to market. There are plenty of other places to go on vacation that Overpriced Hawaii!
Opposition to this app is unfounded. This does not give any identifiable information about you to the government if you are flagged as possibly exposed. This is a notification system that alerts you and no one else.
However, I don’t believe this will have any real impact. Locals will not be required to have it installed and I find it unlikely that visitors will actually take action when they get an exposure notification through the app.
We are actually traveling there on Monday the 18th flying into Maui. If I understand you correctly, we have to turn on the exposure notification toggle on our phones Before we arrive? Is there anything else required or anywhere we have to register ahead of time that we’ve done something to this effect? You say “failure to register prior to arrival into Maui county will result in a quarantine”. Where do we register this action?
Thanks in advance. You guys are great!
Thank you. We quoted the language directly from the governor’s approval of the emergency Rule. And we provided the link to the Maui proclamation. The way we read it is that you just need to activate the app prior to departing for Maui. We hope that you enjoy your vacation.
We land Monday night So it appears we are coming in just before it goes into effect. Being I have never been to Maui this will be an interesting trip. Hope fully a good 2 weeks.
Well thank you for the 30 years a vacationing to the different Hawaiian islands. The time has come to say goodbye. We’ll have to find Paradise elsewhere to visit from now on. Sadly I’m going to cancel the two weeks we had booked for September of this year.
Its interesting how states differ. Here in Arizona you would never know anything was going on. Just got back from a a packed Costco tried to go to restaurants at 1:30 they were all packed and drive thru lines were around the block. Lowe’s is ridiculous Starbucks and ditch bro’s coffee hour wait. People out and about doing what ever. Economy is booming so much governor is proposing a 600 million tax cut.
So does California so we thrive while they drown. Yet for some reason all those Californians keep coming over here. Tracking numbers today came out of new York today saying 74% of covid Infection is transferred thru family gathering and home events. 1.4 % is transmitted thru restaurants.
Please google Arizona Covid. . Not looking good. Also reading tax increase on way. Some will not vacation in Arizona due to lack of guidelines. Thanks for your input.
Thanks for all your current information! I wonder how getting the vaccine is going to change things. We are scheduled for the Big Island and Maui in July-August for 5 weeks. We have fixed intervals and we are going to try to go, especially since we couldn’t go last year and our condos sat empty!! Our first vaccine is Monday, so hopefully, things are looking up.
So residents will be required to do the tracing only if they have been off the island and are arriving home? What about all the people who live on the island who haven’t gone anywhere? Seems to me that in an earlier article a few days ago I read where 80% of the cases on Maui were from residents and of those 18% were from people returning from travel off island. Why are the residents who are creating the majority of the problem not subjected to the same government overreach as those who would like to spend their hard earned money there for a week of rest and relaxation? This is why so many people are hesitant to book a vacation on any of the islands. The rules change almost daily, they are random and not based on science, they are grossly overreaching and they are anything but consistent. If Hawaii really wants to see tourism return in a meaningful way they need to have the same rules for all the islands (no exceptions) and stop infringing on people’s basic right to privacy. By the way….what ever happened to HIPPA laws?
Seriously anyone who owns a smart phone shouldn’t have a problem with this you’re already being tracked by both big corp and the government.
Last week from cell phone tower pings the government has been able to identify and arrest several individuals who stormed the capitol. Watch your local news the talking head will say “Law enforcement was able to identify the criminal through their cell phone”
Along with cell phones they’re tracking your late model car especially those individuals who’ve signed up for a safe driving insurance app you see advertised on tv. That little box you plug into your OBD II port is a tracking device.
If don’t want to be tracked throw away your cell phone and buy a pre 1996 automobile.
Maui has now reached the the bridge too far. If we weren’t here we’d have said no way. My wife and I arrived on Maui on Monday. Honestly, passing through the airport was a breeze. Very well organized, the staff lady at the beginning of the line asks for the number in your party and assigns you one of the three tables. You then go to the table. You show your QR code and they take a picture of it. You also show your ID at this point. Heads up – it is a bit loud and very hard to hear at the tables. They are asking you to show the code in such a way on your device so they can take a picture. With their mask on and plexiglass germ shield it is hard to understand their direction to you. Still, those workers were very considerate. You are then given a ticket to exit the check in area. Very easy. So don’t stress the airport. Now back to this crazy rule. First work on the locals. At the beach they are in big groups hugging and doing what they do with no masks. Visitors are wearing masks and giving 6.
I really believe this is a rest of what hawaii wants to be in the future. There were already too many tourists and they weren’t the one hawaii wanted. Despite the tourist revenue per had dropped dramatically. Airbnb and short term rentals were making it near impossible for residents to survive. After the dust has settled they will welcome back those they want make it more exclusive and reboot. Jmho
Ok, I download the App, show the airport screener … and then I leave my phone in my room when I’m out … or I turn the Bluetooth off … now what??? The App is rendered useless if the phone is sitting on a countertop or the Bluetooth is disabled. This is beyond ridiculous!
Thank you BOH for all the updates! This newest requirement is disheartening. It’s a little nonsensical when 80% of the positive COVID cases on Maui can be traced to community transmission, 17% to returning residents, and only about 3% to visitors. (I think you guys reported those numbers earlier this week?) And yet the visitors are the ones required to install the app. One can see why; can you imagine DUI style app checkpoints for all residents and visitors alike? LOL. I think these contract tracing app are not well used in the US as compared to some other countries as we are very protective of our rights and privacy issues. And with good reason, I believe. I had read about Mayor Victorino’s request to Gov Ige, and also that he granted it, but I’m looking forward to reading the comments here. Thanks again!
Not wanting to spend too much time reading the ever changing rules for coming to Hawaii, I would like to ask this question – if one comes into contact with someone that tests positive, and that is picked up in contact tracing, are you and your family then required to quarantine? If so, why would anyone risk an expensive vacation to Hawaii when there is a very reasonable likelihood of coming into contact with someone that has the virus any time one goes to a restaurant, bar, swimming pool or any other place where large groups gather? Also, would it matter if one comes into contact with someone with the virus if they have been vaccinated?
Mahalo Beat of Hawai’i for the timely information.
It’s my humble opinion that I have nothing to hide, therefore I have no problem with the tracing. Will residents be required to comply?
After all, it seems perfectly reasonable to me.
I always appreciate your travel updates. We were going to travel to Maui in April and already booked lodging. I will cancel. This is ridiculous and unnecessary. It is so unfortunate. Florida, here we come!
Aloha Sandi B,
We too are booked and yet still planning for our late April trip to Maui. We booked our timeshare back in July 2019 (before anyone ever heard of COVID) so right now, we are a wait and see before we cancel. This would be our last trip to Hawaii forever, so we want to be absolutely sure what the situation develops into by then before we cancel. We are boycotting Florida (we live in NJ) until their State gets their COVIDIOTS out of office as they are almost as bad as California with their caseloads.
Just a “heads up”! My wife and I took our Honeymoon in Hawaii, back in 2007! We visited all three Islands then! However, we will NOT be back! You people have gone covid crazy! We have absolutely no interest in going somewhere that has officials that have lost their collective minds! I sincerely hope that many more “potential” travelers, follow our choice to make the Hawaiian Islands, a destination that is not desirable! We intended to visit the Islands again this year but changed our minds, now that we see how insane your government has gotten! Tourism is the life Blood of the Islands and let’s see how well you do when it has declined to a point that living there is no longer feasible!
I really don’t see any big deal.
That’s why Maui’s positivity rate is so low.
I have not been to Maui in 13 months and I am going crazy.
Can’t wait to go in April.
I agree! That’s why it’s so low and they want to keep it that way. These islands absolutely cannot afford to have any kind of outbreak. It seems reasonable to me as well. I just downloaded the app and turned it on and that’s it. Took me 30 seconds.
Amen and Amen! Could not agree more!
Absolute insanity and fear being driven by people who love power! I cannot believe how quickly and easy people are willing to give up personal freedoms. Once it’s gone the freedom never comes back, tyrants are ruthless. Taking our vacation $ to Fla where common sense is still found
Sadly see politics and a bit of indigence in some of the comments. Thank you but no one place has worked it out. If you don’t know anyone who has suffered due to Covid then you are lucky. And my household has an at risk not Covid related member who might not get a bed now. The stories of the health care workers are tragic too.
Things are crazy everywhere because of the unpredictability of Covid-19. Please do not judge the islands for the actions of a few in the confusion. First and foremost should be the health and well being of the people of Hawaii. You are free to travel wherever you choose, but as a “potential” traveler, I will never consider Hawaii undesirable…ever. There will always be multiple reasons why visitors value their stay. “Comme ci, comme ca” (Come see,come saw)…..to each their own!
The “few” that you speak of, happen to be the policy makers for the Islands. So under the current circumstances, I too, find it undesirable! As you said, “to each his own”! No thanks!
Aloha! Long time reader, first time commenter. I fly out to Maui tomorrow morning (1/17). From your article it looks as if I am arriving by the skin of our teeth. I think I may just download this app just in case. We’ve followed all other protocols for Maui (negative NAAT COVID test results from approved provider uploaded yesterday to Safe Travels site, 24 hr questionnaire filled out this morning, etc.) I am soooo thankful I follow this blog or I would NEVER have caught this. Thank you so much for all you do in keeping your readers abreast of all these changes! What would we do without you?
Aloha! I’m currently here on Maui and everything went perfectly upon arrival on January 17. Our flight arrived an hour early (2:11pm!) so there was absolutely no line and no wait for the COVID clearance. They wanted proof of negative COVID test and our QR codes from the pre-travel questionnaire we filled out. This is when staff will update your Safe Travels account to show that you’re exempt from quarantine. The whole process was about 5 minutes. I did download the AlohaSafe app just in case however she said we didn’t require it. We didn’t check any bags which saved us tons of time. We went straight to the car rental area, no line again as it was only 2:30pm. Car rental counter asked for proof of negative test as well. When we checked in to the resort they had us log in to our Hawaii Safe Travels accounts and show them that we were exempt from quarantine. Easy peasy. Check-in was otherwise normal. That’s it! We’re now here and it’s just fine! Masks on in public required but we knew that. Nothing infringe-y or “Big Brother-y” about the process. Everyone had been exceptionally nice and welcoming and seem genuinely happy to have visitors.
I read a couple comments about hour plus long wait times for COVID clearance and my simplest tip to combat that would be to choose the earliest arriving flight available that way there just aren’t that many people there yet. That’s what we did with our 3:03pm arriving flight. The bonus was that we arrived an hour early at 2:11pm! Also, have your QR code(s) ready! Many people neglected to take the pre-travel questionnaire on their Safe Travels account in order to get the QR code and that will definitely add time if you have to do it upon arrival. If you’re arriving after January 19, download the app! We didn’t require it but it will be required just like your COVID testing. It’s a simple thing, it took me 30 seconds to download it and turn it on. That’s all. You never have to look at it again. You’ll forget you even have it.
Why would you have this reaction to an app that could tell you if you are at substantial risk of infection? Please do not come to Hawaii if you’re hostile to even the most minimal of safety measures.
I don’t see how they can control this. Why put into place things you have no control over once someone walks away from you. I have been to Maui twice since Oct 15th, jumped through every hoop they set up and arrivals went smoothly. I will go again this year because I love Maui and I will download the app because they require it but they have no control over how much I carry my phone, keep it on, etc.
Exactly. Though, it sounds like if you get pulled over or stopped by police they can ask you for proof of app working/registered? Is that right BOH team?
What if I have completed both my doses of the Covid vaccine? If my husband and myself have completed our vaccines before arriving in Hawaii is there any other requirements we need to follow?
Maui here we come in March. This is a small price to pay for safety for the Hawaiian people. To those going to Florida, make sure you don’t get into a traffic accident or have an MI because their ICUs are full of dying people. Same in Arizona.
This pandemic will be over shortly and these measures are meant to protect everyone.
Your comment is not accurate. We live in Florida (15 Minutes from Orlando) and I can tell you first hand, that our Hospitals are not full of patients dying from covid! We have friends in the medical profession (Hospitals) and they said there is nothing out of the ordinary happening at our Hospital
I am currently living on Oahu and had planned a trip to Maui on the 20th. Now because of this I may not go. I was ok with shelling out the $$$ for covid test…which is more than the price of the round trip plane ticket. But this new mandate seems to Orwellian to me. It gives me the creeps the dark he we may be traveling to. Those that say they have nothing to hide…how do you know what the government may be looking for next?!
If you have you gotten the Covid Vaccine will you still have to do do Covid test and all the paperwork or just be able to show proof of your vaccine. Thank You for keeping us Updated I love this news letter . Read it all the time
Hi Linda.
Thank you for the nice words and your first time comment. As far as we have heard your proof of vaccination will be all that’s required, but until it’s official, no one knows for sure.
Hi I will be traveling to Honolulu April 11th 2021 from Arizona in Honolulu to April 15th we have a flight on southwest to Maui on April 15th at 1:30pm and will stay in Maui to April 20th I need to know what all I need to do, after I’ve been tested 72hrs from Arizona. do I need to be tested from Honolulu to Maui? please help.
Hi Melissa.
Yes, another test will be required within 72 hours of departure to Maui. That in addition to having the new app installed on your phone prior to departing for Maui.
Thanks I have the app already installed. So where can I get the test done in Honolulu and what day do I need to get it done? I will be in Honolulu April 11th check out April 15th will it be a price for the the test.
Hi Melissa.
The list of vendors for interisland travel is found here. https://hawaiicovid19.com/travel-partners/#partners-hawaii. You’ll need to check with them regarding the cost.
What about travelers who are already here? I have no problem with Hawaii wanting to keep additional cases of virus out of their state, nor do I have any problem with them wanting to do contact tracing. I would appreciate knowing that I have been in close contact with someone who is positive, so that I can monitor for symptoms and test if necessary. I don’t look at it as my rights being violated, I look at it as protection for me.
We are currently vacationing on Maui and loving every minute of it, wearing masks and social distancing is not a bother and I’m happy to see how well people are following the directives.
Thank you.
Hi Jane.
The app is available to everyone so you’re welcome to use it.
I tried to download the aloha safe app on my phone. It can’t install if you have an older IPhone 6 that cannot run IOS 13. So now what do people do? Haha. Buy a new IPhone?
Boy, I hope this doesn’t give the Kaua’i mayor any ideas!
This only works if everyone has the app. If it is only tourists and inter-island travelers, then you would be notified if one of them has it and potentially exposed you. Apparently on Mau’i 80% of the recent cases were community spread, so unless the “community” has the app it is not going to be that effective.
Thanks for keeping us updated, but I am beginning to feel like a lab rat trying to negotiate a maze!
Hi Paul.
Good point. Thanks.
This is getting surreal. Not everyone has a smart phone, and sometimes people have smart phones that are owned by their employer and are not allowed to download unapproved apps. Which is true in my case. If I were to download this app, I would get an email and my manager would get an email within 30 minutes reminding both of us of this condition of my employment. I don’t see how this can be mandated when you can’t mandate cell phone ownership. Heck, you can’t even mandate keeping location services on or cell services on or even the phone on? As someone said below, just delete the app at the airport. What’s next? Unremovable ankle bracelets? Like most here, it appears I will be researching new paradises. Maui isn’t the only beach in the world. 🙁 So sad… It sounds like everyone needs a cheap iphone 4 that they leave in the condo…
We agree………. with all of the above………..
I can’t believe how easily people are willing to give up all personal freedoms in the name of ‘safety’ when this virus has over 90% recovery rate unless you are old or sickly. Nope, looks more and more like we have visited Hawaii for the last time.
97% recovery rate of you follow worldometers Covid info….. pretty much everyone I know has had it or come in contact with it. We all lived….. I get some people will not, but people……. we lose on average 7500+ people daily in the US…… why are we freaking out about people dying all of a sudden? People die all the time from various things and I have heard no mention of these people on the daily news….. so now people are ONLY dying of Covid??? Car wrecks and suicides, heart disease, cancer….. they all don’t matter anymore and people stopped dying of these things???
I don’t care if has. a 90% recovery rate- I still don’t want it and will do anything within reason to avoid it. Years down the road we are likely to see numerous long term after effects. If I’m not doing anything wrong then I don’t need to be worried about being traced.
Just another electronic way of the rulers saying “show me your papers”! Camp chaos is indeed alive and not so well at all in Hawaii!
Yes, Perhaps everyone should ‘brush up” on their war time movies where everyone is watched and you had to ‘show your papers’ to move about. How about the movie 1984? It’s here. And happened virtually overnight. Scary. Downright scary.
Very sorry to read this news about Maui. In a free country, government should not be tracking or conducting surveillance on people who are not suspects of criminal activity.
Read history or talk to people who live in places where government exercises a high level of control. It didn’t happen overnight. It happens with a series of policy changes. The people with financial means leave those places. Here, we’re talking about people who don’t want to be subject to a a growing list of things to do to go on a trip. People will go elsewhere. If that is the goal of leaders in HI and Maui, it’s working, many people are going elsewhere.
I appreciate and am grateful to receive the email updates. I almost dread reading the news as the requirements to vacation grow.
These decisions are made by those duly elected in HI and I recognize I didn’t get to vote as a vacationer. As a visitor, no one in government will miss our family of 5, no one in support of keeping Hawaii closed will miss us either. We will miss the friends we have made in Hawaii and the lovely places we have visited. We will keep our memories of Maui and make new memories elsewhere.
All we can do is vote with our feet.
Maui is our favorite destination and we have been making long range plans to make it our retirement spot or be part time residents. Those plans are completely off the table. I guess better to know this now.
Thank you BOH, if it weren’t for your reporting on how local government makes decisions, we would not know how quickly they vacillate and to what degree.
I will keep reading in the hope that local leaders will not keep these policies in place long term so we can one day visit. Health passports, vaccine records, testing, surveillance are all deal breakers. If this becomes the new condition to travel, we will stay home.
“What you allow will continue.”
Time will reveal what people accept.
Hi Olga.
Thanks for the feedback and for all of your comments.
Well Said. Our sentiments exactly. It sounds as though it will be more and more difficult to travel anywhere – Mexico, the Caribbean……. anywhere – without a vaccination passport and testing, testing, testing, etc. All in the name of ‘safety.’ No one seems to be the least bit afraid of what this means in the long term. The usurpation of personal freedom. When they want to track my movements – that’s when we stop going there – wherever that happens to be. Thanks for your eloquent comments.
After reading the “Frequently Asked Questions” section at AlohaSafeAlert.org, I found these two items that told me what happens if I receive an exposure notification alert from the app:
“Q: If I receive an Exposure Notification, do I still need to talk to a Hawaii State Dept. of Health contact tracer?
A: Yes. Because AlohaSafe Alert is 100% anonymous, the State will not be informed about your possible exposure to COVID-19. AlohaSafe Alert is intended to complement traditional contact tracing processes.
Q: I received an Exposure Notification. What do I do?
A: If you received an exposure notification, please follow the general guidance in the app and contact your primary care physician for further guidance.”
So I am free to choose to contact the State (or not) and I am free to choose to follow guidance and contact my physician (or not). It appears to me the State making use of the app mandatory instead of voluntary, like it has been until now, does not accomplish anything new, if I choose to take no action after receiving the exposure notification.
If I would not voluntarily load and use the app in December, what makes the State personnel believe I will voluntarily take action the app recommends after I am forced to load and use the app in January?
I feel so sorry for those who value $$$ over other’s health. Yes, Hawaii needs tourist dollars, but if we all fly into Hawaii and infect the locals, there’s nobody left to wait on the tables or make our hotel beds. Yes, I’m exaggerating, but the point is the same. There’s a reason why people are flocking to Florida — and why the death rates are highest in States (like Florida) where people don’t social distance or wear masks! No thank you. We’re getting our vaccine soon (we are in the next group in NJ) and have no problems wearing a mask for hours (we did it in Disney World last fall). I guess we’ll see few crowds in Maui!
So you ridicule FL.. (probably the State with the happiest residents) and at the same time went there to enjoy Disney..
What if you don’t have a cell phone? Do they put an ankle monitor on you?
This is more BS out of the State of Hawaii and now, the island of Maui. Victorino Lost His Mind! I wonder how long before Kauai decides to do the same thing. Victorino has just totally destroyed any chance of economic recovery for Maui for the foreseeable future. I will Never put a Contract Tracing app on any of my devices just like I won’t take this Covid vaccine that’s been rushed to market. There are plenty of other places to go on vacation that Overpriced Hawaii!
Opposition to this app is unfounded. This does not give any identifiable information about you to the government if you are flagged as possibly exposed. This is a notification system that alerts you and no one else.
However, I don’t believe this will have any real impact. Locals will not be required to have it installed and I find it unlikely that visitors will actually take action when they get an exposure notification through the app.
We are actually traveling there on Monday the 18th flying into Maui. If I understand you correctly, we have to turn on the exposure notification toggle on our phones Before we arrive? Is there anything else required or anywhere we have to register ahead of time that we’ve done something to this effect? You say “failure to register prior to arrival into Maui county will result in a quarantine”. Where do we register this action?
Thanks in advance. You guys are great!
Hi Randy.
Thank you. We quoted the language directly from the governor’s approval of the emergency Rule. And we provided the link to the Maui proclamation. The way we read it is that you just need to activate the app prior to departing for Maui. We hope that you enjoy your vacation.
I have visited Maui every year since 1995…I do not own a smart phone….only a flip…I come alone..so I am banned???
We land Monday night So it appears we are coming in just before it goes into effect. Being I have never been to Maui this will be an interesting trip. Hope fully a good 2 weeks.
I think I’ll go to Mexico
We have flight booked for late April for two weeks on Maui, hopefully we’ll have out vacines by then and all of this nonsense can go away.
Big Brother is watching … This can slide to permanent full time monitoring easily…
Bye Bye Hawaii…….. Novisits from me.
Well thank you for the 30 years a vacationing to the different Hawaiian islands. The time has come to say goodbye. We’ll have to find Paradise elsewhere to visit from now on. Sadly I’m going to cancel the two weeks we had booked for September of this year.
So arrived on Thursday and staying for two weeks. Are we exempt since already here, or are we required to download as well?
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Its interesting how states differ. Here in Arizona you would never know anything was going on. Just got back from a a packed Costco tried to go to restaurants at 1:30 they were all packed and drive thru lines were around the block. Lowe’s is ridiculous Starbucks and ditch bro’s coffee hour wait. People out and about doing what ever. Economy is booming so much governor is proposing a 600 million tax cut.
Yes and the COVID exposures in Arizona are some of the worst in the county. Sad.
And Arizona has some of the highest rates in the nation.
So does California so we thrive while they drown. Yet for some reason all those Californians keep coming over here. Tracking numbers today came out of new York today saying 74% of covid Infection is transferred thru family gathering and home events. 1.4 % is transmitted thru restaurants.
Hi Liam
South Dakota is the same way, pretty much normal here.
Choose Freedom not tyranny.
Please google Arizona Covid. . Not looking good. Also reading tax increase on way. Some will not vacation in Arizona due to lack of guidelines. Thanks for your input.
Thanks for all your current information! I wonder how getting the vaccine is going to change things. We are scheduled for the Big Island and Maui in July-August for 5 weeks. We have fixed intervals and we are going to try to go, especially since we couldn’t go last year and our condos sat empty!! Our first vaccine is Monday, so hopefully, things are looking up.
Hi Kathy.
Luckily that’s still some time away, so we hope everything will work out perfectly for you.
So residents will be required to do the tracing only if they have been off the island and are arriving home? What about all the people who live on the island who haven’t gone anywhere? Seems to me that in an earlier article a few days ago I read where 80% of the cases on Maui were from residents and of those 18% were from people returning from travel off island. Why are the residents who are creating the majority of the problem not subjected to the same government overreach as those who would like to spend their hard earned money there for a week of rest and relaxation? This is why so many people are hesitant to book a vacation on any of the islands. The rules change almost daily, they are random and not based on science, they are grossly overreaching and they are anything but consistent. If Hawaii really wants to see tourism return in a meaningful way they need to have the same rules for all the islands (no exceptions) and stop infringing on people’s basic right to privacy. By the way….what ever happened to HIPPA laws?
Will the Contact Tracing apply to visitors that have completed the vaccine immunizations?
Hi John.
We don’t know the answer to that yet.
Seriously anyone who owns a smart phone shouldn’t have a problem with this you’re already being tracked by both big corp and the government.
Last week from cell phone tower pings the government has been able to identify and arrest several individuals who stormed the capitol. Watch your local news the talking head will say “Law enforcement was able to identify the criminal through their cell phone”
Along with cell phones they’re tracking your late model car especially those individuals who’ve signed up for a safe driving insurance app you see advertised on tv. That little box you plug into your OBD II port is a tracking device.
If don’t want to be tracked throw away your cell phone and buy a pre 1996 automobile.
Maui has now reached the the bridge too far. If we weren’t here we’d have said no way. My wife and I arrived on Maui on Monday. Honestly, passing through the airport was a breeze. Very well organized, the staff lady at the beginning of the line asks for the number in your party and assigns you one of the three tables. You then go to the table. You show your QR code and they take a picture of it. You also show your ID at this point. Heads up – it is a bit loud and very hard to hear at the tables. They are asking you to show the code in such a way on your device so they can take a picture. With their mask on and plexiglass germ shield it is hard to understand their direction to you. Still, those workers were very considerate. You are then given a ticket to exit the check in area. Very easy. So don’t stress the airport. Now back to this crazy rule. First work on the locals. At the beach they are in big groups hugging and doing what they do with no masks. Visitors are wearing masks and giving 6.
I really believe this is a rest of what hawaii wants to be in the future. There were already too many tourists and they weren’t the one hawaii wanted. Despite the tourist revenue per had dropped dramatically. Airbnb and short term rentals were making it near impossible for residents to survive. After the dust has settled they will welcome back those they want make it more exclusive and reboot. Jmho
I love that idea! Another good excuse for me to move there in the long term.
Ok, I download the App, show the airport screener … and then I leave my phone in my room when I’m out … or I turn the Bluetooth off … now what??? The App is rendered useless if the phone is sitting on a countertop or the Bluetooth is disabled. This is beyond ridiculous!
Guess i won’t be going back. I don’t approve.
Thank you BOH for all the updates! This newest requirement is disheartening. It’s a little nonsensical when 80% of the positive COVID cases on Maui can be traced to community transmission, 17% to returning residents, and only about 3% to visitors. (I think you guys reported those numbers earlier this week?) And yet the visitors are the ones required to install the app. One can see why; can you imagine DUI style app checkpoints for all residents and visitors alike? LOL. I think these contract tracing app are not well used in the US as compared to some other countries as we are very protective of our rights and privacy issues. And with good reason, I believe. I had read about Mayor Victorino’s request to Gov Ige, and also that he granted it, but I’m looking forward to reading the comments here. Thanks again!
Hi Ron.
Thanks. We find the comments fascinating as well.
Too bad,I’m going to find mysel a new vacation destination.
Not wanting to spend too much time reading the ever changing rules for coming to Hawaii, I would like to ask this question – if one comes into contact with someone that tests positive, and that is picked up in contact tracing, are you and your family then required to quarantine? If so, why would anyone risk an expensive vacation to Hawaii when there is a very reasonable likelihood of coming into contact with someone that has the virus any time one goes to a restaurant, bar, swimming pool or any other place where large groups gather? Also, would it matter if one comes into contact with someone with the virus if they have been vaccinated?
Ahh yes, inequality as per island.
Mahalo Beat of Hawai’i for the timely information.
It’s my humble opinion that I have nothing to hide, therefore I have no problem with the tracing. Will residents be required to comply?
After all, it seems perfectly reasonable to me.
Aloha and blessings always 🌺
Hi Pam.
This applies to all arrivals, so residents and visitors alike.
I always appreciate your travel updates. We were going to travel to Maui in April and already booked lodging. I will cancel. This is ridiculous and unnecessary. It is so unfortunate. Florida, here we come!
Hi Sandi.
Thanks for your comments. Sorry that Maui won’t work out for you this time, but we hope to welcome you back again.
It is ridiculous! Next thing you know, they will be bugging our hotel rooms and putting cameras in the bathroom.
Aloha Sandi B,
We too are booked and yet still planning for our late April trip to Maui. We booked our timeshare back in July 2019 (before anyone ever heard of COVID) so right now, we are a wait and see before we cancel. This would be our last trip to Hawaii forever, so we want to be absolutely sure what the situation develops into by then before we cancel. We are boycotting Florida (we live in NJ) until their State gets their COVIDIOTS out of office as they are almost as bad as California with their caseloads.
Just a “heads up”! My wife and I took our Honeymoon in Hawaii, back in 2007! We visited all three Islands then! However, we will NOT be back! You people have gone covid crazy! We have absolutely no interest in going somewhere that has officials that have lost their collective minds! I sincerely hope that many more “potential” travelers, follow our choice to make the Hawaiian Islands, a destination that is not desirable! We intended to visit the Islands again this year but changed our minds, now that we see how insane your government has gotten! Tourism is the life Blood of the Islands and let’s see how well you do when it has declined to a point that living there is no longer feasible!
Us too–we were Maui’d on K’aanapali Beach and returned in 2015 for a second honeymoon to Oahu. No way are we returning for this type of tyranny
I really don’t see any big deal.
That’s why Maui’s positivity rate is so low.
I have not been to Maui in 13 months and I am going crazy.
Can’t wait to go in April.
What you said is spot on, Denise, and exactly what I was going to say… except we are planning for October!
Whatever we can do to end this pandemic! Contact traci g is a must!
Thanks, BOH, for all the info!
I agree 100%
I agree! That’s why it’s so low and they want to keep it that way. These islands absolutely cannot afford to have any kind of outbreak. It seems reasonable to me as well. I just downloaded the app and turned it on and that’s it. Took me 30 seconds.
Amen and Amen! Could not agree more!
Absolute insanity and fear being driven by people who love power! I cannot believe how quickly and easy people are willing to give up personal freedoms. Once it’s gone the freedom never comes back, tyrants are ruthless. Taking our vacation $ to Fla where common sense is still found
Sadly see politics and a bit of indigence in some of the comments. Thank you but no one place has worked it out. If you don’t know anyone who has suffered due to Covid then you are lucky. And my household has an at risk not Covid related member who might not get a bed now. The stories of the health care workers are tragic too.
Agreed! They have gone completely insane. We visit yearly as well, but looks like we will vacay on the mainland. Mahalo for the memories!
Things are crazy everywhere because of the unpredictability of Covid-19. Please do not judge the islands for the actions of a few in the confusion. First and foremost should be the health and well being of the people of Hawaii. You are free to travel wherever you choose, but as a “potential” traveler, I will never consider Hawaii undesirable…ever. There will always be multiple reasons why visitors value their stay. “Comme ci, comme ca” (Come see,come saw)…..to each their own!
The “few” that you speak of, happen to be the policy makers for the Islands. So under the current circumstances, I too, find it undesirable! As you said, “to each his own”! No thanks!
Aloha! Long time reader, first time commenter. I fly out to Maui tomorrow morning (1/17). From your article it looks as if I am arriving by the skin of our teeth. I think I may just download this app just in case. We’ve followed all other protocols for Maui (negative NAAT COVID test results from approved provider uploaded yesterday to Safe Travels site, 24 hr questionnaire filled out this morning, etc.) I am soooo thankful I follow this blog or I would NEVER have caught this. Thank you so much for all you do in keeping your readers abreast of all these changes! What would we do without you?
Hi Jasmin.
Thanks so much! We hope you have a great time on Maui. Let us know how everything goes if you have a chance.
Aloha! I’m currently here on Maui and everything went perfectly upon arrival on January 17. Our flight arrived an hour early (2:11pm!) so there was absolutely no line and no wait for the COVID clearance. They wanted proof of negative COVID test and our QR codes from the pre-travel questionnaire we filled out. This is when staff will update your Safe Travels account to show that you’re exempt from quarantine. The whole process was about 5 minutes. I did download the AlohaSafe app just in case however she said we didn’t require it. We didn’t check any bags which saved us tons of time. We went straight to the car rental area, no line again as it was only 2:30pm. Car rental counter asked for proof of negative test as well. When we checked in to the resort they had us log in to our Hawaii Safe Travels accounts and show them that we were exempt from quarantine. Easy peasy. Check-in was otherwise normal. That’s it! We’re now here and it’s just fine! Masks on in public required but we knew that. Nothing infringe-y or “Big Brother-y” about the process. Everyone had been exceptionally nice and welcoming and seem genuinely happy to have visitors.
I read a couple comments about hour plus long wait times for COVID clearance and my simplest tip to combat that would be to choose the earliest arriving flight available that way there just aren’t that many people there yet. That’s what we did with our 3:03pm arriving flight. The bonus was that we arrived an hour early at 2:11pm! Also, have your QR code(s) ready! Many people neglected to take the pre-travel questionnaire on their Safe Travels account in order to get the QR code and that will definitely add time if you have to do it upon arrival. If you’re arriving after January 19, download the app! We didn’t require it but it will be required just like your COVID testing. It’s a simple thing, it took me 30 seconds to download it and turn it on. That’s all. You never have to look at it again. You’ll forget you even have it.
Hi Jasmin.
Thank you for that report. We’re glad it all went well!
GPS gets turned off or the app uninstalled the monent I walk out of the Airport.
Right. It only says you have to have it in arrival. I will for 5 minutes. So if they see you have contact, they throw you into quarantine? Nuh uh.
Why would you have this reaction to an app that could tell you if you are at substantial risk of infection? Please do not come to Hawaii if you’re hostile to even the most minimal of safety measures.
Then the national guard will cut you down like the constitutional dog you are.
(Kidding, I hope.)
no kidding…
I don’t see how they can control this. Why put into place things you have no control over once someone walks away from you. I have been to Maui twice since Oct 15th, jumped through every hoop they set up and arrivals went smoothly. I will go again this year because I love Maui and I will download the app because they require it but they have no control over how much I carry my phone, keep it on, etc.
That’s what I was thinking.
Exactly. Though, it sounds like if you get pulled over or stopped by police they can ask you for proof of app working/registered? Is that right BOH team?