Mandatory Contact Tracing Approved by Governor

What you need to know before you fly to Maui.

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186 thoughts on “Mandatory Contact Tracing Approved by Governor”

  1. Dave W,

    My unsolicited advice, which you can ignore:

    Is it not possible for you to just keep your (social) distance from these “life threatening” locals? Just stay away from them. They don’t want you around them, anyway. Win-win. If this is not possible for whatever reasons, you should go someplace else, where you don’t feel your life is being threatened. Maybe just stay home until you get yourself vaccinated? In the meantime, expecting others to change their behavior to please you will leave you sorely disappointed.

    1. David B.

      Actually I got caught up in a bit of sarcasm to the original poster saying that tourists are dangerous. Actually we are having a great time and have come to understand why locals probably don’t mind a few (a lot) less tourists. We also enjoy less traffic, less crowds etc in comparison to years past. For us it is like the good old days. Honestly, I believe that I am enjoying the safest state in the country. Sorry I wasn’t clear.

      1. Dave W,

        Good to hear. I am often the one being sarcastic and people take me literally. I fell for it! Poe’s law in action.

        Good to hear you’re having a great time. Over here on Kauai, we have even less traffic and crowds, and we get our local beaches nearly all to ourselves. But, then I read stories like this in today’s paper, and I am reminded that this comes at a steep price.

  2. This is scary… so essentially they are goin to know where you are all times? And if you are close to someone it will let them know? Wow I couldn’t hate this idea more. This is up there with forced vaccination but maybe a bit more terrifying.

  3. I’d like to say that I don’t disagree with any requirements that have been put forth.
    People have choices. If you so desire to visit our islands, do so without complaint. The COVID-19 cases are stacking up and our hospitals are filling up.
    This is an unprecedented pandemic of epic proportions.
    Yes, the economy is fragile. Yes, money is a necessary evil.
    But please keep in mind, lives lost cannot be replaced.
    Who amongst you can decide who will die because of the carelessness of others?
    Until adequate testing and a proven success rate from the vaccine is established, it’s a crap shoot.
    Mahalo Beat of Hawai’i for all you do for others. You’re simply amazing.
    Aloha and blessings to all🌺

    1. I agree with Pam’s remarks about my choice to come as a tourist and especially that lives lost can’t be replaced. This brings me to my concern about seeing locals gather at the beach. I am on Maui for five weeks. Two down. I see large groups of locals with no masks hugging when they meet and greet at the beach. Perhaps an extended rainy season would be good for knocking down the Covid numbers. Yesterday I wanted additional books for the beach so I headed to the mall and the friends of the library used book store (which is a great store). Again, we saw local young men not wearing masks in the mall. Maui has it figured out how to harness the actions of the incoming. It is time for Maui to work on the locals who threaten our life.

  4. I am confused as to why the app has to be downloaded prior to arrival. What are they looking for? Does it say when it was activated and where you have been? Why can’t it be downloaded at the airport? I imagine there are A LOT of people that are going to be caught by surprise by this…I was and I am living on Oahu. I would think letting people download it after arrival would prevent a lot of ticked off tourists that thought they were jumping through all the hoops and then STILL have to be quarantined.

  5. Oh Hawaii…. just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water. Ige is back at it making rules that only apply to some, and are difficult to interpret or enforce. I so want to return to Maui, but just canceled our 10 day vacation with 10 people, and heading back to Cabo. I will kick my flight credits on Hawaiian down the road and hope that the lack of government intelligence dissipates as the virus vaccination continues. I have canceled 4 trips in 2020, and now 0 for 1 in 2021.

  6. Hi,

    Thank you BOH, I have the utmost respect for all of your posts and comments!

    I have a separate question that I need help on:

    I will be fully vaccinated post 2 weeks, before I have a tentative trip to Kauai. (2/13-2/20). I can change my flight with no change fees and cancel my resort reservation with a full refund. I have booked the 72 hour EMQ bubble at Ko’a Kea resort, and they do have some socially distanced activity there. They are extremely, kind and flexible, and they will allow me to bring my own FDA approved at home rapid antigen COVID test kit, that won’t cost an arm and a leg. (around $25-$50)

    It seems that bc I will be a solo traveler and want a mixture of chatting with people here and there, and also nature – people are saying to go to Maui instead of Kauai. I don’t mind turning the tracking app on in Maui, as many of us in San Francisco Bay Area turn it on.

    What are people’s thoughts on Kauai vs Maui, if I’m traveling alone? Also Maui will be warmer.

    I know that my thoughts go against the grain of most other people’s opinions about HI right now, but I do want to support the economy in a safe way.


    1. Hi Helen.

      You might get as many opinions of whether to choose Kauai or Maui as there are comments. Hopefully, others will lend a hand. It is all a matter of personal preference. One isn’t inherently better or worse and you will find nature and conversation in either location. The weather could cut either way too. Poipu is warm, as is Kaanapali and South Maui, and warm is relative, given that it is winter. Today is a very cool day in the islands, with a storm going by, a high of 70 and gusty winds.


  7. Hawaii is not what it was. Many places require proof of negative test, restrictive numbers of people in restaurants, pools, beeches, and many other areas. Many places are closed, It’s still a beatiful place but, now it comes with a good many restrictions and wait times.
    Aloha Guys

    1. Maui is a dump outside of the resorts. The mountains and ocean are nice to look at…That’s about it. Drive in any town on Maui NOT associated with a resort, you will be suprised.

      The beaches are average at best, especially the ones not fronting a resort. Go to FL or Mexico.

      1. I respectfully disagree Sean. I find upcountry to be absolutely stunning. grandma’s coffee, kula farms, and other local eateries are beautiful as well as delicious. The south hana highway is breathtaking.

        I am not happy with the contact tracing either as listed my comments on this thread. Please do not be disrespectful out of dissatisfaction.

        I hope you enjoy your vacation whatever the destination.

        1. Hi Sandi.

          Thanks for that. We concur with you about Maui’s beauty and have only had good experiences there personally.


  8. Hello Rob and Jeff, Thank you for the effort you put into keeping travelers informed. BOH is my go-to place to find out what is going on. I’ve read every comment on the contract tracing but I’m still confused as to what happens if it is determined that you’ve been exposed to Covid. Do they locate you and demand you quarantine? Is it for your own personal knowledge? I’m ok with following all the rules, but I’d like to know how this is exactly going to work. Mahalo!

    1. Hi Susan.

      Thank you. It is a peer to peer app from everything we can find. So it is as you said, for your own knowledge, and the app suggests you contact your doctor should that happen.


  9. What?? Am I missing something here?

    If all arriving passengers had to have a negative covid test to get on the aircraft, why in the world would we need to have tracing for them?? They are all Covid free!

    If there is community spreading in the islands, can I then expect that every resident in the state of Hawaii be required to immediately submit to the mandatory tracing on their phone as well?

    1. Hi Bill.

      Being COVID free at the point of testing doesn’t mean that some of those people won’t develop it and test positive subsequently. Also, at this time, the US government has not required that passengers be tested before flying, and thus that cannot be required by the airlines or anyone else.


    2. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but what you are missing, I think, and what a lot of travelers I’ve talked to have been surprised to learn, is that you do not need to be tested at all to get on a plane. The test is to avoid the quarantine requirement. People are allowed to travel without a test and go into quarantine.

      1. That is because the average intelligence of many Americans is poor.

        It’s the same with those out here that say “close the airports”.

  10. This starts to get into the scary Big-Government-Will-Control-Everything realm. We have a trip planned to Kona for Feb. 1 and it would be very difficult and expensive to reschedule. That being said, until Hawaii stops stomping on civil liberties I am not going to schedule any more, even though we go 2-3 times per year normally.

  11. I would like to thank Beat of Hawaii for keeping me informed. I feel so sorry Hawaii. Pre Covid we would travel to Hawaii 2-3 times a year for a few weeks at a time. We are so frustrated with inconsistent rules that I doubt we will be returning for a long time. I hope Hawaii can survive this tragedy so we can return.

  12. Aloha, BOH is great. Everything went fine on the way to Maui Test at AFC with Lab Corp Safe travels Hawaii web worked we’ll problem is upon arrival. 1 1/2 hour in line for negative check. But we are here and happy.
    Thanks BOH

    1. Fly Alaska Airlines and get pre checked for neg test. You will get a bracelet that will let you bypass the line. I’m sure they will start checking for tracing app.

  13. this is ludicrous.
    the governors have ll gone crazy.
    Social control and surveillance is their mission and they r ruining hawaii.

    The vaccine is here. they all need to stop.

  14. Things are changing so fast, I bet many people are constantly confused. I was thinking, maybe an Updatable Chart of what is required for Entry to Hawaii and the individual Islands would be a very helpful addition to your web site…. Just a thought…

  15. Is turning the exposure notifications “on” the same as downloading that app? Or do we still need to put the app on our phone as well if we’re coming to Maui??

    Appreciate all the information and time you all devote to this site.

  16. Thanks for this disturbing information. There they go again. Politicians, who get paid big bucks and are not affected by the loss in revenue to the state, doing all they can to continue this economic holocaust. They will not be satisfied until there are no more tourists coming to Hawaii. So sad that they are so bent on destroying the state.

  17. So many good points in all these comments.

    What if you don’t own a smartphone (many “seniors” don’t)?

    All you have to do is turn it off once you exit the airport – no one will know.

    Tourists have to have it but locals don’t. Really? What good is that when 80% of the cases are community spread by locals.

    Leave your smartphone in the car or hotel room when you’re at the pool or beach.

    Too many more points to list that shows this is just another idiotic government ruling that is simply not enforceable.

    Mahalo BOH.

    1. Hi Ed.

      Thanks for all of your comments. Just to clarify that it applies to arrivals, no matter whether they are visitors or residents.


      1. I suspect Ed C. is referring to Maui residents in general, not just newly arriving-returning ones. As your commenters have pointed out, this only involves [1] new arrivals (tourists or residents) who [2] dutifully obey and leave the app/blue tooth on at all times. It does nothing with respect to everyone else. And “everyone else” is the vast majority of the population on Maui.

        Did any the Harbor Lights residents have this app actively running on their phones? And even if all of them did, would it have made any difference?

        The more I think about this, the more I see it as a nothing burger. People who think the app a good idea (some of your commenters do) should already be using it without being told to, and regardless if they are recent arrivals. People who don’t like the app, if forced to have it on their phone in order to avoid quarantine at the airport arrival screening, will just turn off their blue tooth after leaving the airport. Problem solved.

        I routinely disable blue tooth and GPS/localization on my phone, to avoid being pummeled with spam asking me to “rate” a bus stop or something equally insipid.

    2. My son lives and works on Oahu. When the islands were under 2020 lockdown and only essential workers could be on the roads, he (an essential worker) said he could be stopped on his drive to work by the police and he would need to show his Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard identification card to proceed, or be forced to drive home.

      The Maui order (“Public Health Emergency Rules, effective January 19, 2021,” linked on the “Beat of Hawaii” posting) state in Rule 12 (d.) : “”Proof of registration [with the AlohaSafe Alert app] , such as showing airport screeners or any law enforcement officer, the application installed and setting enabled on a traveler’s mobile device, is required.”

      So if I turn the Bluetooth off, or disable the app, or delete the app after leaving the airport I run the risk of having a law enforcement officer request proof of registration and I will not be able to comply. Non-compliance may result in mandatory quarantine.

      I do not like the Governor’s oders and rules any more than anyone else, but if the Governor’s Maui order expands to Oahu by the time I arrive in February, I am going to have the app loaded, registered and activated and enjoy my visit to Oahu, without the risk of a mandatory quarantine.

      1. I will now limit my video’s and photos, because l will now be concerned about my battery charge level.
        I believe that , guest’s will be of the past and because of the tourist impact on ecology, all of the islands will be by invitation only.
        Island’s will return to Native’s and the United States will subsidize the financials.
        All in the name of saving Ecology.

    3. I already checked. My IPhone 6 cannot get the app. Your phone has to run IOS 13.5 or greater. I Phone 6 doesn’t get IOS more than 12.

      1. Wondering how Hawaii is going to force you to upgrade your phone. So much here that is borders on complete insanity and stupidity.

        1. They cannot force you to own a phone, let alone an “upgraded” one. However, they can force you into quarantine for ten days. The phone with app is an additional hoop you must leap through to avoid ten days hard time.

  18. Well that seals the deal for us. We will cancel our scheduled 2-week stay in Maui in February. We will not participate in such an incredible government overreach with no clear benefit. Too bad. We will go elsewhere for vacation. Love Hawaii but not enough to submit to this!

  19. I have CA Contact as I am a CA resident. Aloha Safe disables any other contact tracing program. I have to ha e Aloha Safe before I leave CA.
    Does CA Contact qualify as an alternative tracing program? If not then HI is being arrogant and again biting the hand that feeds HI’s people.

  20. Does this go along with the negative Covid test or in place of? Will they want our genealogy next? This is getting ridiculous. We are all booked, but it looks like our best bet is to cancel.

  21. Been wanting to visit Hawaii with my family for a couple years. No way with the wackiness that Hawaii travel has become. Maybe in a few years when more level heads prevail!

  22. I had a trip to the Westin Nanea in Maui from 2/1-2/06 and I had to cancel. I don’t know when and if I’ll ever go back because of the impression that no one knows what’s happening or what kind of procedures will be in place when I get there. It’s unfortunate that Mexico seems like a more safe AND organized place to go at the moment. It seems like Hawaii doesn’t know how to treat tourists right now.

  23. BOH, Mahalo for the updates. I’ve owned a Timeshare on Kauai for 20 years. I understand each island trying to protect their own and their livelihood. I had to change my scheduled vacation to December. I anticipate getting my Vaccinations soon and hopefully things will be a little easier by then and businesses up and bouncing back.

  24. We are traveling to Maui in March. We have had the first vaccine and will have the booster a month before travel. Do we still need to be tested and traced?

  25. My wife and I are so disappointed with the actions of Hawaii’s government, if you want to call it that. As much as we would love to return to the big island to our timeshare, at least for the time being, it is just not worth the hassle. There are so many other places to visit in the US, so I guess that’s what we will do. Of course, living here in California, where our governor is equally incompetent, I guess were used to it!!!

  26. Thank you for trying to keep us all safe & healthy. When I was in Hawaii in November, a restaurant wanted our mobile phone # for contact tracing & I thought it is a good idea.
    It sounds like that idea will just be expanded.

  27. I for one will never return to Hawaii and will tell everyone else not to.
    The state is run by morons that are following the new world order.
    I really hope Hawaii crashes and burns, that is the only way they will learn.
    It won’t stop till everyone stands up against this tyranny.

    1. Wow Ed, “really hope Hawaii crashes and burns”. And I’m thinking the Hawaiian people will probably be pleased with the fact that you do not want to ever return with negativity such as that. Do tell anyone you know that feels that way to please never return. I for one will greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

    2. Ed,

      I feel your pain, but I spent much of Dec on the big island and it was a very chill time and welcome change from living under idot inslee where I can’t dine in orders even though no cases and deaths in nearly a year. But the bars and most restros were open all sit down and rocking. The best part never ran into a karen the whole time. It won’t be long as I predicted that you won’t be able to leave your house without being vaccinated and chipped so anyone can determine if you’re allowed outside and in fill in the blank.

  28. Ever wonder if Hawaii just might be the testing ground for all of these “protocols”? This is unconstitutional. Turn off your GPS, remove the apps and get off of social media. And enjoy living with the freedom we have left.

  29. Aloha Guys!

    So what happens, if you’re a single traveler with no mobile device? Apparently you’ll be forced to be shackled to your hotel/home for 10 days, because you chose not to have one or can’t afford one?

    This says nothing about people who will be “free” (or not so free in Maui now) to travel, by proving they’ve been vaccinated. So, it appears, they will also be tracked, based on these rules? And as you stated, “why would it not apply to the entire state?”

    There are so many other issues with this, besides the obvious government intrusion of privacy. How do you even realistically enforce this? Anyone can remove the app, turn off GPS, turn off the phone or leave the phone at home.

    HPD won’t be pulling people over, without probable cause, and even if they did, how would they know when you traveled? It’s not like people have to disclose any information about their travel plans with police. “You have the right to remain silent…” There is literally no way to enforce this, except for an “honor system”.

    Here’s real gut check…when Government tells people they Have to do something (especially something that potentially violates civil liberties), many people are going to resist.

    This is just one more stupid move by Ige that will clearly hinder the reopening of Hawaii’s main economic engine.🤦‍♂️

    Thanks for the update Guys…do you think this will be extending to other islands?

    1. Hi Jim.

      We would have thought that if it was good enough for Maui it would have been good for the whole state of Hawaii. But we have no idea.


      1. If this goes to the whole state, we will definitely cancel our trip in March. Feel sorry for the VRBO/AirBnb owners who depend on tourists to help pay their mortgages, not to mention all the other workers in the industry.

    2. The inconsistent and rapidly changing rules make it ever more difficult to decide when to travel to any of the islands. A big concern, or even fear, is that the rules will change while we are there. Very stressful even to contemplate. We (6 of us) will not be spending a dime in Hawai’i for the forseeable future.

  30. Seriously? I think our days of visiting Hawaii are over. What’s next, everyone arriving gets an ankle monitor? All the fun of a relaxing vacation has been sucked out by covid crazy paranoia. We cancelled in 2020 and already booked a trip elsewhere for Spring 2021. Hope someone over there figures out a way to make a buck without tourists.

  31. I’m not really concerned about using the contact tracing app, so long is it doesn’t restrict what I am able to do (since I already plan to socially distance, etc.). I am flying to Maui in a few weeks and it is already somewhat of a gamble someone could test positive (or have a false positive) which would force cancellation or quarantine.

    In regards to this app, if we are exposed to someone that tests positive, what does that mean – do they simply inform us as an FYI? Will they force me and my family to get tested again or quarantine? What if I park next to someone at Honolua Bay and we leave our phones locked up in our cars to go snorkeling. If phones are within 6 feet but the families never even see one another, have we made unacceptable contact according to the app? Will they come after me if I turn off my phone to save my battery while snorkeling?

    1. Likely you’ll be tracked down and forced to quarantine. As my husband said, what happens when we are walking through the airport on arrival and come into contact with someone who is positive? Ironically a COVID positive person would likely be a Hawaiian resident and not a visitor since they will have tested negative within the prior 72 hours. Interesting that residents aren’t being forced to download one of these apps. Unfortunately Hawaii will not be getting our tourist dollars. We are going elsewhere.

  32. This county and this leadership continue to lean on the excuse of visitors creating the uptick. Frankly, the numbers don’t lie and there needs to be accountability with locals. No more scapegoating. This is just as ridiculous as Kauai. Furthermore, if you were going to exert any kind of governmental regulation then they should have dealt with the cluster at Harbor.

    What are we trying to solve with this?


  33. BOH- thanks for the great and timely updates! I just don’t get the need for the contact tracing when so few cases have come from visitors. It will absolutely slow down the number of travelers. Perhaps that is the intent.

    Also, any word on whether the pre-travel testing will be waived for those with proof of vaccination? I recall a hearing (perhaps from one of your recent posts) that it could occur by February.

    Thanks again!

  34. After so many starts and stops, we are resigned to the fact that travel is out until 1. We are vaccinated and 2. The place we want to visit has the COVID situation well under control. We have had to cancel our latest planned trip to Maui and have been squashed at every attempt to rebook.
    We’ll give it another year and see where things stand, but for now, now is not the time to visit the Islands.

  35. I am a senior citizen, and really don’t know what, or how to do an “app”. Therefore, I am assuming that the state of Hawaii no longer wants me to travel to the Islands. If that is not correct. please e-mail me the reason for your answer.

    Thani you. (Hawaii visitor –military–from 1962 to 1981 with sporadic vacations during that time) and vacation visitor from 1982 to 2015 for usually 11+ weeks on the four major islands, until my wife wasn’t able to fly.)


    1. Hi Tony.

      That’s an interesting point. If the people in your group or all seniors and no one has a smartphone, it does not seem like there is any provision at this time.


  36. Missing from the proclamation is what happens if you get “popped” for being in incidental contact with someone who ends up with CV? Vacation over – hello quarantine? Seems like a huge risk to take with your vacation without more detail on what happens then…

    All these apps rely on Bluetooth LE to work. Just turn bluetooth off whenever you leave the condo. Problem solved. Alternatively, get a faraday bag on amazon for your phone and keep the app & bluetooth enabled in case the police want to see it (but don’t police have to get a warrant to inspect your phone?). There’s a nice drybag model available.

    Also, I’d suggest to not enable the app until you’re just off the plane and you can social distance so as to avoid “positives” from others sitting near you within the detection range on the flight.

        1. How about just turning your phone OFF? No power. No signals. No problem. Need to use it for a few minutes? Turn it on when you are not near anyone (the polite thing to do in any event). Then, when done, turn it back OFF. No faraday bag needed.

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