Breaking: Ongoing Hawaiian Airlines Technology Meltdown Infuriates Passengers

Many problems include the inability to buy tickets, check in, use confirmation codes, make online changes, etc.. The proof of the pudding will be just how quickly Hawaiian Airlines can resolve these issues and move forward with its new Amadeus reservation technology.

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72 thoughts on “Breaking: Ongoing Hawaiian Airlines Technology Meltdown Infuriates Passengers”

  1. We got caught in this nightmare, and I appreciate your reporting on the problem. We tried to book a fligh Last week, we’re enticed to purchase the credit card to procure the 1/2 price companion fare. It took 5 days to receive the card and we jumped online to purchase our tickets just when they went down for the system upgrade you described. Then we’re told we can’t get the discount until the email code arrives. They managed to send 5 emails with various information, but told us the discount email may take 10 days. Shady, deceptive, infuriating, lousy customer service at its worst. Grrrrr.

  2. Flew Hawaiian to Maui this morning from LAX. It was a nightmare. The agents did not know how to use the new system which did not have correct information. When we finally got to the gate a 20 minute walk, they wouldn’t let my husband board because the system showed he didn’t pay for 3 bags which were medical equipment and there is no charge for them. So they held him back until they could get the system to correct the mistake. We arrived at the airport at 5:30 and didn’t get to the gate until 7:40 and they were already boarding. Now we are sitting on the ground waiting for our gate to become available. They did an abominable job of implementing the new system and the communication to their booked customers didn’t tell us everything.

  3. Aloha, just wanted to say that as of April 15th we were denied boarding on Hawaiian Airlines out of Hilo, for a booked and paid for flight, causing us to miss our connecting flight in HNL on United. Just FYI. Still waiting to hear from United about this, since they were the ones who booked the itinerary. Thanks, Sandra S

  4. If anyone was caught unaware of the HA website unavailability, they did not read the warnings clearly posted on the website. Granted, this should have been done further in advance than a day or so, but a large banner on the HA website had the warning for all to see.

    1. Hi Frank.

      Just to reiterate, the page containing all the information about what is and is not working was only published yesterday, not before. That is definite.


      1. Well I looked for tickets a about a week ago, or and there was a warning then, talking about the upgrade and the no fare holds during that time.

        Don’t remember the whole message, but it was there.

  5. The system turnover from Sabre to Amadeus was the only planned event on April 18th. The system failure was not planned. Hawaiian Airlines is internally notorious (employees know & voice concerns but are not listened to) for not doing a sample system test prior to going completely live nor do they have a backup plan in the event of system failure. Had Hawaiian Airlines done a sample test turnover as other industries do, i.e. Banking industry, issues could have been foreseen & resolved prior to a complete live turnover.

  6. No big deal. Thankfully, there’s always Southwest Airlines on which we can depend for our inter-island flight service needs.

    Oh wait…

    1. Eldo….rumor is Braniff 3 (or is it 4?) is going to start up again with inter island DC-3’s…the heck with all this new fangled technology stuff!

      1. Johnw, that’s the spirit! Although I prefer the B-727 Braniff in those cool pastel livery colors. My dad even got the stewardess (mini skirt !!) to let me visit the cockpit and sit in the captain’s seat for a few seconds as we were boarding!

  7. We tried to fly home to Sacramento from Honolulu yesterday. I couldn’t get my niece checked in at the kiosk. We waited in the Guest Services line for 3.5 hours and never made it halfway thru the line. I finally found a lady walking around that re booked us to go out today. I am really concerned about getting out today. I have never seen such a disaster
    With no staff to help. People couldn’t print bag tags and access boarding passes on the Kiosks. People were crying . I have emailed Hawaiian for a refund on our travel costs and they have yet to respond.

  8. This isn’t exclusive to SWA or Hawaiian, but other then the Government is there any other industry that has done less investing in their computer soft and hardware then the airline industry?

  9. My boyfriend and I were supposed to be traveling on 4/19 from Honolulu to San Diego on flight HA16. When we arrived at the airport none of the checkin/bag tag kiosks were working, nor was the app or website. We were directed to the “guest services” line, which at the time appeared to have about 300 people in it. We got to the end and waited in line for 5.5 hours. During that time we missed our flight. After a couple hours they started passing out water and chips but After making several requests for more substantial food, they eventually got a couple pizzas for the ~60 people that remained. When we finally got to the front they rescheduled us for a next day flight and gave us a hotel and food voucher. The food vouchers never worked.

  10. Hawaiian Airlines is wonderful has been wonderful for years give it a break be patient it will all come out in the wash.
    Hawaiian Airlines is a very good airlines company be patient.

  11. I am signed up with Hawaiian Airlines and received an important email about this system update event on 4/5 and described similar outages mentioned above scheduled for 4/18. The enhancement should be available on 4/19. It looked like there are some issues still from reading your posts.

    My own experience working with Healthcare IT where we need to upgrade our systems all the time. Upgrade planning and testing is really important to avoid real-time issues for end users and patients. There are not many small systems out there that are equipped with adequate testing, integration testing, and realistic data. It’s a big effort to properly planning a system upgrade.

    I hope they can get back to the norm soon.

    1. Aloha, I was going to say when I worked in computer systems for utilities… same as what you already said. Test, test, test and test some more. Train, train, train the staff! OMG

      Thanks for the info, BOH.

  12. Looks like Hawaiian dropped the ball. This was a planned transition from Sabre to Amadeus and an upgrade to their system. They could have done a better job communicating to the traveling public and highlighted the fact that it was a one time brief transition….I’m sure now some will think they are no different than SWA’S antiquated system that can’t be so easily upgraded.

  13. Aloha – yes, that red banner is Still appearing on HA’s website as of 5 am HST. I feel for everyone going through this. What a nightmare!

  14. Sounds like they should have been making smaller upgrades all along rather than try and roll out all at once. Just think, if it happened to me I’d have to buy a house and stay in Hawaii. Then I could visit attractions free.

  15. So did they outsource their “successful” software upgrade to another country just like their customer service? How an airline that claims to be all about Hawaii can have customer service Not in Hawaii still escapes me.

  16. I used to think that Hawaiian was the best of the best but my forthcoming Trip next Wednesday will be the last. First they changed flights on me to times very inconvenient to my work schedule. THe prior flight had been selected to accomodate that schedule. Then, despite their “no change fees” policy, they wnated to charge me $86 for a more accomodating flight. Reports of frequent flight delays and now this ill-thought out technology change where today, I am unable to confirm I even have a flight. I live in fear of next Wednesday, Hawaiian no more

  17. I will be waiting for all the Southwest haters to be commenting on this tech issue with HA. Remember the comments posted Tuesday.

  18. My husband’s team is working around the clock to integrate the upgraded system into action. HA has never upgraded their system before, so the whole IT Dept has been doing their best! He went to work at 6am and didn’t come home until 4am next day, his manager slept at the office. They are trying their best to make this transition as smoothly as possible.

    1. Miki O,
      If this is the case, I thank him and his coworkers and hope they can fix things asap.
      I’ve not worked in IT, but have had to work long hours on things that kept people from going places. Their patience was fine for a while, but soon it waned.
      I’ve book my accommodations for late September a day or two ago, but now have to wait till all is fixed. Hopefully the IT Department can get it fixed in time for me to book my flight.
      Hoping for a quick successful outcome.

    2. Well I hate to say it but your husband, the entire IT staff failed miserably at their jobs. Hope he’s paid hourly. Anyone with any intelligence knows you try new systems in pieces so you can trouble shoot any problems. Guess that part escaped them. Oh well traveling in the good ole USA is an adventure.

    3. Thanks Miki…. Safe to say IT is all about dealing with the unexpected.
      Look forward to using the new website, it was due for an upgrade!

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