Breaking: Ongoing Hawaiian Airlines Technology Meltdown Infuriates Passengers

Many problems include the inability to buy tickets, check in, use confirmation codes, make online changes, etc.. The proof of the pudding will be just how quickly Hawaiian Airlines can resolve these issues and move forward with its new Amadeus reservation technology.

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72 thoughts on “Breaking: Ongoing Hawaiian Airlines Technology Meltdown Infuriates Passengers”

  1. All im trying to do is add baggage but app will not allow. I do not need to wait in a long line just for this. It is the 24th and still not fixed. We fly back and forth regularly and this is a big problem

  2. Kiosks still down Sunday 4-24. Unable to get seat assignments except at the counter. Staff are helpful but stressed. Flight delayed 1 hour out of Kona.

  3. Sunday: I’ve basically moved into the food court of the Honolulu airport. They’ve given our group a second round of $15. Meal vouchers, about enough for a cup of coffee. Customer service is frazzled and seem to have their hands tied. The individuals are nice in person, but the customer service phone number is an infuriating waste of time. We’ve asked for travel credit. At this point we don’t even believe a flight is showing up. Their problems continue.

  4. Those that have problems, we need to send complaints to the FAA as the FAA keeps track of all airline complaints and will have Hawaiian fix the issue and possibly give compensation out to those who complain. Documentation is everything and believe me the FAA will be up HAs you know what if we all complain.

  5. 20-year Platinum member. Finally got thru to online booking via their site after trying for FIVE DAYS. Their app was the same nightmare. On my 6th attempt I got as far as reservation review and payment. But was bumped off! Got back after many attempts and two hours later and all the initial mileage quotes increased by 25%! And the 30+ seating upgrades (a rip to begin with) were gone! Only two $215 upgrades were available. Phoned customer support. Level 1 had no empathy or answers. Refused to patch me thru to Level 2. Called back got thru to Level 2. Told me tuff luck. No more fare holds, changes can happen every minute! Aloha is gone from HA. They don’t care anymore.

  6. Yeah I’ve been going through the app the whole time. I deleted it and reinstalled it just in hopes, still nothing. Our trip is two weeks away so we will see.

  7. Shame on you Hawaiian Airlines. We can’t book online or via the app and yet you give us no updates as to when this issue will be fixed. Just called to book my flights and waited for 52 minutes, only to result in someone picking up the line, then hanging up. Terrible, terrible, terrible. I know this is unforeseen but at the Very least, keep your customers updated on the progress so we’re not wasting our time calling and getting no where.

  8. My flight in May is still totally gone from their records. I’ve talked to multiple agents and managers and they all just say they are still updating and to call back tomorrow or that I never made a reservation. My Hawaiian credit card clearly still shows a charge from February. Strange enough all my miles I used to purchase the tickets have been refunded on the app. Anyone else having the same issue?

    1. Hi Derek B. I noticed the same thing with my reservation missing when I logged into the website. I was told by a friend to sign in using the app and the app does show my reservation. I noticed the confirmation code changed from my original reservation. You may want to try the app and see if your reservation shows up.

      1. When I checked in on the 19th for my flight on the 20th, my confirmation code had also changed. I noticed at the airport that there was a very long line to have staff check them in by hand. Not a smooth transition. Plan on checking my miles total now, after reading the comments.

  9. I noticed when I checked in on the 19th, for our flight on the 20th, that the website was going to go through a transition. Fortunately there wasn’t a problem getting our 0n line check in done. Lines at the Honolulu airport were another matter. They were very long, and even though there seemed to be enough staff, it took a long time to get done. Our departure was over an hour late, and the staff said it was related to the transition and problems getting passengers on board. It didn’t help that TSA seemed to have only one security checkpoint open when we were there, to serve both mainland and inter island passengers. Even with TSA pre-check it was a long, long line.

  10. I saw the chaos firsthand at Kahului (OGG) on 4/20/2023. I completed my work assignment earlier than expected and decided to switch to an earlier flight back to Honolulu, which has Never been an issue in the past. While waiting in the Guest Services line, I watched 4 people (3 HawnAir employees and 1 Amadeus employee) hovering over one PC trying to figure something out. Meanwhile, the line is getting longer. Fortunately, HawnAir representative Corey at the “Bag Drop” counter waved me over and got me switched to an earlier flight, which ended up being delayed 90 minutes. Good thing I got on that flight though because my original flight out was cancelled at the last minute. Time to switch to Southwest?

  11. I traveled from JFK to Honolulu Wednesday for a much anticipated vacation. My luggage was a no show. There is NO customer support. After leaving a report at the airport and after numerous attempts to call, text and email, nothing. Frustrated doesn’t begin to explain how I feel.

  12. As of 8:00am San Francisco time, today, April 21, Hawaiian Air is still experiencing severe tech issues. This morning, even though they have taken down the red banner warning they erased all mention and records of my flight next Wednesday and its impossible to get through to them. I am sorely tempted to chalk this flight up to a loss and get a United Ticket to Kona. I feel removing the warning banner is an attempt to decieve their customers. I would like to say to Beat of Hawaii, I value your website and reporting but daily updates on the Hawaiian Air situation would be deeply appreciated. Thank you

    1. Hi Jim.

      Thanks. Sorry to hear about the problem you encountered and thanks for letting us know. We already updated the post twice and we’ll do so again as needed.


  13. I got an email on April 5th about this event. Maybe the other issues were unplanned, but much of what you describe is in the email. Just was supposed to be done by the 19th.

  14. I’ve been Platinum for many years. This system upgrade to Amadeus is so frustrating. I had flights Wednesday and Thursday (19th and 20th). They email saying, “show up two hours ahead because of the upgrade.” OK, fine. Huge mess and chaos at the counters. Ok fine, but then the flight is 2 hours late leaving?! What?! Show up extra early to wait for a delayed flight?! Again, Thursday, go early, no chaos, but again 2 hour delayed flight. I have a flight Friday the 21st. No longer trusting their flight times, the only way to change to earlier is to call. On the phone 45 minutes, pay $100 difference, all so that this new (probably delayed) flight won’t mess up my business meeting. No longer can depend on their schedules. Looking at Southwest now.

  15. Perhaps unrelated, but all Delta kiosks were down tonight at KOA. Ag screening for checked bags closed. Agents working so hard to get everyone screened to board in time.

  16. Would have been nice to know that major system changes were happening on 4/19/23. Lihue to Oahu trip delayed 3+ hrs with 2 small kids—Airline staff was very helpful and cheerful even after a nightmarish day for them with all the flight delays.

  17. Yea, the airport was a mess. Disorganized lines everywhere. Kiosks weren’t working right and was unable to find my info as well as many others. My flight was delayed by over 2 hours. The situation was awful, yes, but the staff did great despite it all. Unfortunately, this was the first and last time I will ever use their airlines.

  18. Here it is Thursday evening and my wife’s flight from HNL to KOA was first delayed an hour and a half and is now canceled. This isn’t close to being fixed. Four women went to Oahu for a day shopping trip, now the return is canceled and my wife’s medications are here at home where she can’t get them.

  19. Normally for new hire agents we are required to have more than 3 months of training for making the call center -works. And after they made this “improvement” we are only trained for 7days, and that’s not all the procedure because there are some procedure that didn’t even know how to do it. So, here we are in the call center, almost clueless , normal changing flight will take us 2mins to be done before, and now half an hour we are still waiting for the “experts” to figure that out.

  20. This is sad. I’ve been a platinum member for years and to still be dealing with this is sad. Year after year the profits are shown but the problems seems to worsen. As a business traveler we are left holding the bag. Why are we being charge so much for an airline that cares only about the bottom line? The execution of this new program falls on management. The frontline workers do not deserve the backlash they are getting from the travelers. Between this and the circus at HNL traveling in Hawaii is horrible. Hope the state and Hawaiian can get this sorted out.


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