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229 thoughts on “Maui Arrival Requirements Revealed for Visitors In 2024”

  1. So what do I do ? Cancel my July 2024 reservations at the Kaanapali Whaler and book a trip to Cabo ? My dollars go further and it is a way shorter flight.

  2. We just spent 12 days in Kihei. Have been coming for 15-20 years. This time we brought our kids and grandkids. Beware of local scammers from Lahaina companies! My husband wanted to surprise the family with surf lessons. $600 later to find out we were scammed! Where is the local pono? We have donated, over paid everywhere, for this. I feel the locals who would do this will cause Maui to implode!

  3. We love everything about Maui and our hearts were breaking watching the fires…..we sent as much as we could afford to help.
    We would like to return but the vacation and hotel rentals have jump out of our reach. Our best to all there.

  4. Good luck. I hope that you will be able to build an economy that will support your children. I use to visit Hawaii 2 or 3 times a year for many years but with all the anti tourist sentiment, don’t know if I’ll ever return?

  5. Post arrival educational programs?
    Are you guys even serious? How are you not laughed out of the room?
    I have been going there annually at least for over 20 years, but this new mindset of you guys is from outer space.
    Do you think youre the only part of the world that feels they are overcrowded by tourists?
    Your demands or requirements are laughable at best and scary at worst.
    Ypuball need to man up and move on with your lives

    1. or here’s an idea. Instead of trashing people and a state that going through hard times, perhaps You should move on and find a place better suited for your opinions on responsible tourism.

  6. HTA is always seeking to justify it’s existence. That the messaging is muddled. OK & this BOH article only serves to amplify the muddled and confusing message.

    Anyhow, anyone who has been closely paying attention to what has transpired on Maui has seen that visitors are needed to help the economy of all the locals who are there and trying to make a living.
    A kind and thoughtful film now runs at the Luggage Claim carousels about how to visit thoughtfully.

    If you are visiting areas of Maui that you have in the past, namely exclusive of Lahaina, you will find Maui very much as inviting and ready for visitors as the last time you were there.

  7. I have been to all the major islands of Hawaii, except Oahu (too touristic), and Maui is my favorite. I am somewhat insulted that I would not be “the right kind of visitor”. I have always been respectful to the people and natural world of all the Hawaiian Islands. I respect all locals. I tip way above average, drive safely, obey all laws, and leave no garbage at beaches or other areas. However, I am sad to say that since I this conundrum exists, my husband and I will instead celebrate our 45th anniversary on the Big Island in October of 2024.

  8. For the 3rd year in a row, you (Beat of Hawaii.) have convinced me and my wife to go to Mexico. The people are so kind and grateful. With your added fees (Resort fees fool no one) it’s about 1/3rd the price and beautiful!….if you know where to go. Hasta la vista, baby.

  9. “Mufi recently said regarding the Maui situation, “I think we have an opportunity to use this crisis to demonstrate that there is a need for an HTA.’

    “Never let a crisis go to waste” – Rahm Emanuel

    Well, they can deal with the crisis without me – I’ll be headed for the Caribbean and the Mediterranean this year.

    1. Jeff S. … those were my thoughts exactly…never let a good crisis go to waste. Unbelievable they would use the tragedy as a political tool, but considering the way they have handled tourism since Covid, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. My question is, just what are the restrictions they keep mentioning and do you find out about those when you book your lodging or flight, or do you have to wait til you get there to be “informed” as to what you are permitted to do? And just how do they determine if you are mindful or not? Do you have to take a test? The officials should be taught to be more mindful before celebrating on the backs of the people affected by the crisis caused by the fire.

  10. I agree that the wording is bothersome and vague. need to be more specific about respectful, etc. and if people are offended by this I think it’s good they go somewhere else, personally. it’s been months but the trauma is still reverberating with soooo many people with no housing. Many leaving the island. People in other locations cannot find housing either because the “fire refugees” have rightly moved around the island and taken up the limited number of rentals. It is just a mess.

  11. My husband and I spend Jan and Feb on Maui and have for many years. We have already signed up to volunteer 2x a week while we are there. Are there t shirts or even stickers that we can wear so locals see we are doing what we can and to encourage other visitors to volunteer? They may ask us on the spot for “how to” information.

  12. The island of Maui and all the Hawaiian Islands can count on my spending the same amount of money in 2024 as I have in 2023, and that is exactly Nothing, Zero, Nada. Thanks!

  13. I do have some concerns. As a frequent visitor to Maui for the past 17 years, I have contributed thousands of dollars to its economy. I will continue to do so, as long as I will be treated kindly and with respect. We have always treated Maui and its residents with the proper respect and aloha spirit they so rightfully deserve.
    We are returning in 2 months to both Kihei and Kaanapali for an extended time and hopefully we will be welcomed as we have in the past.

  14. The latest statement from HTA reinforces the belief my vacation $ are better spent just
    about anywhere else.
    Basically the state of Hawaii would prefer we send $$$$ but not visit. Not a viable economic plan.

  15. Not coming next year…..

    I’ve been coming to Hawaii (specifically Maui and Oahu) for the last twenty two years. We even came during the pandemic when the pools were restricted and all the restaurants were closed.

    Gonna skip it this year and do a week in Las Vegas and a week in LA. Tempted to try one of the Virgin Islands next winter. We’ll see how it goes.

      1. I’ve been to Kauai twice and the BI once. Since we only have about two weeks a year to vacation we kind of focus on where we have friends/family. Someday when the kids are out of college and we have more free time…..

  16. We’ve been traveling “pono” to Maui for over 25 years. What can I expect when we arrive for our annual 3 week stay on January 12? An interrogation before being allowed to leave the airport?? smh…

  17. We were supposed to come to Maui In January 2023, but had to cancel our trip when my husband was unexpectedly hospitalized with a serious medical condition. We lost $3K because our travel insurance didn’t cover vacation rentals and we hadn’t noticed that. A year later, we are getting ready to travel to Maui. We moved from West Maui to South Maui to avoid being in the sensitive area. We are respectful people in general and greatly respect the Hawaiian culture. I hope the respect is mutual, as we come after a very difficult year of recovery for my husband and for me, carrying the stress of his illness.

    1. I hope you and your husband enjoy a peaceful vacation. We visited Maui in November and were greeted with courtesy and warmth wherever we went (stopped reading the social media crap telling us to “stay away”).

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