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229 thoughts on “Maui Arrival Requirements Revealed for Visitors In 2024”

  1. I have come to Maui at least ten times over the last 20 years. Though I have never lived there, I have always felt like I was home when I stepped off the airplane. This year we were looking forward to our longest stay yet – 3 weeks. However the mixed messaging we have received after the fires has left me stressed.
    Frankly, we probably would have cancelled this year since we didn’t want to displace any locals from housing but our rental agent assured us this was not happening and practically begged us to come, saying they needed to get back to some sense of normalcy. But if the message we get while there is that we’re not wanted, we will respect that and will sadly, we’ll plan our future vacations elsewhere.

  2. I love Maui. I have been there many times. I am devastated with the fire. I spent much time on Front Street. I’m going there again in Spring. But I am getting a bad taste in my mouth. I have always been respectful. The media portrays a “people hater” county. Don’t hate us all. I leave a lot of money when I am there. In the real world you can rarely “have the cake and eat it too”. They hate tourists but can’t live without us. So please don’t lump us all together. The high cost and the staggering tips is no small amount of money I give you.

  3. WHY?!!WHY? This is a most incredible place on the planet. Tourists from Mainland, need I remind you, USA, and countries from all over the world have been coming here to partake of and Celebrate Maui Island Culture for Decades. And, respectfully so. And honoring Maui’s history, heritage, past, and present. And sharing the true meaning of Aloha!
    This attitude, since the horrific fire, adopted by opportunists, sickens me.

  4. I visited Maui in 1965.
    We stayed in Kahalui but visited Hana and Lahaina.
    There were few tourists and the economy was all ag.
    It was not idyllic.
    Wages were low, work was hard, society was very insular with few opportunities.
    Tourism has its problems but it’s better than the past I saw.

  5. To be honest, based upon the utter failure of the local government to prepare for and execute mitigation actions regarding the fire, I find the HTA as incompetent as the Maui fire officials. The HTA should be eliminated. The DPEBT should handle these duties since they appear to be a redundant agency. If they fail, they should also be disbanded. This is nothing more than ineptitude without oversight. If we learned anything from Maui during the pandemic and then the terrible fire, it’s that this government is not prepared nor capable of doing what they were created, staffed and funded to do.

      1. Yes, in 2022 I spent for the two of us (in US$) over $15,000 on Maui in 2 weeks. Add $4000 cost of getting there from Toronto and $6000 for the maintance fees of the timeshares. That is $25,000 spent to come to Maui from Canada. I wonder what the average American spends on their vacation.

  6. What they are asking is not any different than what normal people who have been raised correctly would expect any place in the world. Maui is such a beautiful to be defaced and disrespected by idiot tourists. I have been there 4 times and have acted like I was in my own home without any problems.

  7. This article makes no sense. HTA wants to attract respectful tourists and encourage Pono. Exactly how is HTA going to do this? I read of plans but no information of the details of any economic recovery plan by any HTA. If this is Still an issue, disrespectful tourists then obviously HTA has failed to do thier job! Hire locals to patrol beaches, public tourist spots instead, after all they do need income! I lived on Maui 14 yrs and miss it so much! I never had a problem and just educated these tourists on the damage they are causing and then there is iphone video!! Maui is my home that personally means so much. No one hired me after getting a degree there because of my age. SO…. hire locals!!!!

  8. I also find the messaging strange and potentially offensive. It’s never been so much work to go on a 2 week vacation in my wole life and if I was not on the evening of life, would just chuck it, but Maui has been my favorite place in the world for years. 60 years, matter of fact! The locals and social media posters dont want us back! The Governor is going about the housing issue in such a bad way, that it will ruin the West side permanently and tell that to the resorts on Kaanapali row and other Short Term Rentals. I am stubborn and will not cancel my trip so say as you will!

  9. I have been to Maui 20 + times.
    Never disrespected or offended anyone. Telling my how to behave is disrespecting and offending me. I will not go back.
    Will go to Cook Islands where I am welcomed with love and appreciation.

    1. Respectfully Phil, if you have been behaving respectfully, that message isn’t for you. There is no need for you to take it personally, nor be offended. Being bothered by people asking you to be respectful is pretty void of aloha, though.

    2. As far as the HTA is concerned, it should be dismantled, as I’ve read, Mufi the president has taken the side of the hotel owners to dismantle and get rid of all STVRentals ,so much for the man of the people, more like the man with his hand out to the hotel owners! He should be ashamed of himself, vacation rentals make it possible for blue collar workers to be able to enjoy hawaii, with that gone, only the rich and famous will afford to come here, Discusted with the new HTA agenda.

  10. Just returned a couple weeks ago from 8 wonderful days in West Maui (Kahana area) with a group of 12 family members (3 first-timers) celebrating the matriarch of the family’s 80th birthday with her children and spouses. Everyone in our group loved our time there! We were so happy to be among so many kind, grateful and thoughtful people – both visitors and residents alike! We really enjoyed making memories on the boats, beaches, hikes, at the many variety of restaurants and shops and spending time with each other in such a beautiful place!

  11. Clearly these words are not for tourists. They are intended for locals on Maui to see, read, and repeat — all in the effort to make it Look like someone is doing something. Unless this is handed out to all inbound travelers requiring signature no one will truly read it. HTA sees a need for their existence — we shall see if the locals bite. This isn’t about tourists. Great article BOH!

    1. Hi Maleko.

      Thank you. We appreciate your many comments. The state legislative session looks like it will be very interesting.



  12. Everyone seems to be complaining about ‘crowds’ and traffic and visitors and ohana and aloha, etc.. As I’ve said in the past, Quit Building more Hotels ! This can be controlled by the local gov’t. No permits, no construction. But no one pays attention. The Maui gov’t dithers and wrings its hands, and does nothing to help solve the problem. Maybe the HTA should be renamed the CVB, as in Caribbean Visitors Bureau! Encourage people to go there; it’s easier to access, and cheaper, and they have great beaches.

    1. If I buy land zoned for a hotel and I’m told I can’t, that’s a taking of property with compensation owed.

      Hawaii doesn’t get to have their own constitution and still be part of the US.

  13. Yes! There will be 3 couples arriving February 19th for 3 weeks. We will be staying in Paia for the whole time.
    As much as we love Lahaina, we have no plans on visiting the area. Instead, we’ll be focusing on the north shore.
    Thinking of everyone in the Lahaina area.💞

  14. I have been coming to Maui since 1982 at least twice a year for 2 to 3 weeks each time. I now co-own a condo for the last 10 years. I understand the challenges facing the island and its people. But requiring visitors who are invested in the betterment and health of the island and its people to have to undergo some sort of entrance requirement every time I go, I would be offended. I do not consider myself a visitor, I consider it my other home. I love Maui.

  15. What the fire didn’t destroy the elected officials will do the rest. Sadly I’ve taken my last trip to the islands. So many other tropical destinations that appreciate us being there. Will always have fond memories of Hawaii but my money is best spent where it’s appreciated. Aloha!

  16. My vacation plans regarding Maui can be described simply as ABM. anywhere but Maui. To many other great places to see and things to do in Hawaii that we have always done with a high sensitivity to historic Hawaiian culture. No desire to be hectored on vacation

  17. The HTA once again shoots itself in the foot with their condescending comments towards visitors. I feel sorry for the people of Maui, as well as the rest of the residents of Hawaii, due to the incompetent leaders that they have put in place.

    I lived in Hawaii for 14 years, (6 on Oahu and 8 on Kauai), and I just came back from a 12 day visit to Hawaii island, Oahu, and Kauai but it will be a very long time before I visit again because of the high cost of accommodations, food, poor service, and stupidity of Hawaii’s elected and appointed leaders.

  18. Bad messaging now, beach parking fees and restrictions, and La Perouse closed for snorkeling. Been going to Maui for decades, but why fight it, if they don’t want us to come, we will won’t come.


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