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229 thoughts on “Maui Arrival Requirements Revealed for Visitors In 2024”

  1. I’m sure everyone has a favorite island in the state. I spent a week on Maui once and it was certainly nice enough, and someday I may go back, but it’s not my favorite.

  2. What is the bottom line with all of this? It’s about quality of life. Specifically for the people who live full-time in Hawaii. Sadly, though, going all in with tourism as a one-trick pony simply doesn’t work. It hasn’t worked for years. Everyone knew that a wreck was coming ahead, but did nothing substantial to steer Hawaii down a different path & diversify. The tourism money was & still is low-hanging fruit. It’s just too easy & tempting to pass up. This is short-lived. The evidence is in. If a change doesn’t occur soon, the bad tourism sentiment will only get worse. To my point, if an animal’s leg is caught in a trap, it would rather chew it off, than die there. Many of the local people of Hawaii feel that way about tourism.

  3. Last year trip to Maui included buying four cookies at the airport. They rang up for $8.00.
    I’ll spend my money elsewhere in the future.

  4. Not volunteering out of guilt. Doing it because Maui has been my beloved respite from Midwest winters for nearly 20 years, because I want to return some of the kindness that’s been shown to me, and because people who have lost everything may be strengthened by the concern of a stranger.

  5. Our first visit to Maui was in 2017 for our 35th wedding anniversary. We stayed at Napili Kia Beach Resort and fell in love with Lahaina. We, also, made the same trip in 2022 for our 50th wedding anniversary, but this time we had another reason to visit. My son and his family had moved to Maui in 2021. We are planning another visit on Feb. 29th. This time, we are staying at the Sugar Beach Resort, which is closer to Wailuku, where my son lives. Not all visitors are just tourists. Wherever we go, we treat the locals with the utmost respect and have never had to be told to do so. Still looking forward to our visit with our grandkids. We will do what we have to do. Sincerely and with great respect!

  6. Maui is my hometown but now live in Las Vegas and work for a major hotel. Upon getting hired and every year after we go through training emphasizing how important every person staying at the hotel is. We are given meal vouchers to give out to anyone who comes to our property who we feel has an unhappy experience. This includes people not staying at the hotel. So to make it short stop complaining and see the big picture.

  7. I personally have no desire to vacation or visit a place that requires me to volunteer and be preached to about things when I vacation. If other people have guilt about things there could be a reason for this guilt , but you’re barking up the wrong tree in my regards .

  8. Hawaii visitors bureau and Maui visitors Bureau are still promoting to visit Lahaina town sites , restaurants and historic buildings and areas that all burn down.
    The fire disaster was 4 1)2 months ago.
    No one is mentioning that kaanapali area has had 5 fires and 2 evacuations since August. From Kihei, kahului to Kula Maui has had more fires. The highway to Hana is having landslides across the road and power failure.
    Maui really has a lot of infrastructure to add, emergency training, shoreline parks to reopen their restrooms & showers, evacuation roads to be built and fire hazards to be fixed, before it becomes a travel destination again.
    Especially when charging first class prices!

    1. Once again I say change who you vote for in the next election. Try it. It can’t be any worse. One party rule does not work. Hawaii is a perfect example.

  9. I spent 2 weeks in Kehei, Maui in November 2023. It was my 25th vacation to Hawaii, my first being In Honokawai, Maui in 1973. I was 14 years old that first trip and I thought Hawaii was Heaven. Even as a tourist visiting , I have often felt sorry for the Hawaiian residents having to deal with the love/hate infiltration of the vacationers. Respect always.

  10. Everyone knows about the horrific fire. It’s offensive and ridiculous that people would have to pledge or be told to be respectful and compassionate before traveling to Maui.
    I have no desire to return to Maui. It was over-crowded 15 years ago.

    1. Thank you.
      I hope you return to Maui once it gets some safety, the tourists houses shut down , and some roads, fire breaks plowed and evacuation roads built.

  11. The Hawaii Tourism Market has always been near & dear to my heart.
    I grew up understanding the huge impact it has on our local economy, but even more than that, (most importantly), understanding the impact the history & uniqueness of our islands can have on the visitor experience!
    Until we put our focus on the quality of that experience, from the time they step off that plane, until the time they reluctantly, with tears in their eyes, board the plane,ship to return home, I truly believe we will continue to see a decline in this vital industry.
    Homelessness, hostility, lack of customer service & goodwill. Somewhere along the way, Aloha got thrown out with the bathwater.
    We have to do better or diversify, period. Me ke Aloha pumehana.

    1. IslandBuzzy,

      Right On!!!
      Well Said!!!
      Thanks for putting everything in perspective and context.
      Mahalo nui and much Aloha to you!

  12. As I read these comments and balance them with my actual experiences in Hawaii, I think what is being posted regarding anti tourism is a concerted effort by a small group to make visitors feel unwelcome. I suspect this small group is making as much noise as possible on every platform at their disposal.

    As I have mentioned before, what doesn’t make sense to me and is harder to rationalize is the negativity from the government and HTA. There is no doubt that tourism is a double edged sword, but the government, HTA and the small group of vocal locals are going about this the wrong way.

    As much as this negativity from a small group online is annoying, it does not deter me from visiting and I plan to visit for years to come.

  13. What do you think of this travelers assessment ofKauai vs Maui?

  14. My husband and I just returned from our yearly vacation in Maui. We were there dec 5th -11th. I will say this we will not be going back!! We are always respectful and this trip we stayed away from West Maui with the exception of going to our favorite ice cream shop. No matter where we went we were treated terribly!! Even the cleaners of where we stayed tried to lie about how clean we left the condo we stayed in. Luckily for us I always take pictures and video of before and after for our own protection. Everyone was so rude. The aloha is gone and it breaks my heart.

  15. We continue to get mixed messages. Our plan is to try to do some volunteer work if available. We have been coming to Maui since 1978 and continuously since 1990 for a two week visit. We understand that not all visitors are welcomed. I’m not sure what you are telling visitors. We come to support Maui. We donated to Maui Strong. What would you like us to do? John C

  16. As a survivor of 2018 Campfire that wiped Paradise California off the map, I can tell you what Lahaina victims have to look forward too.

    After 5 years less then 25 percent of Paradise has been rebuilt, it took over 2 years just to remove toxic material, insurance claims will take years to get paid, building permits will be very difficult to come by, contractors will work for highest cash bidder, electric company will declare BK and government will not take responsibility for fire.

    Plus we didn’t have to deal with indigenous population claims to stolen land.

    On social media locals are now threatening individuals who are looking to rent a str condo and they’re threatening str owners to convert to long term.

    1. From experience you understand that there is no simple fix for recovery. That slow return to Paradise (forgive the irony) can be multiplied on Maui. Maui’s toxic waste has no caves, salt mines nor vast wastelands. It must find its new “home” on ships and barges to a yet unknown destination.

      What you are observing on social media is the venting of frustrations from those who now face the terrible decision of living each day not knowing where they will be the next or leaving the place that has been home for an unknown future.

      Your recounting of your experience hopefully will instruct others who are primarily concerned about their next vacation.

  17. Where does the legal authority come from to hinder the lawful travel of US citizens? Creating unlawful hindrance to travel will result in lawsuits and tourists avoiding the island. The requirements described in this article are not legal in the USA for citizens.

    1. What are the illegal travel requirements you claim are in the article? I only read about HTA officials hoping tourists are respectful. Hoping people act appropriately is not illegal. And many would argue it’s actually not doing anything (and they would be right). Look at the baby whale harasser in the news. She broke the law and still won’t be punished. If pleas for respectful behavior offend you, maybe you should travel somewhere more aligned with your values.

      1. Hi Amber… did you not notice the glaring (and I believe, illegal) red flag?!? The word, “requirements.”
        Authoratianism is not how we do things in the USA.
        There’s a world of difference between please we strongly suggest/hope you do XYZ, and “let me see your pay-puz!!” AKA “requirements.”

        1. You made your case earlier in this thread for your Libertarian ideals. What Amber was rebutting had nothing to do with please and thank you. She was simply and plainly pointing to the fact that no one is denied travel to Hawaii.

          What you were referring to was Gov. Green’s careful, staged request that if mostly absentee landlords refused to shift from vacation rental status to long-term, then Hawaii would require those to be temporarily shifted. The proposed rule would offer property owners stipends from the state, tax breaks and a rate of $5,000 (1bd) to $10,000 (3bd). Does that sound like authoritarianism. Have a little pono and check your kuleana.

  18. We have a vacation planned in Maui in July. We’re bringing 3 family members who have hardly traveled from their homes. We plan to enjoy what nature we can find and each other’s company. By this information should we avoid most typical public areas and keep to ourselves? Linda B

  19. Maui leaders are lucky that Maui is so darn beautiful. They are trying their hardest to make me not go back. I keep telling myself to just go somewhere else where I am wanted without qualification. But when it comes down to it, I love Maui too much. I will go back despite their efforts and I will behave as I always have (which is always respectful). Maybe I can wean myself away to Kauai, which I love but not quite as much.

  20. Tourism made your Island. I love Maui, all of it, been there over 30 times. I brag about it. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot.


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