Maui Infighting Erupts Over Reopening While Flights Dwindle

Maui County Council has asked for a reopening delay. That decision remains until the 11th hour with Hawaii’s governor in this latest twist as confusion reigns.

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59 thoughts on “Maui Infighting Erupts Over Reopening While Flights Dwindle”

  1. We had plans to go to Maui
    For the week after the fire. We have been going semi annuall since our marriage and have great empathy for the loss of Lahina. We cancelled our trip in respect for those impacted in the tragedy. It is a fine line between allowing people to get back to normalcy vs no employment. We need guidance from those impacted, not the politicians.

  2. There’s an old Popeye cartoon called “Let’s You & Him Fight.” Beat of Hawaii tries to be so careful with its comment rules. And yet, there’s an ugly brawl going on over this website. The state and county — they’ve set up an impossible situation, and now stand back and watch “tourists” and “locals” duke it out. Neither of these groups made this happen; everyone will lose. The government is not taking responsibility for its negligence and ongoing responsibility. The only path forward is legitimate leadership, not encouraging desperate, flailing anger at “the other.”

  3. You know , I do find it weird that
    1. I didn’t hear of a council meeting about this with all those people against opening up there. Was there a public announcement? So the other side could speak as well?

    2. I remember seeing a video of the Lahaina council women being interviewed in her mobile home saying that this almost happened in 2018 with that big fire, and they learned a lot from that fire….🤔. So what did she and the rest of our council learn.
    It doesn’t seem like they learned anything.


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