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156 thoughts on “Updated: Maui Travel Must Remain On Hold For Now”

  1. We are planning to come to Mauii in the middle of September despite the terrible disaster. We have already paid for airfare and our place at Maui Ocean Club and offered our place for the week in an exchange for another Island another date but they did not budge. What can I bring with me that would be helpful and most useful. I feel heartbroken about this terrible disaster happened to this beautiful island

  2. We have reservations in Kahana for the end of November. The resort does not know whether or not we will be able to travel there at that time. We want to support Maui with our purchasing but we also want to respect the wishes of the people there. Not sure what to think at this point.

  3. We have a reservation in the Kihei area from 3 Sept. I know the devastation that has been cause by the fires, especially around Lahaina and do not want cause any problems for the people of Maui at this time. Could you please advise me if it is possible to travel to Kihei at that time. I also realise that tourism is one of the main incomes of the people of Maui and if our visiting might be of some benefit.
    your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    Ian F

    1. Hi Julie.

      If the resort can’t accommodate you on the contractual basis you agreed to, some remedy should be available to you via the resort or your credit card. That’s different than it being physically available and you choosing not to go for a variety of reasons.



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