Southwest Shakes Up Hawaii Travel With Big Fare Game Changes

Misuse On Southwest Hawaii Flights Became Last Straw For Old Ways

These privileges pushed the airline to reconsider when its longstanding ‘first-come, first-served’ approach failed on Southwest Hawaii flights among others. With mounting pressure from passengers and investors, it will pivot to try better serving Hawaii and beyond.

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128 thoughts on “Misuse On Southwest Hawaii Flights Became Last Straw For Old Ways”

  1. I think SW should mandate proof for preboard handy cap placard or those with an obvious physical disability that choose to preboard

  2. Agree with below. They should be designated to back rows because they will obviously be last off the plane with a wheelchair. If they choose not to deplane with a wheelchair, fine. But they sit in back with the rest. Not a punishment, just efficiency.

  3. Who says people in wheelchairs get their 1st choice of seats? They can sit in the last rows of the plane. Families can board 2nd and sit back there too.

  4. SW boarding and no luggage fees are the main two reasons I fly sw. I. A loyal customer (over 30 yrs straight) snd I own a fair amount of LUV. I check in on the very second within the 24hr rule. I used to grab an a now I’m usually a b 39
    I do use the preload since I had kidney cancer and need an isle seat for bathroom. Access. I love southwestand think that any changes will be met with fewer flights from me. You can’t watch live TV as it buffers continually and charging for each flight instead a d of w4 hours is a waste of money as the internet has never worked fully for not even one flight. I’ve wasted maybe $500 on your lousy internet. Youf employees are your best asset!

  5. Due to my disability and lack of assigned seating, I have not flown with Southwest in about ten years. I don’t need a wheelchair and have not used one to board a flight, but I live with severe chronic pelvic pain and need easy, quick access to a lavatory and it is better to be able to select an aisle seat in business/first class if I can afford it. I walk slowly, and putting a roller bag in a bin takes me a lot of effort, and people behind me often have no patience. Assigned seating works best for me, and the boarding process is more relaxed. There are many “invisible” disabilities (not wheelchair bound), yet they are real and limit ability; perhaps the current Southwest no assigned seating policy encourages them to use this service. Sure, there may be some who are abusing the system, but I expect most are dealing with a disability. Let’s not determine disability because a person does not appear to need a wheelchair.

  6. I have multiple disabled people in my family, including a brother who is an amputee (which most people can’t tell when he wears long pants).

    all if these disabled family members need a wheelchair only to board or to catch a connecting flight. this is because they move slowly and don’t want to hold up boarding. when they arrive at a destination, they can move at a snails pace and not hold anyone up, and they all prefer to be ambulatory if possible.

    all of us quit flying Southwest years ago, because of the hatred toward the disabled by entitled jerks worried that the disabled may be getting an advantage. the change may get me to fly them again, but don’t count on it.

    the concept of open seating was a cool quirk, but I won’t miss it.

    BTW money is no object and we always pay for the best seats we can get, so we always have good seats no matter how the plane boards.

  7. I am a person who truly does use a wheelbase when I must stand for ANY Length of time. I try to sit close as if I must go to the bathroom I must have walls to assist. What will you do with persons who need a chair???

  8. This blog writes a bit too much on Southwest.

    They are bleeding cash, and a lot of that has to do with their Hawaii operations. Anything unsustainable eventually comes to an end.

  9. Open seating is actually one of the reasons I like flying Southwest! While I certainly have witnessed “miracle flights” on many Hawaii to Mainland and vice versa trips, it doesn’t seem to be a huge issue. In my humble opinion, the open seating policy actually encourages people to be very prompt for boarding (if your seat is assigned, why hurry to the gate?), so it seems that any delays caused by wheelchair use are probably offset by other customers being prompt. Let’s face it, the main reason for the change is so SW can start charging for premium seats. It seems that the best approach would be to assign premium seats and allow standard coach seats to remain open seating.

  10. This policy change is a real problem for those who truly need a wheelchair. It is hard for a disabled person to traverse the aisle to get to the back of a plane. To get someone out of an inner seat is another problem. Maybe Southwest should have requested medical records before moving drastically to make a change like this that will affect those most in need. This is why my husband and I have always flown SW, but now we will have to rethink our travel. By the way, we don’t always take the cheapest way to travel on SW.

  11. I paid 60 extra dollars to board a flight first on southwest not long ago. The flight was from Baltimore to Orlando. That flight is always full of kids going to the attractions. I like sitting in the front and getting off before the children. There were so many wheelchairs I was in 5th row after they all boarded. I hope this happens to all flights.

  12. Now address the large person issue! They should buy 2 seats and not inconvenience another passenger. Have a size gauge right there at boarding. If you are to wide, you have to buy another seat. It’s not shaming or anything of the sort. Being considerate of the (majority) other passengers.

  13. As the sister of a very physically disabled sister, I am completely opposed to anyone who does not have their own wheelchair to board early. It is very unfair and as usual this always someone to ruin a good thing. If you can walk from parking your car through the parking lot and then need a wheelchair. You should have your ownor charge for a rental of $50 because if you really need a wheelchair you’ll pay the $50. And anyone who boards on a wheelchair must stay until the plane is emptied of passengers for safety reasons.

  14. Southwest is my choice of airline travel. In fact. It’s the only airline I’ve used for several years.

    I have a handycap plackard and always board by walking aboard. I
    Do so between wheelchairs. Why
    Change a system that has worked for
    Years, because a few
    People get upset!, better to reserve a few rows for the wheelchairs. And the walk-on’s, move back a few rows!

    Yes, I’ve seen people jump out of wheelchairs and almost run down the ramp. I don’t understand what a hawaii or long flight has to do with it?.
    Just keep doing the good job ur airline in known for, there will always be some who would complain, even if u hung themwith a new rope.

  15. It is unfortunate that wheel chair is is abused. The handicapped may be the ones who lose out. I don’t mind the change in boarding so much as also charging for luggage. I have for years flown Southwest exclusively. This may change.

  16. Mach Speeds should have been implemented years ago!
    , The argument about fuel consumption..?
    Starbucks CEO Commuting 2000 miles a day…
    Tell me now, that we live in an equal and free country!
    The world is screwed, politicians are willing to kill women and children in the name of the environment!
    Environmentalists that never pick up a piece of rubbish!
    The label of environmentalist is too widely used and self important people can pat themselves and brag how great they are! Typical for the dilluaional hypocrisie we live in!

  17. Traveling from Hawaii to Nashville this summer I brought my service animal for the 1st time…
    I was boarded 1st, but in a connecting flight, there were a dozen wheel chairs! So, not only does the handicap board first, their companions also…
    I feel it is a privelage to board first, and the grown men and women, the self important, holier than though, in everyone’s business type people… Correcting and turoring everyone along the way on how to be… As smart as them!
    Liars, cheats and thieves! It is a sad spectacle to have some old white dude trying to be disabled, the pilot and attendant,staring at everyone to be sure we follow the SOP! We Are Some Real Know-It-All, In The Business of being the smartest in the room…
    Just ask them!

  18. Pre Boarding has become a hot mess. They don’t even play it off that they are handicap. I have noticed this for the last two years. I am handicap and can walk in with a cane. I have to now struggle with non handicap people pushing to get on. It use to be few people waiting patiently to get on. I won’t be flying anymore because it has become complicated. I’m not surprised at Southwest decision.

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