Southwest Shakes Up Hawaii Travel With Big Fare Game Changes

Misuse On Southwest Hawaii Flights Became Last Straw For Old Ways

These privileges pushed the airline to reconsider when its longstanding ‘first-come, first-served’ approach failed on Southwest Hawaii flights among others. With mounting pressure from passengers and investors, it will pivot to try better serving Hawaii and beyond.

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128 thoughts on “Misuse On Southwest Hawaii Flights Became Last Straw For Old Ways”

  1. I and my wife use a 3 wheel.Electric scotter. The time to get them for a transfer we would miss the next flight so we use wheel chairs.We note on our tickets that we need them when making our reservations. Yes some might abuse it.

  2. Medical documentation for required wheelchair early boarding. The documentation should be submitted when purchasing ticket. And taking medication is not an excuse.

  3. I have always been grateful for wheelchair use, have never been healed but on my last flight home from NOLA, had a FA insist I take her arm for my chair & I did so. Now let me say I dont care where they put me but when I get up whether on or off I try to hold on the best I can, but there is always someone to help me & I’m so grateful to SWA.I would never dream of abusing a system intended for those that need it as much as I do.I have even waited for people to go ahead & not one person does so without wanting to help me up.Am so grateful for kindness as I’m scared of falling. I’m an elderly Southern woman & i absolutely ” adore” my SWA👋😉❤️😅✈️

  4. I think assigned seating during all flights should be a Must! I think it would make things easier when boarding an airplane. And less stress for passengers!

  5. That was half of it. I took many flights to/from the mainland on Southwest. What is also a problem was folks who boarded early that then “reserved” seats by placing their bags/carryons on additional seats. The worse is when I saw 2 folks proceed to “hold” 9 seats for their friends/family that boarded near the last.

  6. Southwest created this problem, along with their Flight Attendants who do nothing to stop passengers from reserving seats. If you insist on preboarding passengers with disabilities, put them in the back of the plane. There are two exit doors there and two restrooms. Exactly why after 25 years of flying Southwest I now fly Delta.

    1. Flying for 25 years then you should know that the flight attendants can’t doing anything about it and probably share the same frustrations as you. . They cannot address anything about seat saving because there is simply no company policy regarding it. This had to be brought onto management hence why they’re changing the system.

  7. Solve the problem by making anyone that boarded early via wheelchair or preforming will be first on but last off the plane. That will stop the scanners

  8. For those of us who have knee and hip replacements, the extra time walking on board is extremely helpful. But not nearly as helpful as having wheelchair assistance for connecting flights that require transfer to completely different concourses and/or terminals.

    Many of us simply cannot run or walk at a rapid clip to gates that can be over a half mile away.

  9. I use the pre board as I do have a disability and also live on disability payments. I have no issue if they ask to review my status as most with real disabilities have documentation of disability. I have seen misuse and it greatly worries me as I am flying in September on a long flight. I need extra time boarding and have been injured by a passenger on a previous flight plowing thru me to get to a seat. I reported it to SWA. I am worried that I will have difficulty on the upcoming flight.

  10. Southwest should leave the one class only, open boarding process on flights of 59 minutes or less. Go with assigned seating on flights 60 minutes and longer.

  11. I too have witnessed the increase in wheelchair usage. I suggest you add a fee to this service equal to early boarding. There will be a significant decrease! Or board wheel chair people last, blocking a set nr of seats. No matter what you do, some will not be happy, but that’s ok!

    1. It’s called ” paying your fair share& paying your way. If you want or need Priority boarding..fine, no problem, just be willing to pay for it, same as any other Priority boarder.

  12. Please tell me how this impacts passengers with actual disabilities? Because of mine I not only need more time boarding, but I need a forward aisle seat to be closer to the rest room. If seats are pre-assigned and I don’t get to book a flight when there are those choices, what will happen to accommodate my need for those forward aisle seats? Please address this imminent situation.

    Thank you.

    1. So what do you do on other airlines where you have to purchase seats?
      BTW… this isn’t scheduled to happen until at least 2nd qtr of next year so it’s not “imminent”.

  13. Curious how often and for how long you’ve been flying SW. The cheating with wheelchairs and grandparents/uncles/ aunts/cousins/2nd cousins, friend of a friend, etc etc with a young child has reached epic proportions over the last 4-5 years. Something had to be done. And you are wrong about most people flying SW because of the open seating policy – all studies I’ve seen show an overwhelming majority of flyers want assigned seats.

  14. I again want to address this handicap boarding. I am deemed handicap and need extra time to board. Why not ask for our placard and issue the ticket based on that plus black out A1 to A15 as seats for priority boarding so handicap may choose other seats not A1 to A15.
    Make preboarders leave last as it is extremely difficult for me to grab my belongings depart and then have no wheelchair waiting and stand there in agony cause it is truly needed. It is such a Jesus moment when these preboarders run out the door. Very frustrating for actual people who need help. And board with one caregiver not a family of 10

  15. Why is it that passenger vs. passenger disputes are a result of the way an airline operates? Boarding, baggage, seats, recline etc. The cabin crew is left with being the mediators or in some cases get hurt as a result of profits before people. As an inter-island traveler the Southwest process is outdated and inefficient and starts off travelers’ journeys on a sour note as some take advantage of process loopholes. Take care of the customer and they will take care of you.

    1. I agree, I flew 85 times interislamd last year. I am at 53 this year. I’d like to see priority boarding board after the business select. Because there is about 2 to 3 , sometimes even 1 a plus boarding. Yes I’m an a plus member. Rather than have 60 people board ahead of us who have stuck it our with southwest for so long. Plus can I get a companion pass. I mean 85x a year. 100 is a lot of flights guys. Cmon. Mahalo

  16. Definitely prefer the open seating system. SWA should offer reserved seating only on “overseas” flights (Hawaii, Caribbean). Long time Southwest customer

  17. I’ve been flying Southwest for many years. I actually loved their boarding process until the last couple of years. I witnessed a lil’ old lady ( I can say it because I am one) saving *6* *six* prime seats. That really rankled my core. Should not be allowed. Her family members were late to board, all well-abled adults who wanted to save a few bucks on pre-boarding fees.

    1. Kiakahi, I use wheelchair assistance upon check-in and arrival because I have health disabilities and Proof if needed!
      I have no problem showing proof of Disability!

  18. Recently flew with 2 elderly people. Both needed wheel chair assistance. They loaded with one other person for assistance and did not reserve additional seating for our large party. Once we landed in Hawaii there were no wheelchairs waiting or available. This happened multiple times on several of the flights for that trip. This needs to be taken into consideraton.


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