Most Uncomfortable Airliner Ever, Coming To Hawaii Flights

Most Uncomfortable Airliner Ever, Coming To Hawaii Flights

What’s ahead in aircraft flying to Hawaii may be truly disheartening for passengers. Here’s why.

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94 thoughts on “Most Uncomfortable Airliner Ever, Coming To Hawaii Flights”

  1. Wow. Boeing is trash. I avoid their planes like the plague. No company is perfect (especially at the elite tiers) but Airbus makes way more comfortable planes. I know a lot of people love wide bodies, including myself. I can’t see companies phasing these out for good. If they do, I guess I won’t fly!🥴

    1. Everyone has their own opinion. Personally, I dislike Airbus Equipment and avoid it if I can but do not refuse to fly it if there is no choice as I have to fly a lot. That said I always take a wide body flight in preference to a narrow body such as B737 or Airbus Minibus ranges.
      My worry is that the aviation industry may have negatively affected safety in their search for new solutions. New aircraft be it neo, max. 787, 350, 380, 777X etc all have teething troubles but testing should be thorough enough to iron them out before passenger service.
      The QC issues with Spirit which Boeing span off are very concerning and having been at Haneda when the A350 collided I am still shocked at the second fireball that came out of the cabin.

  2. I’m a 5’ 3” senior woman and have changed my seating from economy to Business class in the past 8 years or more. Once on a United flight I couldn’t move my legs or reach down to get to my backpack in the seat in front. The 6” man next to me was on the aisle and had to put his legs out into the aisle. It is known that people are more obese these days and the measurements of the seats are so cramped that I could easily feel the body of a person sitting next to me. Business class seating has been slightly worse, unfortunately, especially in domestic flights. International Business with cubicles has. Been a treat with privacy and no disturbances from neighbors.

  3. Gentlemen,

    Alaska Airlines has an opportunity to increase their passengers flying to Hawaii. They should make all flights from the mainland to Hawaii Hawaiian airlines planes. And Hawaiian employees.No one wants to fly on a single aisle 737.To Hawaii. We love Hawaiian Airlines as you start your vacation when you board.
    Alaska’s dismal ridership is predictable as they have narrow seats in a very sparse first class.
    This idiocy by Alaska has happened before. When Alaska took over Virgin America, they eliminated all of the great first class seats. They change the planes from airbus A3 20s to smaller planes all up and down the west coast.

    So, we all went back to United.
    I hope you have an audience with Alaska to explain

    1. On a cruise ship, yes. My parents took a cruise that went from LA to several Hawaiian destinations, Ensenada, and back to LA. But you only get a day or so at most of the Island stops, and they’ve been known to change them with little notice.

  4. flew neo Delta to ATL and it was quite uncomfortable for me at 6’2 180 pounds. Cant imagine having to do this ’24 w/American, it will be a nightmare. I cant afford to keep adding to more space on seating with the start up pric paid.

    I returned home on Delta from ATL on737 and without any extra charge it was clean, quiet, comfortable, 6″ additional space. What a nice ride home.Wish had this on the way to OGG. So nervous and not looking forward to long flight and I paid so much for that flight. Kinda wish I would not have taken the time to mourn the loss’ and had an inexpensive trip now to Maui. But, I am a conscientous soul and just could not add my human self to the hurt island.

  5. The cramped narrow body, single aisle airplane is just ridiculous. That coupled with too few lavs ( 20 people deep in a line to a too small toilet. Corporate greed alive and well…” you are why we fly”

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