224 thoughts on “New Fees, Fines And Systems Coming To Maui and All Hawaii Visitors”

  1. Mahalo for the updates so we can better prepare for our vacation. I think limiting flights to the islands to manage volume of incoming tourists would be a better idea for now since international travel is still limited so Hawaii is a hot destination. However the additional/increase in fees may also deter some tourists from vacationing to the islands as car rental rates are already outrageous, costs more than your airfare. I guess some will just decide to go elsewhere

  2. I don’t mind paying a higher entrance fee to the national parks or local parks. But to charge an extra fee just to go to Maui that does not make me respect Maui or the Hawaiian islands more it actually puts a bad taste in my mouth. I have been going to the islands and have respected them I clean up I pick up garbage that I see left from other people charging that extra hundred dollars I don’t know that I would pick up the extra trash. Hawai is starting to make it that I will find other places to go and not return there. I’m thinking that that is what they want they don’t want visitors to come and then they’re at economy is going to crash even greater.

  3. When are you going to open Hawaii I Have plane tickets just whating for you to open I hope you open soon I Would hate to loose my tickets for you being so stubborn you can go to Florida or any where else with no problem you are killing you county I hope you open soon

  4. It’s really sad to see that the islands are going to raise fee’s and create new ones that will it impossible for the average person to vacation there.

    1. “It’s really sad to see … impossible for the average person to vacation there.”

      That is the goal. The mayor of Kauai has stated this out loud. He wants high end tourists, not coupon clippers.

  5. First came here in 1968 on our honeymoon. Have returned to our time share every two years since then. It’s a shame how Maui has developed so much over the years. It used to be a quiet paradise, but not anymore.

    1. So it’s ok for you because you came in 68? My mom came in 55, so no one else is allowed? Oahu had 3 hotels then, I liked it better in 65 too but I’m not dissing others.

  6. Since ya mentioned it…. When does those Haena State Park parking passes go on sale?

    I’ve been checking the website almost everyday; June and July are fully booked and have been for months.

    1. Hi Mike.

      Thanks for your 50 comments to date. Are you checking at midnight, Hawaii time? That is when people are reporting finding the 30-day out availability. Please let us know how that works.


      1. Yes, you are correct. When I went to get passes on the gohaena.com site last month, all of the (reportedly available) 900 daily entry passes 30 days out were gone by 12:08 AM Hawaii time.

    2. They are only avaialble 30 days out and like the BOH boys said, you have to do it at 12am HST

  7. Thank you for trying to preserve these beautiful islands! We visit Maui every year and stay in Kihei. One thing we would love to see is a trolley that goes up and down the length of Kihei Road. This would help greatly with traffic, reduce emissions and allow visitors to stay in Kihei without having to rent a car. We have taken the bus but it does not travel frequently enough. I know we would be happy to buy a weekly pass to ride it..

    1. Hi Floresha.

      Thanks for your first-time comment and input on Maui transportation.


  8. About 50 years ago there was a publication that was about how to travel to “Europe on $5 a day”. If they start adding fees like “Impact Fees”, maybe someone will write how to do Hawaii on $5 a day. Spending more on State imposed fees may result in visitors spending less on vacation to offset those fees.

    1. Hi Lopaka.

      Funny coincidence. The book you referred to is by our friend Arthur Frommer, who penned that book soon after he returned home after World War II. If it hadn’t been for $5 a day and Arthur, there would probably not be a Beat of Hawaii.


  9. Nowadays everything is about money. I can see if mainlanders visit pay these amounts, but why would you have returning Islanders pay these fees? And where will all this money to to? Who pockets these fees? Who keep tracks of the books? Will residents achieve anything? Why not help the Islanders first? Create rent control, put the military back on base, look at that I sore of the cement bridge going across Oahu, when will that be done? Waste of billions of tax payer hard working money. Hawaii didn’t need that, who took all that money?? You people come up with ways to make money, but Hawaii is going backwards. Greedy people is what Hawaii is made of you politicians are the worst ones. I say redo your plans and do something for the people!!!

  10. I drove through Hana highway this afternoon, 6/26. Tourists were respectful, courteous, and adhered to local laws. Perhaps instead of stapling handmade signage made from paper or wooden crates, the county could invest a little in official signs from all the capital it’s making from said tourists.

  11. Aloha – Mahalo for keeping us abreast of the latest Hawaii travel news. The proposed additional fees (parking fines/fees excluded) strike me as short-sighted NIMBYism. There’s nothing wrong with a diverse economy but that’s not where things are now. The lack of travel in 2020 was a disaster for Hawaii. To attempt to curtail tourism without reasonable alternatives seems very unwise. It also overlooks that visitors already pay taxes on accommodations and hefty airfares just to get to Hawaii. It would be an improvement if booking systems such as the one for Haena State Park allowed greater opportunity to book in shorter timeframes and provide a viable alternative to reach the destination if no parking is available. (i.e. shuttle was not running when I was on island in May)

    1. Hi Peter.

      Thanks. We have wondered too about the ability to have last-minute availability based on no-shows or cancellations. And yes, the shuttle service needs to return, even if it has to start at Hanalei in order to avoid the road closure issue.


  12. Excellent comment Nikki M. We have a trip planned in October. We are going to cancel. It is absurd to want to charge all these new fees. Good luck getting people to want to come to your islands. Pure greed.

  13. Seriously has Shane Sinenci EVER been to the Galapagos…????? Comparing Maui to the Galápagos Islands REALLY….!!!!!!

  14. Car rental prices are beyond acceptable! E-bikes are more expensive than car rentals prior to the pandemic. Kihei was once affordable – The island prices are sure pushing their bread and butter aka tourists away!

  15. This our 5th trip to the islands, baring last year, the islands are getting more & more congestion. The island seem to be overwhelming crowded. What can be done to save these beautiful islands I don’t know

  16. hahaha…

    The stupidity of Hawaii continues to astonish..

    So an airline is going to tax tourists, but the locals with be up in arms when the tax applies to them also… And these people get elected ( in East Maui)

    Sure Victorino.. airlines are going to sacrifice profits.. good one.. Maybe if they (the Mayors and Gov.) didn’t basically drop to their knees of Southwest, they wouldn’t have those problem?

    Leave it to a bunch of locals to want to change the entire system because they can’t park as easily at a beach park.

    Florida will take the tourists. They like working and having things like money, retirement and homes. Plus you’ll interact with a less depressed and scared society. You’ll actually see smiling, happy faces.

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